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Re:That was quick....thank you for the recipes!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

That was quick. Thank you for the hummus recipes. I just made the recipe
out of this months Far Above Rubies magazine. It tasted rather blau to me
so I doubled the salt, the corriander and the cumin. I also used olive oil
to whiz it with in the food processor instead of water since we have been
told by the Iraelies that's how they make it. I like the flavor extra
virgin olive oil adds to the hummus. When hubby has it in a restaurant they
serve the hummas in a ring shape. The small diced veggies are in the center
of the ring and drizzled around the outside of the ring is olive oil. It is
also drizzled on the veggies and the hummus. I forgot to say that there are
olives mixed in with the cucumbers and tomatoes and such. It is served with
a big plate of hot or grilled pita.

Hubby tells me that the Israelies have this pita/hummus/veggie stuff around
7-9 pm. They all work until around 3pm...go home and nap and then get up
for a light meal of the above and sometimes fruit. Their big meals are
breakfast and lunch. They eat veggies, fish, etc at both breakfast and
lunch.....just thought this might be of interest to someone...Deanna