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Rules from God Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Rules from God"

1. Wake Up !!

Decide to have a good day.
"Today is the day the Lord hath made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Psalms 118:24

2. Dress Up !!

The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at outward appearance;
but the Lord looks at the heart."

Samuel 16:7

3. Shut Up!!

Say nice things and learn to listen.
God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant
for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
"He who guards his lips guards his soul."

Proverbs 13:3

4. Stand Up!!...
For what you believe in.
Stand for something or you will fall for anything..
"Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time,
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..."

Galatians 6:9-10

5. Look Up !!...

To the Lord.
"I can do everything through
Christ who strengthens me."

6. Reach Up !!...

For something higher.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your path."

Proverbs 3:5-6

7. Lift Up !!...

Your Prayers.

"Do not worry about anything;
instead PRAY ABOUT

Philippians 4:6

God answers Knee-Mail.


"Don't Let This Happen To You"


A horrible thing happened to me today... ..a thief broke into my house.  It happened shortly after I awoke this morning. I got up and
 began rushing about. I had a thousand things on my list and
 was already running behind. Quickly, I gulped down breakfast,
 took a shower and got ready for work. In my rush, I forgot to
 turn the security system on at my house. It was just about a
 half an hour later that the thief broke in. Of course, he
 didn't make a sound. Just kind of snuck inside, not drawing
 any attention to himself. In fact, none of the neighbors ever saw him. But, I did.

 You see, I WAS HOME when the thief broke in. He naturally
 startled me, as I was unprepared for his visit. He, of course,
 didn't announce that he was coming and I certainly had not
 invited him over. And yet, I found myself face to face with
 danger and I felt so powerless. I also felt so very stupid,
 because this whole incident could have been avoided if I had
 just taken the time to turn the security system on.

 You better believe I'll be turning it on tomorrow morning!
 I thought I'd warn you about this guy, because he's still on
the loose.

Chances are, he's in your area. Possibly even headed for your
His name?

 His name is Satan. You see, this morning when I jumped up in
 my haste to get started on my busy day, I skipped my prayer
 time - opting to "pray later today." In other words, I DIDN'T

 TURN ON THE SECURITY SYSTEM. My defense wasn't on, my guard  was dropped.....and when the thief came into my home to attack me, I was  unprepared to do battle. He tempted me and I felt powerless  Like I said, I also felt so very stupid, because I could have  avoided the incident if I had just taken the time to pray.!

 My friend, the thief has come to "steal, kill and destroy."
 And, as a Child of God, you are on his "hit list." He'll probably pop over to your house today. He may be lurking  outside your door right now, just waiting to catch you off  guard.

 Take time to pray this morning. Ask God to bind Satan from
your very presence, to protect you and empower you to do
 battle. In short......don't forget to turn your security  system on.

 Have a "Wonderful DAY in Christ!"

Have a Blessed Day

Dave and Barbara

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