Renewing the Christian Mind - Part 5
Quote from Forum Archives on November 13, 2017, 3:08 pmPosted by: craigaledbetter <craigaledbetter@...>
Renewing the Christian Mind – Part 5
Focusing Our Attention on Renewing the Spirit of Our Minds
Romans 12
Nov 12 2017 AM
Pastor Craig Ledbetter
Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland
I. Introduction (Romans 12:2)
A. This morning I want to complete our study on RENEWING our minds
B. A RENEWED Mind is the key to a sane, stable, restful, transformed Christian life
C. Far too many Christians THINK and live like they are trapped by their past, by their sins, by their hurts, and by their failures
D. Even though they have been given a new mind, and a new life, that just needs to be supernaturally renewed on a regular basis
E. Four Steps to renewing your mind…
2. RELEASING a Lot of things
3. REPLACING a LOT of things with Better Things
4. Taking RESPONSIBILITY for doing all the above!
II. FINAL SUMMARY – How to Renew Your Mind
A. Today, we start with the LAST step… Step #4: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY For Renewing Your Mind (1Cor 13:11)
Take Personal Responsibility for what you think about
1. The command to renew our minds (Romans 12:2) is to the Christian
2. What it all means
a. Renewing your mind means restoring, and recovering all the thoughts, memories, hurts, failures, offenses, voices, and conclusions of your mind, and getting them ALL in-line with the way Jesus thought about everything! Including all the memories, hurts, offenses that were constantly thrown against HIM!
b. Taking Responsibility for that effort means:
1) Taking care of your way of thinking, yourself! It's not magic - It's HARD WORK!
a) God doesn't just reach down from heaven and just make it all honky-dory inside!
b) YOU have to get off your BUTT and start doing necessary things so that you are renewing your mind that LIFE is constantly messing up!
c) It is all part of being mature – being responsible!
2) ACTING like an ADULT is supposed to – not like a CHILD (1Cor 13:11)
a) A child doesn't care what they say, doesn't care if they make a mess, doesn't want to do their homework
b) But an adult CARES about whether their words hurt other people, about the mess they have made with their life, and puts out the effort to fix the mess, and does what is expected of them.
c) THAT'S what it means to be an adult!
d) And BOY do we need some adults today! Especially CHRISTIAN adults!
c. Consider the following quotes:
1) "In the long run, WE shape our lives, and WE shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." ― Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin Roosevelt
2) "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." ― Theodore Roosevelt
3) "We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." ― Ronald Reagan
4) "The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them." ― Steve Maraboli
5) "The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." ― Anne Frank
6) "When [World War 2] is over, people [of the world] will try to blame the Germans alone, and the Germans will try to blame the Nazis alone, and the Nazis will try to blame Hitler alone. They will make HIM bear the sins of the world. But it's not true." ― Iain Pears, The Dream of Scipio. In other words, there is always a whole lot more blame to go around than any of us ever want to own!
7) "It's your life to live. Own it! You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life." ― Frank Sonnenberg, BookSmart: Hundreds of real-world lessons for success and happiness
d. Now, all of the above quotes were from some very smart people – they figured it out that when we fail, we really have no one to blame but ourselves! Every person HAS to take responsibility for what goes on in their lives – and it begins with taking charge of what goes on in our MINDS
3. Remember, what you THINK about, IS who you are, and translates into what you do (Pr 23:7)
a. We live first WHERE? In our heads! In our imagination!
1) Adultery occurs first in the heart and mind, before it ever happens in a bed!
2) Murder occurs first in the head and heart before it makes its way to the hands
3) Same with Thievery, Arguing, Fighting, Debating, Bragging, and Mocking
b. All those actions, were acted out first in our heads!
c. That's why God warns that if we don't keep it clean "upstairs", we will REGRETFULLY act out what we have spent too much time thinking about, and reap destruction (Jer 6:19)!
d. The Bible says, that Christians need to renew their minds, or else they will self-destruct (Eph 4:17-24)
e. Fix the head, and you fix the way of life!
4. DON'T pray about renewing your mind, just start doing it!
a. If you pray, "Oh God, renew my mind," then you are acting like a child that says, "Mom, do my homework for me." Most responsible parents would say, "No!"
b. When it comes to renewing your mind, God will do His part, but not your part.
5. GOD'S PART was Him giving you a new mind to begin with – a sound mind (2Tim 1:7) – the mind of Jesus Christ – HAVE YOU GOTTEN THAT YET?
a. You get it when you finally get sick of your old mind
b. And ask God for a whole new life in Christ's name!
c. It is called Conversion – getting born all over again on the inside!
d. Only GOD can make it happen
e. Ask Him to make everything new about you!
6. YOUR PART is Accepting responsibility for renewing your mind. After all, it is YOUR mind!
a. God made YOU responsible for what you allow into your mind, and what goes on in your head, JUST LIKE He made us responsible for what we do with our EYES, our HANDS, and our WORDS!
b. Renewing means RESTORING it to what it should be like – like Christ's mindset
c. It means repairing it from all the damage we have allowed take place
d. God will NOT just fix your mind every time you break it
e. He expects you now to start protecting it from damage, and when it IS damaged, to do what is necessary to restore it to how God made it at the first!
7. What are "WE" responsible for? Things we are responsible for without question (Gen 4:8,9):
a. Our actions (Mt 18:5,6) – we all accept this. Our offenses – real offenses / sins against others
b. Our attitudes – Moses was responsible for his own anger (Num 20:10-12)
c. Our words spoken (Mt 12:36,37)
d. Our bills/debts that we get ourselves into (Romans 13:8)
e. Our promises and vows made (Eccl 5:4,5)
f. AND… Our thoughts/way of thinking (2Cor 10:4,5). So, Start checking every thought, and comparing it with how you SHOULD think according to the Bible!
1) That does not mean stop thoughts from entering our mind - you can't do that
2) But you CAN stop dwelling on them and stop believing them!
a) Like hating yourself, your teeth, your face, your shortness, your hair
b) Like hating someone who hurt you
c) Like thinking about revenge, and hurting them back
d) Like thinking about another man or woman than your spouse – called adultery
B. How to Take RESPONSIBILITY for what goes on inside your head
1. #1 Believe that you CAN be in charge of your thoughts, feelings, conclusions, memories. God put you in charge of what you think, what you say, and expects you to do it right (Philp 4:8)! No Christian I a slave to their ways of thinking – or else God would never have wasted time trying to REASON with us (Isa 1:18) "come let us REASON together…"
2. #2 Guard our mind and don't fill it with garbage. This includes what we watch on TV, what we read, and the music we listen to.
a. When will you finally start believing what you constantly are watching is having an effect on you? Constantly listening to Politicians, best pals, talk show hosts, sweet talk of your boy/girl friend
b. Only recently have entire societies been UNABLE to NOT do what everyone else is doing
c. DON'T be like that! We are PECULIAR – OUT OF STEP BY DESIGN!
d. Put limits on what you allow INTO your mind through your eyes, ears, touch
e. You will be called every name under the sun, but your conscience will be clear
f. It is all too common for Christians to constantly be trying to RECOVER after sin, instead of staying CLEAR of sin! "Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1Thes 5:22
3. #3 Grow up in your thinking – think like a mature man or woman (1Cor 13:11) – maturity, learned at the school of HARD WORK and HARD KNOCKS
a. When you were a child, you were immature, totally uncertain of what was real, what was fake, what was important
b. Everything was just forming – all of your opinions, your views
c. You thought like everyone around you
d. You believed everything people told you
1) Don't swallow a watermelon seed!
2) Step on a crack and you will break your mother's back
3) The moon is made out of cheese!
4) Santa is coming!
e. Well, now you are a bit down the road. It is time to take charge of what you think (Ps 119:13; Isa 55:7)
1) Now you are responsible for your views - For your opinions
2) You obviously don't believe everything people tell you anymore – I hope not!
3) Because you KNOW that what you believe matters!
a) What you think WILL become how you ACT unless you wrestle it under control
b) You know you will answer to God one day for what goes on inside your head!
f. So, from now on, Use your head, and NOT just your heart! Think things through and use Biblical judgment. When you use your head, you make better choices
g. No more blaming! Accept the consequences
1) Accept responsibility for your own actions. Don't make excuses or blame others for what you do.
2) Start wanting to NOT experience the consequences
4. #4 Get off your BUTT and get busy doing necessary things so that you are renewing your mind that LIFE is constantly messing up!
a. Mortify what's wrong in there – put off, dump wrong thoughts, feelings (Col 3:5,6)
1) Fornication – pornography, sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, incest
2) Uncleanness – filthy thoughts, pictures, acts, desires
3) Inordinate affection – excessive affection – obsessed with loving things
4) Evil concupiscence - Lust; unlawful desire of sexual pleasure
5) And covetousness (desperately wanting something you don't have) which is idolatry!
6) For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience
7) Put those things to death – starve them
8) So that you can replace them with better things
a) Marriage
b) Clean, wholesme thoughts, clear conscience
c) Right loves and affections
d) Selfless love towards others
e) Contentment, thankfulness
b. Break-down every stronghold (2Cor 10:5)
1) Lustful thoughts gentlemen? (James 1:13-15)
2) Envy ladies?
3) Frustrated with all the injustices? All the past hurts and abuses of life? All the disappointments?
4) Don't go down the paths you usually go
5) Why would you let those thoughts take control of your life???
c. Clean House – sanctify what you think (Eph 5:26). Make your head and heart a clean place for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit. (2Co 7:1) Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
1) Claim the power of the Blood of Christ over your thinking! Purge all the wrong thinking that you do with the power of the blood of Christ (Heb 9:14) - inviting the power of the eternal blood of Christ into your head and thinking. Nothing ever before could burn out guilty consciences (Heb 9:9; 10:1,2)!
2) Make your mind think on good things (Philp 4:8) – force yourself to sit down and read good books, review good memories, thank God for everything going on!
3) Write these words in your heart (Psalm 119:11) so you DON'T sin in your heart. Paying attention to every word of God – there will be a test, and then another one, and another
d. Remember these tasks – don't just start to do it today, and forget about it in 2 weeks! So, let your pastor remind you to do them!
C. So, YOU and I need to do the following starting TODAY!
1. Start READING that BOOK in your hands! Cover to cover, and again and again!
a. So, SATURATE your thinking, your understanding, your conclusions with the word of God (Joshua 1:8)
b. Letting it FASHION your mind
c. ARMING yourselves with the very same mind that Christ had (1Peter 4:1,2)
d. As you read and read and read, AND believe this Bible, you will get a renewed mind – that's how it works on you – there is no other way!
2. RELEASE Every Offense You Struggle With, and then Start Over with people, all the time! After saturating your mind with the mind of God in that Book, there are going to be a lot of things you are going to have to just let go of for your mind to actually begin to heal!
a. By FORGIVING every offense, past and present
1) Like Joseph did - forgave his evil, uncaring brothers
2) Like Jesus did - forgave ALL those who had just beat Him and whipped Him, and nailed Him to the cross and left Him there to die!
3) Like Stephen did - (Acts 7:59) forgave those who were stoning him!
4) All of these were intensely hurt and offended and abused, and great injustices were done against them! And yet they forgave without hesitation! Even though their enemies first asking to be forgiven!
b. By FORBEARING Justice! Put off getting even – leave that to God
1) Whoever hurt you, did wrong.
2) To forbear means to hold off getting even – they WILL be judged – just not by YOU!
3) God forbears/puts up with US - is longsuffering towards us (Rom 2:4; 3:25)!
4) If He has been slow to act against YOU, then, YOU must become SLOW to act against those who have hurt you as well! VERY SLOW (James 1:9)!
c. And By Allowing Yourself to Finally FORGET some things
1) Holding onto every memory of every hurt, and every reason why someone cannot be trusted, and every reason why someone ought to be punished, will kill the spirit of your mind! It will burn you out; twist your thinking; drain your spirit and your joy
2) You were not made to carry all those memories and hurts (1Peter 5:7)
3) So, Forget some things quite on purpose (Philp 3:12-14)
a) ALL your past failures
b) And ALL the Hurts – how? By forgiving them all!
c) All the Disasters that seemed to ruin your life – trusting that GOD was actually in control and making everything work together for good – like Joseph
d) All the Failed parenting, relationships, marriages, decisions and debts!
d. Remember that ALL of the above was done FOR YOU by God when He saved you
1) Have you received such a gift? Eternal LIFE! Forgiveness of all your sins!
2) Then you MUST start to give forgiveness away if you want a new mind a right mind again, like you used to have!
3. Then, hurt by hurt, sin by sin, habit by habit, REPLACE all the Rubbish that use to fill it with God's Better Things! (Heb 10:9)
a. #1 IDENTIFY the 'Rubbish' in your mind
b. #2 TEAR DOWN the Strongholds and dumping it ALL in the blood of Jesus Christ
c. #3 REPLACE EVERYTHING that used to fill up your thoughts (Heb 10:9; 7:18,19)
1) Replace all the sinful habits, and thoughts that you DUMPED under Christ's blood, with the presence of the HOLY Spirit – like getting married to a real, godly woman – who seeks to fill your life! Let her fill it! (Eph 5:18)
2) Replace all the worry and anxiousness…
with Worship (Mark 5,6) - with the trust in God's care and abilities (Isa 26:3)3) Replace all the bad memories, ALL of the hurt in them…
with some Good memories ON PURPOSE
a) Replace Old, Painful Memories, with NEW, Precious Memories
b) Make some good memories, as you serve the Lord and others! Pay attention!
c) Focus your efforts and attention on what is true and good and right (Philp 4:8) – notice how the media and our culture throws everything at us to overwhelm us so we don't know what to think! It makes GRUMPS out of all of us!
4) Replace FEARS… with a FAITH in a great God who will NOT let you down
5) Replace Hurts… with Forgiveness
6) Replace Demonic Music… with Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs (Col 3:16)
7) Replace LAZY Sundays… with CHURCH (Acts 2:47)
8) Replace HATRED towards someone… with GRACE towards them
d. God has something BETTER than what you are putting up with right now
1) EX: One day my Dad asked me what was in my pockets. I pulled out some rocks, and a worm, and an old key – he told me if I took all that out to the bin, he would give me a whole Dollar coin! I believe I still have that coin! It is worth a lot now!
2) I know any and ALL of that will be super difficult, and you have probably tried so many times before, and FAILED
3) But this time, you now know that you have to be doing somethings BEFORE you try and replace the rubbish
a) You HAVE to READ and Read and Read this Book! Saturate yourself in it
b) You HAVE to RELEASE all the people and situations that have hurt you in the past – you HAVE to forgive EVERYONE for EVERYTHING!
c) And only THEN will you finally be able to move some NEW furniture into what used to be the mess of your mind and heart!
e. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13)
IV. Conclusion
A. If you are born again, you already have a new mind, but it needs to regularly be RENEWED! Restored to its right way of thinking, and feeling and loving!
B. A "renewed mind" is the key to a stable, godly, fulfilled, transformed Christian life!
C. Too many people think it just comes naturally – nope! Only WEEDS happen naturally!
D. How to Renew YOUR Mind
1. Take RESPONSIBILITY (1Cor 13:11) for what you think about
a. YOU need to take responsibility for filling your mind with the mind of Christ by reading this Book
b. Take responsibility for forgiving every past and future offense as you face them
c. Take responsibility for replacing all the broken pieces of your mind and heart with the grace and goodness of God that He is constantly showering around you and I every day!
2. And your thinking will change from CONFORMED to TRANSFORMED! That's what Romans 12:2 promises!
E. Are you saved? Born again? Do you even realise how important all this is?
1. There are some things you should be terrified of having to face – the wrath of God on every offence, every sin, every breaking of the laws of God!
2. That ought to terrify you! Just like it is terrifying all the Hollywood stars and directors right now!
3. If you DON'T have a new mind, a right mind, you can get it TODAY! Just believe the good news of the Gospel!
a. That JESUS took ALL your sins on Himself, and gave you His righteousness as a gift!
b. All He waits for is for you to truly believe the whole package was and is for the likes of YOU!
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Posted by: craigaledbetter <craigaledbetter@...>
Renewing the Christian Mind – Part 5
Focusing Our Attention on Renewing the Spirit of Our Minds
Romans 12
Nov 12 2017 AM
Pastor Craig Ledbetter
Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland
I. Introduction (Romans 12:2)
A. This morning I want to complete our study on RENEWING our minds
B. A RENEWED Mind is the key to a sane, stable, restful, transformed Christian life
C. Far too many Christians THINK and live like they are trapped by their past, by their sins, by their hurts, and by their failures
D. Even though they have been given a new mind, and a new life, that just needs to be supernaturally renewed on a regular basis
E. Four Steps to renewing your mind…
2. RELEASING a Lot of things
3. REPLACING a LOT of things with Better Things
4. Taking RESPONSIBILITY for doing all the above!
II. FINAL SUMMARY – How to Renew Your Mind
A. Today, we start with the LAST step… Step #4: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY For Renewing Your Mind (1Cor 13:11)
Take Personal Responsibility for what you think about
1. The command to renew our minds (Romans 12:2) is to the Christian
2. What it all means
a. Renewing your mind means restoring, and recovering all the thoughts, memories, hurts, failures, offenses, voices, and conclusions of your mind, and getting them ALL in-line with the way Jesus thought about everything! Including all the memories, hurts, offenses that were constantly thrown against HIM!
b. Taking Responsibility for that effort means:
1) Taking care of your way of thinking, yourself! It's not magic - It's HARD WORK!
a) God doesn't just reach down from heaven and just make it all honky-dory inside!
b) YOU have to get off your BUTT and start doing necessary things so that you are renewing your mind that LIFE is constantly messing up!
c) It is all part of being mature – being responsible!
2) ACTING like an ADULT is supposed to – not like a CHILD (1Cor 13:11)
a) A child doesn't care what they say, doesn't care if they make a mess, doesn't want to do their homework
b) But an adult CARES about whether their words hurt other people, about the mess they have made with their life, and puts out the effort to fix the mess, and does what is expected of them.
c) THAT'S what it means to be an adult!
d) And BOY do we need some adults today! Especially CHRISTIAN adults!
c. Consider the following quotes:
1) "In the long run, WE shape our lives, and WE shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." ― Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin Roosevelt
2) "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." ― Theodore Roosevelt
3) "We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." ― Ronald Reagan
4) "The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them." ― Steve Maraboli
5) "The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." ― Anne Frank
6) "When [World War 2] is over, people [of the world] will try to blame the Germans alone, and the Germans will try to blame the Nazis alone, and the Nazis will try to blame Hitler alone. They will make HIM bear the sins of the world. But it's not true." ― Iain Pears, The Dream of Scipio. In other words, there is always a whole lot more blame to go around than any of us ever want to own!
7) "It's your life to live. Own it! You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life." ― Frank Sonnenberg, BookSmart: Hundreds of real-world lessons for success and happiness
d. Now, all of the above quotes were from some very smart people – they figured it out that when we fail, we really have no one to blame but ourselves! Every person HAS to take responsibility for what goes on in their lives – and it begins with taking charge of what goes on in our MINDS
3. Remember, what you THINK about, IS who you are, and translates into what you do (Pr 23:7)
a. We live first WHERE? In our heads! In our imagination!
1) Adultery occurs first in the heart and mind, before it ever happens in a bed!
2) Murder occurs first in the head and heart before it makes its way to the hands
3) Same with Thievery, Arguing, Fighting, Debating, Bragging, and Mocking
b. All those actions, were acted out first in our heads!
c. That's why God warns that if we don't keep it clean "upstairs", we will REGRETFULLY act out what we have spent too much time thinking about, and reap destruction (Jer 6:19)!
d. The Bible says, that Christians need to renew their minds, or else they will self-destruct (Eph 4:17-24)
e. Fix the head, and you fix the way of life!
4. DON'T pray about renewing your mind, just start doing it!
a. If you pray, "Oh God, renew my mind," then you are acting like a child that says, "Mom, do my homework for me." Most responsible parents would say, "No!"
b. When it comes to renewing your mind, God will do His part, but not your part.
5. GOD'S PART was Him giving you a new mind to begin with – a sound mind (2Tim 1:7) – the mind of Jesus Christ – HAVE YOU GOTTEN THAT YET?
a. You get it when you finally get sick of your old mind
b. And ask God for a whole new life in Christ's name!
c. It is called Conversion – getting born all over again on the inside!
d. Only GOD can make it happen
e. Ask Him to make everything new about you!
6. YOUR PART is Accepting responsibility for renewing your mind. After all, it is YOUR mind!
a. God made YOU responsible for what you allow into your mind, and what goes on in your head, JUST LIKE He made us responsible for what we do with our EYES, our HANDS, and our WORDS!
b. Renewing means RESTORING it to what it should be like – like Christ's mindset
c. It means repairing it from all the damage we have allowed take place
d. God will NOT just fix your mind every time you break it
e. He expects you now to start protecting it from damage, and when it IS damaged, to do what is necessary to restore it to how God made it at the first!
7. What are "WE" responsible for? Things we are responsible for without question (Gen 4:8,9):
a. Our actions (Mt 18:5,6) – we all accept this. Our offenses – real offenses / sins against others
b. Our attitudes – Moses was responsible for his own anger (Num 20:10-12)
c. Our words spoken (Mt 12:36,37)
d. Our bills/debts that we get ourselves into (Romans 13:8)
e. Our promises and vows made (Eccl 5:4,5)
f. AND… Our thoughts/way of thinking (2Cor 10:4,5). So, Start checking every thought, and comparing it with how you SHOULD think according to the Bible!
1) That does not mean stop thoughts from entering our mind - you can't do that
2) But you CAN stop dwelling on them and stop believing them!
a) Like hating yourself, your teeth, your face, your shortness, your hair
b) Like hating someone who hurt you
c) Like thinking about revenge, and hurting them back
d) Like thinking about another man or woman than your spouse – called adultery
B. How to Take RESPONSIBILITY for what goes on inside your head
1. #1 Believe that you CAN be in charge of your thoughts, feelings, conclusions, memories. God put you in charge of what you think, what you say, and expects you to do it right (Philp 4:8)! No Christian I a slave to their ways of thinking – or else God would never have wasted time trying to REASON with us (Isa 1:18) "come let us REASON together…"
2. #2 Guard our mind and don't fill it with garbage. This includes what we watch on TV, what we read, and the music we listen to.
a. When will you finally start believing what you constantly are watching is having an effect on you? Constantly listening to Politicians, best pals, talk show hosts, sweet talk of your boy/girl friend
b. Only recently have entire societies been UNABLE to NOT do what everyone else is doing
c. DON'T be like that! We are PECULIAR – OUT OF STEP BY DESIGN!
d. Put limits on what you allow INTO your mind through your eyes, ears, touch
e. You will be called every name under the sun, but your conscience will be clear
f. It is all too common for Christians to constantly be trying to RECOVER after sin, instead of staying CLEAR of sin! "Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1Thes 5:22
3. #3 Grow up in your thinking – think like a mature man or woman (1Cor 13:11) – maturity, learned at the school of HARD WORK and HARD KNOCKS
a. When you were a child, you were immature, totally uncertain of what was real, what was fake, what was important
b. Everything was just forming – all of your opinions, your views
c. You thought like everyone around you
d. You believed everything people told you
1) Don't swallow a watermelon seed!
2) Step on a crack and you will break your mother's back
3) The moon is made out of cheese!
4) Santa is coming!
e. Well, now you are a bit down the road. It is time to take charge of what you think (Ps 119:13; Isa 55:7)
1) Now you are responsible for your views - For your opinions
2) You obviously don't believe everything people tell you anymore – I hope not!
3) Because you KNOW that what you believe matters!
a) What you think WILL become how you ACT unless you wrestle it under control
b) You know you will answer to God one day for what goes on inside your head!
f. So, from now on, Use your head, and NOT just your heart! Think things through and use Biblical judgment. When you use your head, you make better choices
g. No more blaming! Accept the consequences
1) Accept responsibility for your own actions. Don't make excuses or blame others for what you do.
2) Start wanting to NOT experience the consequences
4. #4 Get off your BUTT and get busy doing necessary things so that you are renewing your mind that LIFE is constantly messing up!
a. Mortify what's wrong in there – put off, dump wrong thoughts, feelings (Col 3:5,6)
1) Fornication – pornography, sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, incest
2) Uncleanness – filthy thoughts, pictures, acts, desires
3) Inordinate affection – excessive affection – obsessed with loving things
4) Evil concupiscence - Lust; unlawful desire of sexual pleasure
5) And covetousness (desperately wanting something you don't have) which is idolatry!
6) For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience
7) Put those things to death – starve them
8) So that you can replace them with better things
a) Marriage
b) Clean, wholesme thoughts, clear conscience
c) Right loves and affections
d) Selfless love towards others
e) Contentment, thankfulness
b. Break-down every stronghold (2Cor 10:5)
1) Lustful thoughts gentlemen? (James 1:13-15)
2) Envy ladies?
3) Frustrated with all the injustices? All the past hurts and abuses of life? All the disappointments?
4) Don't go down the paths you usually go
5) Why would you let those thoughts take control of your life???
c. Clean House – sanctify what you think (Eph 5:26). Make your head and heart a clean place for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit. (2Co 7:1) Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
1) Claim the power of the Blood of Christ over your thinking! Purge all the wrong thinking that you do with the power of the blood of Christ (Heb 9:14) - inviting the power of the eternal blood of Christ into your head and thinking. Nothing ever before could burn out guilty consciences (Heb 9:9; 10:1,2)!
2) Make your mind think on good things (Philp 4:8) – force yourself to sit down and read good books, review good memories, thank God for everything going on!
3) Write these words in your heart (Psalm 119:11) so you DON'T sin in your heart. Paying attention to every word of God – there will be a test, and then another one, and another
d. Remember these tasks – don't just start to do it today, and forget about it in 2 weeks! So, let your pastor remind you to do them!
C. So, YOU and I need to do the following starting TODAY!
1. Start READING that BOOK in your hands! Cover to cover, and again and again!
a. So, SATURATE your thinking, your understanding, your conclusions with the word of God (Joshua 1:8)
b. Letting it FASHION your mind
c. ARMING yourselves with the very same mind that Christ had (1Peter 4:1,2)
d. As you read and read and read, AND believe this Bible, you will get a renewed mind – that's how it works on you – there is no other way!
2. RELEASE Every Offense You Struggle With, and then Start Over with people, all the time! After saturating your mind with the mind of God in that Book, there are going to be a lot of things you are going to have to just let go of for your mind to actually begin to heal!
a. By FORGIVING every offense, past and present
1) Like Joseph did - forgave his evil, uncaring brothers
2) Like Jesus did - forgave ALL those who had just beat Him and whipped Him, and nailed Him to the cross and left Him there to die!
3) Like Stephen did - (Acts 7:59) forgave those who were stoning him!
4) All of these were intensely hurt and offended and abused, and great injustices were done against them! And yet they forgave without hesitation! Even though their enemies first asking to be forgiven!
b. By FORBEARING Justice! Put off getting even – leave that to God
1) Whoever hurt you, did wrong.
2) To forbear means to hold off getting even – they WILL be judged – just not by YOU!
3) God forbears/puts up with US - is longsuffering towards us (Rom 2:4; 3:25)!
4) If He has been slow to act against YOU, then, YOU must become SLOW to act against those who have hurt you as well! VERY SLOW (James 1:9)!
c. And By Allowing Yourself to Finally FORGET some things
1) Holding onto every memory of every hurt, and every reason why someone cannot be trusted, and every reason why someone ought to be punished, will kill the spirit of your mind! It will burn you out; twist your thinking; drain your spirit and your joy
2) You were not made to carry all those memories and hurts (1Peter 5:7)
3) So, Forget some things quite on purpose (Philp 3:12-14)
a) ALL your past failures
b) And ALL the Hurts – how? By forgiving them all!
c) All the Disasters that seemed to ruin your life – trusting that GOD was actually in control and making everything work together for good – like Joseph
d) All the Failed parenting, relationships, marriages, decisions and debts!
d. Remember that ALL of the above was done FOR YOU by God when He saved you
1) Have you received such a gift? Eternal LIFE! Forgiveness of all your sins!
2) Then you MUST start to give forgiveness away if you want a new mind a right mind again, like you used to have!
3. Then, hurt by hurt, sin by sin, habit by habit, REPLACE all the Rubbish that use to fill it with God's Better Things! (Heb 10:9)
a. #1 IDENTIFY the 'Rubbish' in your mind
b. #2 TEAR DOWN the Strongholds and dumping it ALL in the blood of Jesus Christ
c. #3 REPLACE EVERYTHING that used to fill up your thoughts (Heb 10:9; 7:18,19)
1) Replace all the sinful habits, and thoughts that you DUMPED under Christ's blood, with the presence of the HOLY Spirit – like getting married to a real, godly woman – who seeks to fill your life! Let her fill it! (Eph 5:18)
2) Replace all the worry and anxiousness…
with Worship (Mark 5,6) - with the trust in God's care and abilities (Isa 26:3)
3) Replace all the bad memories, ALL of the hurt in them…
with some Good memories ON PURPOSE
a) Replace Old, Painful Memories, with NEW, Precious Memories
b) Make some good memories, as you serve the Lord and others! Pay attention!
c) Focus your efforts and attention on what is true and good and right (Philp 4:8) – notice how the media and our culture throws everything at us to overwhelm us so we don't know what to think! It makes GRUMPS out of all of us!
4) Replace FEARS… with a FAITH in a great God who will NOT let you down
5) Replace Hurts… with Forgiveness
6) Replace Demonic Music… with Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs (Col 3:16)
7) Replace LAZY Sundays… with CHURCH (Acts 2:47)
8) Replace HATRED towards someone… with GRACE towards them
d. God has something BETTER than what you are putting up with right now
1) EX: One day my Dad asked me what was in my pockets. I pulled out some rocks, and a worm, and an old key – he told me if I took all that out to the bin, he would give me a whole Dollar coin! I believe I still have that coin! It is worth a lot now!
2) I know any and ALL of that will be super difficult, and you have probably tried so many times before, and FAILED
3) But this time, you now know that you have to be doing somethings BEFORE you try and replace the rubbish
a) You HAVE to READ and Read and Read this Book! Saturate yourself in it
b) You HAVE to RELEASE all the people and situations that have hurt you in the past – you HAVE to forgive EVERYONE for EVERYTHING!
c) And only THEN will you finally be able to move some NEW furniture into what used to be the mess of your mind and heart!
e. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13)
IV. Conclusion
A. If you are born again, you already have a new mind, but it needs to regularly be RENEWED! Restored to its right way of thinking, and feeling and loving!
B. A "renewed mind" is the key to a stable, godly, fulfilled, transformed Christian life!
C. Too many people think it just comes naturally – nope! Only WEEDS happen naturally!
D. How to Renew YOUR Mind
1. Take RESPONSIBILITY (1Cor 13:11) for what you think about
a. YOU need to take responsibility for filling your mind with the mind of Christ by reading this Book
b. Take responsibility for forgiving every past and future offense as you face them
c. Take responsibility for replacing all the broken pieces of your mind and heart with the grace and goodness of God that He is constantly showering around you and I every day!
2. And your thinking will change from CONFORMED to TRANSFORMED! That's what Romans 12:2 promises!
E. Are you saved? Born again? Do you even realise how important all this is?
1. There are some things you should be terrified of having to face – the wrath of God on every offence, every sin, every breaking of the laws of God!
2. That ought to terrify you! Just like it is terrifying all the Hollywood stars and directors right now!
3. If you DON'T have a new mind, a right mind, you can get it TODAY! Just believe the good news of the Gospel!
a. That JESUS took ALL your sins on Himself, and gave you His righteousness as a gift!
b. All He waits for is for you to truly believe the whole package was and is for the likes of YOU!
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