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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


MY PERSONAL JOURNEY - by J Paulette Peltier.

Thank you so much for your article "POLITICS,POWER and PRIDE:
How U.S. Evangelicals Lost the Culture War and the Way Forward."
The words you have written are so true. The Church in America
has for too long been up on a soap box instead of down on it's
knees. Yet, as one who has been a Believer for over 30 years, I
understand why devout American Christians have allied ourselves
with the Republican Party. And it all stems back to January 22, 1973.

The following year, 1974, I turned 18. And when I registered to vote,
it was as a Democrat. In 1974 no one my age wanted to be
associated with Nixon's Party, though, I, personally, always voted
for individuals, not parties. But as party lines began to be drawn
over the issue of abortion, I, for one, had to make a stand.

Although 1980 and Ronald Reagan brought a new era for Evangelicals,
and for me, as a new straight ticket Republican, I knew that laws
would never truly change until hearts changed. The problem is,
those whose hearts are hard toward the Gospel and moral truths
began to organize an agenda to turn the hearts of America, and
especially our children, away from God and morality. So, naturally,
that parental protection instinct kicked in, and we began to fight
back for our children, as well as for the ones whose voices would
never be heard. But, it seems, the more we fought back, the
stronger the enemy grew.

When I was a child, unmarried girls who got pregnant were rushed
to the altar or hidden from sight, and I doubt I even knew what a
homosexual was till my early teens. Now out of wedlock pregnancy
is common, and my teens are bombarded with homosexuality and
the Gay Agenda everywhere they turn. My 16 year old daughter
just told me yesterday that a plethora of girls on Facebook have
changed their status from "straight" to "bisexual." This is alarming
proof that the "other side" is winning, and it only convinces me that
our time on this earth is soon coming to a close.

I have seen such vitriolic hatred coming from the left at Republicans,
not because we are "conservative," but because so many of us are
Christians! The left hates Christianity, and they will go to any length
to demonize Christians.

My point is this: it has only been natural for true Believers and
Followers of the Messiah to go on the offensive. And while adhering
to the tenants of Scripture, we also, naturally, fall into the Republican
mold. No, we shouldn't alienate ourselves from half the population
where the Gospel is concerned, but if we identified ourselves with
the Democrats, who have consistently and vigorously fought for
immoral issues, we would be disobedient to God's Word. We MUST
stand for truth. Yet, in failing to be equally as vigorous in spreading
the Gospel, praying fervently for our nation's repentance, and,
especially, in living out the Gospel of Jesus in our daily lives, i.e.,
being obedient to all His Word and truly loving the Church Body
and the World, we fall short, as well. I suppose it's somewhat like
needing to wash the inside of the cup, as well as the outside. (Matt 23:25,26)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a
different result. So, yes, we obviously need to change our way of
doing things, emphasis on "our". We are just the vessels. God is
the One in control. Activism can change laws, but only God can
change the hearts of those who don't know Him. And this nation
is in desperate need of a touch from our God, Yahweh Tsva'ot/
Lord of Hosts. Yes, we must repent of our own self reliance, but
also of not being the testimonies, the light, the salt that God
intends for us to be. How can we make anyone, Jew or Gentile,
jealous unto salvation, if they don't see Jesus walking and talking
and loving in our lives? And, yes, let us pray that God will "Send
the fire of [His] presence, power and love once again to this nation."
In the words of Jeremiah, "Restore us to You, O Yahweh, that
we may be restored; Renew our days as of old." (Lam. 5:21)

-J. Paulette Peltier.