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Remember Me

Posted by: bneumann848 <bneumann848@...>

After He had given thanks, He broke the bread and
said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this and remember me.” 1
Corinthians 11:24


Jesus loved you before you even knew about Him (Ephesians 1:4). He wanted a close relationship with you even before you knew that you
could have one with Him (
John 3:16). Yet the
world was full of sin because of Adam’s fall, and that sin kept us apart from
God. There was no way for us to fix our sin problem, because everyone sins and
God does not. So in order to have a close relationship with us and restore us
back to God, Jesus came to earth. He came to show us what God was like in a way
we could understand (
John 14:8-9) and to pay
the ultimate price for our sin: He died on a cross for us. He was totally
innocent, but He chose to take on our sin and our punishment because He loved
us so much (
1 Thessalonians 5:10).


It’s because of that great love that we want to always
remember what He did for us. And He gave us something to remember Him by. At a
meal with His disciples, He took a loaf of bread, broke it in two, and said,
"I want this broken bread to remind you of what I have done for you."
He told them His body would be broken, literally nailed to the cross. So, when we
eat the broken bread, it reminds us of His body that was broken for us. (
Matthew 26:26-28)


Then He took the cup and said, "When you drink,
remember that my own blood was poured out for you. Remember that I loved you so
much that I gave my very blood for you."


This supper became known as the Lord's Supper, or Communion.
As followers of Jesus, we choose to have a special “meal” together to do what
Jesus said: break bread to remember His broken body, and drink juice to
remember His blood that was spilled for us. At the end of the Lord's Supper we
have remembered the best thing we could ever know: Jesus died for us, forgave
us, and loves us.


The Lord's Supper isn't something to take lightly. Before we receive it,
we should think about what it means. We should think about Jesus' forgiveness
and ask ourselves: (1) Have I asked Jesus save me and to lead my life? (2)
Do I need to ask God for forgiveness? (3) Is there someone I need to forgive?"
(4) Is there someone I need to ask to forgive me?


If the answer is no to the first one, or yes to any of
the other three, it’s important that you not take the Lord’s Supper until you
have made things right. If you stubbornly choose to stay mad at someone, it is like
saying, "Jesus I really want your forgiveness, but I don't want to forgive
other people." Don’t take the Lord's Supper until your heart is better prepared
and you make things right with the person you are upset with (I Corinthians


The next time you take the Lord’s Supper, take a
moment to remember what Jesus has done for you and to examine yourself.  Until He comes.

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