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"Say A Little Prayer" Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Special Note:
We will be going on vacation tomorrow  and there will be no Idea Central  Papers sent untill  we return.  We will resume sending on Monday March 14th. Please keep us in prayer as we travel.


"Say A Little Prayer"
Say a little prayer
As you greet the day.
Say a little prayer
Over bills to pay.
Say a little prayer
As you drive to work.
Say a little prayer
For a flustered clerk.
Say a little prayer
When your old dog dies.
Say a little prayer
When your best friend cries.
Say a little prayer
For the kids in school.
Say a little prayer
They’ll be wise and cool.
Say a little prayer
For some folks in need.
Say a little prayer
They’ll be blessed, indeed.
Say a little prayer
For a soul that’s lost.
Say a little prayer
When you count the cost.
Say a little prayer
When you pay your dues.
Say a little prayer
As you share Good News.
Say a little prayer
For our Troops at war.
Say a little prayer
For the Peace in store.
Say a little prayer
For the Powers that be.
Say a little prayer
For Security.
Say a little prayer
To The God you Love.
Tell Him the things
You’ve been thinking of!!!

"Grace of Prayer"
I wonder what life would be
Without the Grace of Prayer
To comfort me and give me strength
In heartaches and despair
For-in the bonds of every prayer
I seek and find, each day,
The kind of gentle love and care
For which all humans pray.
I would be lost without this gift-
And harmony with God-
That fills my life with joys of life
and paves the roads I trod,
For I am weak of flesh and heart
And cannot bear {alone}
The tears and fears that life impose,
But Grace of Prayer atones.
Michael Dubina
"Call upon Me in the day of trouble:
I will deliver thee."  Ps. 50:15
"Commit thy way unto the Lord: trust also in Him;
and He shall bring it to pass."  Ps. 3: 7-5
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
When satan comes knocking at your door, just say,
"Jesus, will you get that for me."

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