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Response to Question re. Actions 6

Posted by: dpowellaz <dpowellaz@...>

Brother Wade, I have waited until I read the reactions of the group.  Let me share from my own experiences...
Having been a senior pastor for 30+ years I am completely convinced that the role of the deacon in most churches today is completely contrary to what the scriptures intended for it to be.  I have been involved in a national organization called "Wounded Heroes" for many years.  This is an organization sponsored by the SBC which ministers to pastors and their wives who have been wounded to the point of death or termination or burn out (you choose the term) by their own churches.  In over 90% of the cases the wounds were inflicted by one or a group  of deacons.  The Word, diakonos, literally means a minister or a servant.  Originally in the 6th chapter of Acts the selection of the 7 men was to provide ministry to the widows and their families.  In other words they were "family ministers".  They were to be a body of ministers who supplied for the need of women who, because of their ethnicity, were being neglected.  The women were of Greek heritage or "non'-Jewish"!  Notice that ALL of the men who were selected were Greeks themselves.  Not one of the deacons were Jews!
In most churches today the group of men intended as a body of ministers has evolved into a "Board of directors" who feel their calling is to run the church!  This is an absolute contradiction to the Biblical mandate.  Nowhere in the scriptures does it even imply that deacons are to have any decision making powers or responsibilities.  It is just this misinterpretation of the office of deacon that has caused the downfall of many a man of God.  I really do understand what I am talking about.  Before God called me to be a pastor He called me to be a deacon.  I was ordained as a deacon before I was ordained as a pastor.  I experienced for several years the deacon's meetings in which it was taken for granted that the fate of the church was in the hands of the deacons.  We all know that pastors come and go but the deacons have to stay!!! Right?  Wrong?  No where in the scriptures are the deacons ever referred to as "poimen" (pastors)!  Deacons are not shepherds, never were , never were intended to be.  What we have today representing Acts 6 is an evolutionary example of what happens when the doctrines of men contradict the doctrines of God.
A deacon is a servant, PERIOD!  The deacon came into being to allow the pastors or shepherd the time and opportunity to study God's Word and preach the Gospel.  They were never , never, never intended to make sure that the pastor does what he is supposed to do.  They were never intended to make sure that the church maintained the traditional doctrinal stance on anything.  They were intended to minister to the needs of families and also, like Phillip, to be able to share the Good News.
Woe unto those men who take it upon themselves to usurpe the authority of the Pastor, God's man given the awesome task of leading the church and sharing the vision of God with the Body of Christ!
God Bless
Pastor David Powell