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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE: Shawn Boltz seems to be one of the few leaders in the
Prophetic movement today who is willing to tackle these tough
issues head-on. Here is another insightful article by him:

"Scales of Heaven Will Be Established In The Prophetic Movement"
-by Shawn Boltz. (Jul 29, 2005).

I had a vision of two large scales of justice and they were weighing
prophetic people against truth. Many people were not weighty
enough to measure rightly, and the Lord had to add Himself to their
side of the scale so that they weighed rightly against truth. If they
did not receive His measure then they would fail greatly in one area
or another that would disqualify them for a season. God's desire is
not to discount people hungry to grow in revelation, but to establish
them in truth.

The Re-release of a Credible Voice in the Land

There is a maturing process affecting the whole corporate movement
of those who would speak in the name of the Lord. Just like when
a teenager becomes a young man he is no longer allowed a level
of childish behavior by society; the society of this world is
demanding a level of maturity from the body of Christ because there
has never been a time that people need to hear the word of the
Lord more than now.

The world is longing for credible voices to release prophecy that
help set the context of faith for our generation to believe what the
Lord is doing. The word of the Lord for encouragement and comfort
may not be rare in some churches and a few movements, but
warnings and true discernment are not as present. When they are,
they are so generic that it's hard to decipher if we need to even
pay attention to them; not to mention the fact that the word of the
Lord is virtually unheard in every aspect of society outside of
religious ministry. Where is the voice that brings order to the
political arena? Where is the Spirit of Revelation for those in the
entertainment industry? Where is the prophetic word for businesses
and industries?

The world is waiting to hear what God would say, but the Lord is
going to have to bring a growth spurt for those who would listen,
because right now eyes that see with Heaven's agenda are rare.

The World Needs Trackable Words That Hold Real Information

If you are a pastor, prophet, apostle, or a leader over people who
are stewarding prophetic words, learn to develop a track record for
them now . . . it will be the difference between life and death for
that prophetic voice. One of the greatest weaknesses to growth in
the prophetic movement is the lack of tracking specific information
given in prophetic declarations, which means there can not be a
learning process or repentance for mistakes. There also isn't the
benefit of establishing credibility for success. Most of what we
honor is reputation that is not based on accuracy or kingdom
impact, but on charismatic personalities and fame.

I know there are many well known credible prophetic ministries out
there, but God wants a multiplication of these. He wants fathers
and mothers to nurture the real thing.

Serving Mike Bickle in Kansas City for many years has been so
beneficial for me, because he only likes the real thing and he has
an ear for it. After observing me giving dates and time frames in
prophetic words he asked me, "How often are you accurate?"

"I think I am mostly accurate," was my pitiful reply. Mike looked at
me and put forth a challenge. "I want you to track every date you
give for the next year, whether individually or corporately. Take
record of it and go back and ask whoever you need to if it happened."

I took his advice and, after tracking for about two years of revelation,
I realized that I had not only been wrong a few times, but the way I
was operating before I began to track my words left people with the
responsibility for my wrong words. Meaning, if I give a word to you
and it doesn't happen and I have a credible reputation, you will
probably not blame me for the word being wrong. You will either
blame God or, most likely, yourself.

The prophetic ministries need to take false responsibility off of the
people they minister to. When someone is at the beginning ten
years of their prophetic ministry, it is their responsibility to track
prophetic words as those receiving the revelation. If we give a
corporate word about something that is going to happen and it
does not, we must take it on as our responsibility to apologize or
even, in some cases, repent.

As we begin to create a system of tracking in the prophetic, we
are going to be able to measure together an accuracy that will go
well beyond what we are seeing now. Not because the words are
higher, but a whole corporate people can be moved into a realm of
faith that is much higher because of their trust for those prophesying.

How Do We Let the Lord Measure?

Why are we giving platforms for people to address the prophetic
issues who have no prophetic experience that is weighed and
measured? We need to reserve what we stand behind for those we
trust. This trust can not be given because of personalities and great
use of puns and riddles called prophecies. I am not being critical but

If I claimed to have a healing ministry but could not show you
anyone who was healed through my ministry, how would I be
trusted to be brought into a healing crusade when people who will
come will be so desperate for the heart of God to come? If you see
prophetic ministries in your midst giving revelation without
established trust for the proof of their words, then there needs to
be a weighing process.

How do we weigh each other in prophetic ministry?

1) By character and purity
2) Personal integrity
3) Tracking the verifiable revelations given
4) Relationship responsibility

Contrary to popular belief, the prophetic ministry is a relational
ministry. Words we get are given in relationship to the Spirit of God
who is the Spirit of friendship. If words are given that are inaccurate,
it will break down relationship with that person, group, or even
region of the earth. This means that for every prophetic person who
uses the excuse of rejection to hide behind so they don't have to
have real accountable friendships, they are handicapping the
fruitfulness of their ministry. Also, this means that to restore
relationship there has to be a rebuilding. That rebuilding might be
as easy as an apology, but it has to be taken on.

If there is going to be a great maturing then there is going to have
to be a kingdom process of building. Too many people are not
listening to revelation in our generation for lack of credible voices.
There is a cry in hearts that is calling for the real God. The land is
crying out to hear God, to see what He says about terrorism,
about natural events, about politics, about finances, about families
in crises, about disasters and calamities, about wars, about love.

A Cloud of Confusion

God has been allowing a cloud of confusion over some ministries
who will not allow a weighing process to revelation or who are falling
short but not taking on the anointing of His nature in a sincere way.
This is a prophetic statement. Many who have not been
prophesying with a right measure have been allowed by Heaven to
be in confusion and their words have caused the same. If I
prophesy about California saying earthquakes will come one day
because of the great sin, with no specific hope given or
understanding imparted, all that I am doing is creating a context for
shame and fear. Let me tell you one story:

One church I was at in Florida had received a word that Florida was
going to receive an earthquake that would destroy middle Florida
(where they were). It had no date and no reason why, but came
from what they thought to be a credible voice. Why would God
speak such a word of judgment or even warning without the voice
of Heaven's love and hope setting hearts ablaze with the truth of His
purpose for the earthquake? God speaks so that we have a greater
ability to build His love on earth, not so that we have secret
information for self protection.

When I asked them to ask the prophetic ministry how many words
he had received that were accurate over natural disasters, he
replied, "None." He had prophesied over ministries with accuracy
and used that same authority to prophesy in this area of natural
disasters but, in fact, he had no authority in this new area for himself.

Part of the confusion that many are walking in comes from not
understanding spheres of authority that God has called them to.
This is especially true with intercessory prophets. Many of the
prophetic voices who have been prophesying to the body have been
actually setting a context to pray by sharing possibilities of what
might be. This is totally needed, but when it's not understood for
what it is then it creates confusion when the words they spoke
don't happen.

So You Declare a Thing So It Will Be Established

I believe that God is about to establish the declarative ministry of
the prophetic in such a way that, when it is spoken by someone
who has anointing and relationship with Heaven, it will be done on
a level that will blow the world away. There are a few ministries that
have a declarative voice, but too few.

I believe that warnings and discernment are about to come forth
that, if heeded, will change the outcome of some situations in the
earth that have been overwhelmed by demonic agenda. If we don't
begin to prepare the wineskin of the prophetic to sustain credible
revelation then how will we hear these messages in the days to come?

Its time for the voice of Heaven to be heard!


So, we have diagnosed some issues and also pointed to the Lord
establishing His own nature within us so that we can weigh rightly.
God wants to train and mobilize us in a more mature way in
revelation and the prophetic gifts. As we continue to explore this
maturing process, I pray that the grace of God will be with you for
both the maturing process and the mistakes that we will make to
get there. May He, the Spirit of Revelation, increase in you!

~Shawn Bolz.