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re:God is so good pt 2

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

Thank you for all of your prayers. We were starting to get overwhelmed. Jeff is only making $8.50 an hour. This just makes rent, and other things weren't
picking up. Well, dh just called and boy is God good!!!! I am doing the happy snoopy dance!!! The man who is the web master for the surf shop jeff is working
for is so impressed with jeffs work that he has hired him on to work from home after hours at $15 an hour. His web master business is booming and he can't
keep up with it. Then jeffs boss approached him today and he is equally impressed with jeffs work, so they are building him a computer room, have
commissioned him to build 2 computers and said that he wants to make sure that jeff stays with them longer than 2 years and knows that he will have to pay
him better to do that.
So, we will make it better than expected!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!