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Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

I have had a very busy day today! Dh has been here working on trimming out new windows in the girls' rooms. He intended to paint their walls but has been called to work because of broken electric poles. While he was doing the windows, I did some laundry, oversaw my four children washing and drying numerous sinks of dishes (our dishwasher is not working right), have been cleaning out emails, printing them, deleting them, whatever. In the last few days my inbox has gone from 450-500 emails to 200 and I'm still working on them 🙂 The children brought in an old desk and we will soon be sanding it in preparation for painting. When finished, it will go in my oldest daughter's room. I've done some little tidying jobs...sweeping, wiping the bathroom sink and mirror, putting things away. We had a major cleaning last weekend and Monday in preparation for the appraiser's visit and I'm hoping we can maintain the order and cleanliness by working on it a little each day. Last week, I went through and dejunked all the files in one of my filing cabinets. Threw away tons of papers we didn't need. Also cleaned out a couple of desk drawers. My children are playing restaurant right now so I'm reading through and deleting more emails. I would like to do some cooking later this afternoon, maybe make some of that peanut butter granola shared on the list. I've been eating Valentine's Day chocolate so I'm not hungry enough to do much cooking yet! Lisa in NM

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