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#1 · May 30, 2002, 9:51 am
Quote from Forum Archives on May 30, 2002, 9:51 amPosted by: henkf <henkf@...>
=======================The Names of God========================SEEKING THE THINGS ABOVE
INTRO: Text: Col. 3:1-41. Man by nature is a "seeker."-- Something that he pursues, effort to obtain.
2. The object of man's search has the power to shape his life.
a. Illus., Influence of wealth on man-- may become dishonest, suspicious,
engage in all kinds of evil (see I Tim. 6:10). He loses "his heart"
feelings for others.
3. In reality, only two things which man seeks--things above and things of
the earth; temporary and eternal.(see 2 Cor. 4:18)
4. To "find" the things above, appear with Christ in glory, one must
mortify the members upon the earth. Many wrestle with the problem of
putting sin to death in the body, yet never able to have much
success...give up.
I. THE CHRISTIAN HAS THE PRIVILEGE AND DUTY TO SEEK "THE THINGS ABOVE."A. In baptism one is "cut free" from sin by "circumcision of Christ" in
putting off the body of sin in the flesh (Col. 2:11,12). Baptism is
where GOD does the operating to free one from the dominion of sin.
1. One is in bondage, nothing to do with righteousness (Rom. 6:20).
Christian is freed from this dominion.
2. Two laws in Rom. 7. Law of sin and death and Law of Moses.
Consented that the law (Moses) was good, but yielded constantly to law
of sin and death.
3. Rom. 8-- Law of Spirit of life-- Christ condemned sin in the flesh.
Sinless one paid penalty for sin. Man has incentive and means to
overcome sin in the flesh. In relation to Christ, freed from penalty
of sin and its dominion. In this relation to Christ, one can put sin
to death.
B. Those in Christ are the only ones who can have assurance of obtaining
"the things above."
C. Duty- Purpose for Christ's death and freeing from dominion of sin
is that man might put to death the practice of sin. (see Rom. 6:11-13;
Col. 3:1,5f).
1. In reality, the world is crucified to the Christian (see Gal.
6:14). One is to regard the world as being dead.
2. If this is not the case, the work of redemption is defeated.II. WHAT ARE THE "THINGS ABOVE" WHICH WE ARE TO SEEK?
Things pertaining to "heavenly citizenship. (Phil. 3:20)A. Summarized--"Christ"--To see His glory (Jn. 17:24); To share such with
Him (Rom. 8:17); to enjoy "mansions" which He now is preparing. (Jn.
B. Fellowship with the Father of our spirits; in presence of one who
is worthy of honor, praise; one able to supply all needs. (Rev.
C. Association of angels and saints made perfect (Heb. 12:1; Lk. 13:28,29).
D. Glory, honor, immortality. (Rom. 2:7)
1. Glory- Gives happiness- cause of great rejoicing. (Col. 3:4; I Thess.
2. Honor- Esteem in which one is held by God. (see Jn. 12:26; I Pet.
3. Immortality- State of being free from suffering, decay, exemption
from sin, impurity.III. WHY SEEK THE THINGS ABOVE?A. Satisfying- Earthly things meet needs only for moment, must seek to
fill again. Never really satisfied. Seed of destruction within. To seek
one means of satisfaction brings into conflict with another.
B. Certain- Earthly in constant change. Things above serve as that to
which can anchor soul.
C. Eternal- Earthly decay. "Things seen are temporal, unseen are eternal."
(2 Cor. 4:18)
This gives strength to overcome...put to death the deeds of the body.
Must believe such exist.A. Word carries thought of "earnest endeavor," "diligent labor."
B. How? By setting "affections" (love), mind on things above. (Col. 3:2)
C. Christian to be "renewed in the spirit of his mind." (Eph. 4:23; Rom.
12:2) Something which one does--"as taught by him." (Eph. 4:21)
D. Conscious mind can be occupied with only one thing at a time.
Sub-conscious mind expresses thoughts fed into it in the past. By
conscious effort of setting minds on things above, will displace
thoughts of things of the earth.
1. Reason one continues to practice sin is that he continues to think
on sin. Break with the past not easy. One is often discouraged
that temptation continues to come up, give way to sin. This is need
for renewed effort.
2. Here is need for constant study and meditation of God's word.
E. By "looking to Jesus" we can become like Him. (2 Cor. 3:18)
1. Not just "positive thinking" but the object of thoughts, relation to
1. Have you been made free from the law of sin and death? Obedience
frees (Rom. 8:2)
2. Knowledge that the righteous demands fulfilled if walk after
Spirit, faith in Christ.
3. Are your affections set on things above? Members on earth
mortified? If you will, promise of glory with Christ awaits you.
(Heaven real. Illus., Blind boy flying kite. When asked how he knew
kite was in air, he replied, "I can feel it pull.")
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Posted by: henkf <henkf@...>
The Names of God
INTRO: Text: Col. 3:1-4
INTRO: Text: Col. 3:1-4
1. Man by nature is a "seeker."-- Something that he pursues, effort to obtain.
2. The object of man's search has the power to shape his life.
a. Illus., Influence of wealth on man-- may become dishonest, suspicious,
engage in all kinds of evil (see I Tim. 6:10). He loses "his heart"
feelings for others.
3. In reality, only two things which man seeks--things above and things of
the earth; temporary and eternal.(see 2 Cor. 4:18)
4. To "find" the things above, appear with Christ in glory, one must
mortify the members upon the earth. Many wrestle with the problem of
putting sin to death in the body, yet never able to have much
success...give up.
2. The object of man's search has the power to shape his life.
a. Illus., Influence of wealth on man-- may become dishonest, suspicious,
engage in all kinds of evil (see I Tim. 6:10). He loses "his heart"
feelings for others.
3. In reality, only two things which man seeks--things above and things of
the earth; temporary and eternal.(see 2 Cor. 4:18)
4. To "find" the things above, appear with Christ in glory, one must
mortify the members upon the earth. Many wrestle with the problem of
putting sin to death in the body, yet never able to have much
success...give up.
A. In baptism one is "cut free" from sin by "circumcision of Christ" in
putting off the body of sin in the flesh (Col. 2:11,12). Baptism is
where GOD does the operating to free one from the dominion of sin.
1. One is in bondage, nothing to do with righteousness (Rom. 6:20).
Christian is freed from this dominion.
2. Two laws in Rom. 7. Law of sin and death and Law of Moses.
Consented that the law (Moses) was good, but yielded constantly to law
of sin and death.
3. Rom. 8-- Law of Spirit of life-- Christ condemned sin in the flesh.
Sinless one paid penalty for sin. Man has incentive and means to
overcome sin in the flesh. In relation to Christ, freed from penalty
of sin and its dominion. In this relation to Christ, one can put sin
to death.
B. Those in Christ are the only ones who can have assurance of obtaining
"the things above."
C. Duty- Purpose for Christ's death and freeing from dominion of sin
is that man might put to death the practice of sin. (see Rom. 6:11-13;
Col. 3:1,5f).
1. In reality, the world is crucified to the Christian (see Gal.
6:14). One is to regard the world as being dead.
2. If this is not the case, the work of redemption is defeated.
putting off the body of sin in the flesh (Col. 2:11,12). Baptism is
where GOD does the operating to free one from the dominion of sin.
1. One is in bondage, nothing to do with righteousness (Rom. 6:20).
Christian is freed from this dominion.
2. Two laws in Rom. 7. Law of sin and death and Law of Moses.
Consented that the law (Moses) was good, but yielded constantly to law
of sin and death.
3. Rom. 8-- Law of Spirit of life-- Christ condemned sin in the flesh.
Sinless one paid penalty for sin. Man has incentive and means to
overcome sin in the flesh. In relation to Christ, freed from penalty
of sin and its dominion. In this relation to Christ, one can put sin
to death.
B. Those in Christ are the only ones who can have assurance of obtaining
"the things above."
C. Duty- Purpose for Christ's death and freeing from dominion of sin
is that man might put to death the practice of sin. (see Rom. 6:11-13;
Col. 3:1,5f).
1. In reality, the world is crucified to the Christian (see Gal.
6:14). One is to regard the world as being dead.
2. If this is not the case, the work of redemption is defeated.
Things pertaining to "heavenly citizenship. (Phil. 3:20)
Things pertaining to "heavenly citizenship. (Phil. 3:20)
A. Summarized--"Christ"--To see His glory (Jn. 17:24); To share such with
Him (Rom. 8:17); to enjoy "mansions" which He now is preparing. (Jn.
B. Fellowship with the Father of our spirits; in presence of one who
is worthy of honor, praise; one able to supply all needs. (Rev.
C. Association of angels and saints made perfect (Heb. 12:1; Lk. 13:28,29).
D. Glory, honor, immortality. (Rom. 2:7)
1. Glory- Gives happiness- cause of great rejoicing. (Col. 3:4; I Thess.
2. Honor- Esteem in which one is held by God. (see Jn. 12:26; I Pet.
3. Immortality- State of being free from suffering, decay, exemption
from sin, impurity.
Him (Rom. 8:17); to enjoy "mansions" which He now is preparing. (Jn.
B. Fellowship with the Father of our spirits; in presence of one who
is worthy of honor, praise; one able to supply all needs. (Rev.
C. Association of angels and saints made perfect (Heb. 12:1; Lk. 13:28,29).
D. Glory, honor, immortality. (Rom. 2:7)
1. Glory- Gives happiness- cause of great rejoicing. (Col. 3:4; I Thess.
2. Honor- Esteem in which one is held by God. (see Jn. 12:26; I Pet.
3. Immortality- State of being free from suffering, decay, exemption
from sin, impurity.
A. Satisfying- Earthly things meet needs only for moment, must seek to
fill again. Never really satisfied. Seed of destruction within. To seek
one means of satisfaction brings into conflict with another.
B. Certain- Earthly in constant change. Things above serve as that to
which can anchor soul.
C. Eternal- Earthly decay. "Things seen are temporal, unseen are eternal."
(2 Cor. 4:18)
This gives strength to overcome...put to death the deeds of the body.
Must believe such exist.
fill again. Never really satisfied. Seed of destruction within. To seek
one means of satisfaction brings into conflict with another.
B. Certain- Earthly in constant change. Things above serve as that to
which can anchor soul.
C. Eternal- Earthly decay. "Things seen are temporal, unseen are eternal."
(2 Cor. 4:18)
This gives strength to overcome...put to death the deeds of the body.
Must believe such exist.
A. Word carries thought of "earnest endeavor," "diligent labor."
B. How? By setting "affections" (love), mind on things above. (Col. 3:2)
C. Christian to be "renewed in the spirit of his mind." (Eph. 4:23; Rom.
12:2) Something which one does--"as taught by him." (Eph. 4:21)
D. Conscious mind can be occupied with only one thing at a time.
Sub-conscious mind expresses thoughts fed into it in the past. By
conscious effort of setting minds on things above, will displace
thoughts of things of the earth.
1. Reason one continues to practice sin is that he continues to think
on sin. Break with the past not easy. One is often discouraged
that temptation continues to come up, give way to sin. This is need
for renewed effort.
2. Here is need for constant study and meditation of God's word.
E. By "looking to Jesus" we can become like Him. (2 Cor. 3:18)
1. Not just "positive thinking" but the object of thoughts, relation to
B. How? By setting "affections" (love), mind on things above. (Col. 3:2)
C. Christian to be "renewed in the spirit of his mind." (Eph. 4:23; Rom.
12:2) Something which one does--"as taught by him." (Eph. 4:21)
D. Conscious mind can be occupied with only one thing at a time.
Sub-conscious mind expresses thoughts fed into it in the past. By
conscious effort of setting minds on things above, will displace
thoughts of things of the earth.
1. Reason one continues to practice sin is that he continues to think
on sin. Break with the past not easy. One is often discouraged
that temptation continues to come up, give way to sin. This is need
for renewed effort.
2. Here is need for constant study and meditation of God's word.
E. By "looking to Jesus" we can become like Him. (2 Cor. 3:18)
1. Not just "positive thinking" but the object of thoughts, relation to
1. Have you been made free from the law of sin and death? Obedience
frees (Rom. 8:2)
2. Knowledge that the righteous demands fulfilled if walk after
Spirit, faith in Christ.
3. Are your affections set on things above? Members on earth
mortified? If you will, promise of glory with Christ awaits you.
(Heaven real. Illus., Blind boy flying kite. When asked how he knew
kite was in air, he replied, "I can feel it pull.")
1. Have you been made free from the law of sin and death? Obedience
frees (Rom. 8:2)
2. Knowledge that the righteous demands fulfilled if walk after
Spirit, faith in Christ.
3. Are your affections set on things above? Members on earth
mortified? If you will, promise of glory with Christ awaits you.
(Heaven real. Illus., Blind boy flying kite. When asked how he knew
kite was in air, he replied, "I can feel it pull.")
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