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Sandboxing woes

Posted by: artlythere <artlythere@...>

Ok, changed the subject

Here's the problem. My application writes movie files. Sequences. The movies, they work. Because the user chooses that initially, so the 'Powerbox' allows it.

The sequences though, since they are based on a single starting file name, and appended as made, do not.

This is stupid. If I cannot code around this, or they won't let it work, how can you have any decent movie/sequence anything?

This sandboxing idea is the stupidest thing ever.

My app is going to have to be seriously cut down in one of its most creative areas.

I didn't worry about this before because I had read Apple would grant entitlements and so on, but I don't even *see* any kind of entitlement for this kind of thing.