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Seagull? Cedar vs. Spruce acoustic guitar question

Posted by: bjthomas44 <bjthomas44@...>

Just found a Seagull Rustic Dreadnought for $299 on Elderly Music's site.   Anyone know anything about them and cedar top guitars?   Would they be good for bluegrass?

I was in a store in Evansville, In. over the weekend and the salesman tried to push a Seagull on me.  I think it was around $500.  He fingerpicked some and it sounded nice, then he really boomed some chords as well. It sounded pretty strong to me.  Any advice?

I'm concerned about tuners, nut materials, etc.  I think Seagull is pretty strong in those areas too. Is hand made in Canada better than made in China of Korea? 

BJ of Indiana

--- On Sat, 10/17/09, Stan Travis <; wrote:
<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid
rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">
From: Stan Travis <;
Subject: Re: [ChristianGuitar] acoustic guitar question
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 10:33 AM

Blueridge necks are standard 1 11/16 inch.  The neck profile is late Martin.


Bryan Thomas wrote:
> *From the responses so far, i'd run from a Taylor (even if I had the money).  *
> ** *Just looking for a "box" in my budget.  I mean, box.  Old style, old sounding, yet durable, and price friendly (i'm sure you know what I mean).*
> ** *All the Breedlove's i've looked at seemed thin bodied.  However, my friend goes to MerleFest every year (he does stage mc work) so his guitar apparently fits with him.*
> ** *Back to Blueridge.  I've read lots of reviews that say the necks are narrow.  I have large hands and
fingers.  Those comments make me wary.*
> *BJ of Indiana*
> --- On *Fri, 10/16/09, Stan Travis /<<a ymailto="" href="/mc/compose?">>/* wrote:
>     From: Stan Travis <<a ymailto="" href="/mc/compose?">>
>     Subject: Re: [ChristianGuitar] acoustic guitar question
>     To: <a ymailto="" href="/mc/compose?">
>     Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 12:49 PM
>     Taylors have their own voice.  Some like the jangly, brassy,
>     brittle sound, but I'm not one of those people.  The
lower end
>     Taylors to my ear sound like a plywood guitar should sound,
>     a wet sponge, or maybe cardboard.  Blueridge builds a guitar that
>     has a full, big sound with the power and headroom to serve as a
>     good flatpicking or driving rhythm guitar, and they do it at a
>     really attractive price.  They can be found on ebay and other
>     places for $200 or less.  One of teh guys that was in our jam last
>     knight was playing the Blueridge version of a Martin D41.  Very
>     strong, nice sounding guitar,
>     Later
>     Stan
> --
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