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Remembering Serena

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

-----Original Message-----
From: Serena
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 9:45 PM
Subject: RE: [HomeSteadHeaven] 100 things about me...........Serena

1. Became a Christian at 12 , a few bumps in the road but always come
out on top 🙂
2. Had wonderful loving parents
3. My Dad died when I was 24 and Mom two years ago,
4. Still miss them both very much
5. Two grandmothers that had a big influrence on my life. (good)
6. The oldet of three , one brother one sister
7. When a little girl always wanted lots of kids
when I grew up,
8. Remember two greatgrandmothers, one smelled like roses 🙂
9. My Mother was a foster parent and I was a foster parent for several
10. I have six children and 3 step children
11 Have always taken in stray animals and stray people
12. Never knew how many people to cook for
13. Went to collage for one semester
14. Owned and operated a day care for several years
15. Worked at the highschool for several years
a sub, in the office and library
16. Worked in a doctor's office for 4 years
17 A stay at home Mom until youngest started started to school, then
worked at school
18 First husband left after 22 years of mariage, we got married at 17
19 Met and maried the love of my life seven years later
20 He is my best friend, and I am his best friend
21 We cut trees, sawed into lumber and built our cabin on our farm
22 We lived three years without power, running water or bathroom
23. DH built me the nicest outhouse you ever saw 🙂
24. We got our water from a running spring
25. We have a greenhouse to start our seedings
26. We have a cool root cellar built in the side of a hill, that you
can walk into.
27. We have a rock fireplace built in the middle of the cabin. DH and
friend build it
28. We have nice big gardens with lots of different veggies every year
29. We have bees
30. I am the smoker when robing honey. Never been stung 🙂
31. We make apple juice from our apples
32. We make pumpkin butter from our pumpkins ( not every year)
33. Make blackberry jelly from our berries , have tons of berries every
34 Have a nice strawberry patch
35. Harvest walnuts from our walnut trees
36. Harvest syrup from our maple trees
37. No farm aimals now, just dogs and cats
38. Catch and eat catfish out of our pond and frog legs
39. Have lots of deer and wild turkey on land, eat both , kill in season
and put in freezer.
40. Have a creek running beside and back of cabin
41 I love to mow
42 I drove the lawn mower into the creek once, held on to a small tree.
Big dropoff. Scared Dh nealy to death.
43. I can drive a tractor
44. Can drive a boat
45. Can drive a four wheeler
46 . Learned to drive with a stright shift car
47, Favorite time of the year Fall and Spring
48, Don't like cold weather
50. Love the beach and ocean
51 Love the mountains
52. Favorite flowers, pansies
53. Collect old books, old quilts, old baskets
54 Love to go antiquing
55. Like to crossstich
57 Love to read, read ,read
58 Taking a Beth Moore bible study now (second one)
59. Love to go to gospel singings
60 Love and enjoy my 28 grandchildren ( four are great grands)
61 Spend a lot of time with family and especially litle ones
62. Love to travel, been to Scotland, England, Mexico, Jamacia, Grand
Caymens and 37 states.
63 Meet once a month with 7 girlfriends for lunch that went to grade
school and Highshcool together.
64. My best girl friend died seven years ago with breast cancer. I
still miss her so much.
65. Get together with 5 cousins, my sister, two aunts, for breakfast
once a month on the 4th Sat.
66. One favorite passtime is a book store or librery
67. I like for my house to look nice and decorated fresh and clean.
68. My DH loves to cook, he is very good. Cooks breakfast nearly every
69. I take too many magazines and can't stand to throw away
70. DH and I aren't living at the farm right now, but he goes every day.
71. We are living in my Moms house now, until we dicide what to do with
72. It is way too big for the two of us. Five BR, 3
baths, sunroom, dining room, living rooom. kitchen. den, mud room and
73. It needs some work and paint. This is where I grew up.
74 Love history,,especially family history, American history and
Tennessee history
75 Took piano lessons for 10 years
76 Took speech and drama growing up
77 Got a state award for FHA
78 All nine of our grown kids are Christians
79 Granddaughter that is graduating this Spring is 9th in her class of
80. I had a brain tumor eight years ago.
81, Dr, told my family he was 99.9 % sure it was cancer and I might not
be able to speak when I woke up,
82 There was special prayers for me where I worked, church family ,
friends and 30 family members and more firends at the hospital durning
83. No cancer and have been talking ever since I woke up. lol
84. GOD is so awesome and ansewered our prayers.
85. Doctor said as long as he had been in practice he had never been so
86. I said, "see what prayer can do". He just looked at me kind of
strange. Don't know if he was a Christian or not. I should have asked.
87 I really appriciate all you "sisters" on this list.
88 Did I say I like to read and travel ?
89 Don't know where next trip will be.
90.I love listening to the funny things my litttle kids say. They sure
can crack me up.
91 DH is one of the best Grandddads I have ever seen.
92. We have four wonderful sons and they are all good to us.
93 We have five wonderful daughters and they are all good to us.
94 I am going to have surgery on my knees in the next year. 🙁
95 DH is going to have knee surgery in the next year also.
96, Getting old is not for sissies.
97. I still have my own teeth and only need reading glasses looking in
the phone book
98 I am already tired of the 2008 election
99 I need to get my sewing machine fixed
100 Looking forward to Spring weather already