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Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

The Salesman

A man walks into a specialty store carrying a help wanted sign. He states: "I'd like to
apply for the job, please!"

To which the store owner replies: "Do you have any experience selling
Tooth Brushes?"

"Nope!" says the man.

"Well OK," says the owner, "I'm in a hurry so I'll give you a shot. I'll
be back at closing." And he leaves. At closing the store owner comes back
and asks the fellow "How many tooth brushes did you sell?"

The man replies... "I sold one tooth brush"

"Just ONE?" exclaims the owner, "That will never do. Let's see how well
you do tomorrow, I'll be back at closing"

The next day at closing time the owner shows up at the store and asks the
guy how many tooth brushes he sold that day. He replies "I sold one Tooth

The owner is very upset at this news and says, "One tooth brush will
never do, I'm afraid I'll have to let you go."

To which the salesman replies "Oh No, please don't let me go. Give me one
more chance, I know I can do better."

So the owner gives him one more day and leaves. The next day the owner
returns to his store only to find thousands of empty tooth brush crates
laying all over. He turns to the man and says, "My Lord! How many Tooth
Brushes did you sell today?"

The man proudly replies, "I sold three thousand three hundred and thirty
three Tooth Brushes!"

"My, how on earth did you do that?" replies the store owner.

"Well you see," he replied, "I went out into the mall and set up this
table, and on one side I put some chips, and on the other side I put some
dips. Then I put a big sign behind the table that read: 'Free Chips &
Dips'. Then the people they came and first they picked up a chip then
they dip it in the dip and then they ate it."

"Is that all?" replied the owner.

"Well no," said the salesman, "after they ate it they would reply: 'Hey
this stuff tastes like crap!' and then I would say, 'It is... wanna buy a
Tooth Brush?!?!?!?'"