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RE:member directory

Posted by: phoenix626 <phoenix626@...>

Name: Tara
Age: 32
Location: California
Approximately when you joined the list: a few months ago
Married? Yes How long? yes, 13 years
Number of children, sex and age of each: 4, 15 girl, 3 boys 2,4,10
Do you homeschool: yes
Occupation if outside the home:
Do you live on a homestead or do you hope to some day? we rent a small acreage and hope to build and live on our own homestead someday
What sorts of animals do you have, raise, if any? horses, goats, chickens,pigeons,dogs
Hobbies: reading,riding, walking
Favorite Publication(s), magazines etc.:countryside, crowned with silver, keeper at home, western horseman
What do you enjoy about our little "home away from home"? learning from similar minded others