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Posted by: bhfbc <bhfbc@...>





March 23, 2008



Text: Luke 24:1-12



During this season of Lent, I have been redundant.  Or repetitious.  Or repetitiously redundant.  Throughout Lent, I have delivered a series of sermons I have titled “The Way Out of the Mess.”  In each sermon, I described that we are in a mess because of our disobedience to God.  In other words, we are sinners.  Also in each sermon, I shared the way out of the mess.  So every Sunday since February 10th, you have heard me preach about our ABCs – admit, believe, and confess.


I have done this for a purpose.  Well, more than one purpose, really, because like in all my sermons I want to be faithful to the Bible.  Without a doubt, two of the great themes of Scripture are human sinfulness and God’s fix for it.  That is what I have preached.


The reason that I chose to use the ABC memory aid is because this will be the technique used in Vacation Bible School this year.  The VBS publisher that we have chosen uses this ABC to express the message of salvation to children.  Whether shared with children or adults, the purpose is the same: to share the message of salvation and to provide the opportunity to accept Jesus as Savior.


This is Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  This is the day that we celebrate his complete victory over sin and the grave.  It doesn’t make sense to celebrate the day without making it clear why Jesus endured the shame and pain and suffering on the cross.  The lyrics to one of our cantata selections, “Always the Cross,” remind us:

It wasn’t kindness that made Him the Savior of man.

It wasn’t meekness that would pay for our sin,

‘Cause we couldn’t earn being rescued and saved

And we would have perished, but for one way…

It was always the cross.


Because of the broken relationship that began with Adam and Eve, we are in a mess.  Because of that first angry murder of Abel by Cain, we are in a mess.  Because of jealousy over what someone else is given, as between Joseph and his brothers, we are in a mess.  Because we cannot face challenges with the certainty that God will fulfill His deliverance promises, we are in a mess.  Because there are those who will lead us astray, we are in a mess.


We are in a mess, but the Lord has lifted us out.  This is the message that we revisit every time we progress from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.  There is a way out of the mess we are in.  It is as simple as A, B, C.  Admit to God that you are a sinner and repent, meaning turn away from sin.  Believe that Jesus is God’s Son and accept God’s gift of forgiveness and removal of sin.  Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  We are in a mess, but the Lord has lifted us out.


This is what this morning’s cantata is all about.  It is about how we, unworthy sinners, can accept God’s invitation to lift us out of the mess we are in.  Listen to the lyrics and listen to the narration.  Let the words find meaning in your life.  If you have already been lifted out of the mess of separation from the love of God, meaning that you have been saved, then rededicate yourself to a life of faithful obedience.  If you are still in the mess of unconfessed sin, then let the Holy Spirit guide you to salvation full and free this morning.  Following the cantata, there will be an opportunity to respond to God’s saving grace.  Do not let this moment pass you by.  Why else did Christ suffer so?


Just one more announcement before the choir begins “The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference.”  During the final song, the “Crown Him!” medley, there are places for the congregation to sing along with the choir.  The words are inserted in your bulletin – “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” “Grace Greater than our Sin,” and “Amazing Grace.”  The choir invites you to sing along and celebrate Resurrection Sunday with us at these appropriate moments; don’t be shy.  “The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference.”



Rev. Charles A. Layne

First Baptist Church

PO Box 515

179 W. Broadway

Bunker Hill, IN 46914






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