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Redeem the Time

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

I write an email like this every year. It is important to me that I share one of the lessons I learned on this day, eight years ago. We are never promised a tomorrow with those we love. We are not even promised the next minute. I got a phone call on that morning telling me that my sweet Mom had died in her sleep. It was the way to go for her. There were no signs of a struggle. She just went to sleep that night and woke up in heaven.

I am so grateful that she and I were friends. I had talked to her for a long time the day before on the phone. We always told each other that we loved each other. I don’t have any regrets. There are MANY relationships that I know of right now between people that are not very good. If something happens there will be regrets and at that point, it is too late to fix them.

Tell those around you how you feel about them and that you love them. Have you been putting off calling someone because things are not quite right between you? Don’t wait… pick up the phone.

Losing my Mom in this way has made me much more aware of relationships in my life. I don’t want there to be hard feelings between me and anyone in my life if they should die or if I should go first. Even if I feel I have done nothing wrong, I try make things right. The Bible even tells us if someone has something against you, that you are to leave your gift at the alter and go make things right. THEN you can come and give your gifts. Life is too short to be angry and hold grudges.

Redeem the time!! Is there someone you need to call or write? Do it now. Don’t wait. There may not be another chance.

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

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