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Posted by: peter41219 <peter41219@...>

<font size="2" style="font-family: georgia,times new
roman,times,serif;">I've not said much about myself, but here I go.<br
Presently I'm a Tumble Weed Texican (not ready to tell where) but
raised in the Bayou country. I'm in ministry in the backwoods of nowhere,
(not AG) but know I'm called to be here. 

The wife and I have
been married some 30 + years with five rugrats. All have left the nest
escept for one - Peter, our youngest who will be having his 19th b'day the
12th of this month (which if you look closely is my email address).  We
have seven grands-the oldest 10 and the youngest still in the oven.<br
Peter  is severly mentally challenged.  So in light of his
condition the news centering around Terri Schiavo has been in the forfront
of my mind.   Here are my thoughts on the past  tragedy.
/><font size="2" face="arial" style="font-family: georgia,times new
roman,times,serif;">Terri’s mother, Mary, sought answers when she greeted
her daughter and stroked her face,  when her
daughter’s eyes flickered into contact and she turned her head toward that
comforting touch.
Michael Schiavo  sought answers for Terri after her
heart stopped in 1990 and was faced, a man still in his twenties,
with the ultimate questions of life and death.

When someone we truly cherish is ill unto death, we make fools of
ourselves, we beg and plead and bargain for one last moment, one last
look, one more chance to say something, anything, or to simply be there
holding our beloved’s hand.  We want to see the flickering soul in their
eyes! The way I see it, the mere presence of a loved one, of a fellow
traveler and sufferer, is one of the great blessings of life.

We might also want it to end—right now, as soon as possible—so as not
to prolong the suffering life brings from all directions, the bitter
reminder of how terribly wrong our lives can go.  So when I consider both
sides of this life and death drama that was played out before us on
National TV,  what would I do, want, think,  feel, imagine, desire and
pray?  Well, with a severly mentailly challened son, it's a drama that
hits you in the gut with both fits and I say; maybe I'd do the same as
Michael.   But then, when I look into his eyes- could I let go?  God only

Grace and peace,
Steven C.


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