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September 11, 2001

Posted by: Goatsnsoaps <Goatsnsoaps@...>


What do we tell our children?
While evil invades our land?
Why daddy won’t be coming home,
He’ll no longer hold our hand.

"Mommy, did all the bad men die?"
Asked as we knelt to pray.
Will the planes crash into us?
Will we have another day?

Lives are lost and tears will fall,
Families torn apart.
Baby, mommy is now in heaven
But she’ll never leave your heart.

Although you can not see her face,
Beauty that is lost.
Our land will never be the same
Much too high the cost.

Hold onto your loved ones.
Don’t let the minutes pass.
No one knows the hour,
We will breathe our last.

God, You will sustain us,
‘though we can not understand
Why so many had to die
By those from other lands.

Airplanes used as weapons…
Who could be so evil?
Turning buildings into ruins,
Taking innocent people.

Lord, hold us in your arms,
We know your words are true.
You are the greatest comforter
And our hope is found in You

Our minds cannot comprehend,
All the angels now in heaven.
This is a day we can’t forget.
The day, September 11.
j winfindale