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Sermon length
38,915 Posts
#1 · August 31, 2018, 12:47 am
Quote from Forum Archives on August 31, 2018, 12:47 amPosted by: al <al@...>
I recently heard this great insight regarding
how long a sermon should be: “Preaching a
sermon is like filling an empty vessel. Don’t
preach according to a time limit on a clock.
Instead, preach according to the capacity of
your hearers to receive what you say. If a
sermon goes beyond their capacity to contain
it, your sermon will overflow the brim and
spill out. Preach until the vessel is full, then
stop, lest anything more you say be spilled
and wasted.”
I need to remember that!!!--
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Posted by: al <al@...>
I recently heard this great insight regarding
how long a sermon should be: “Preaching a
sermon is like filling an empty vessel. Don’t
preach according to a time limit on a clock.
Instead, preach according to the capacity of
your hearers to receive what you say. If a
sermon goes beyond their capacity to contain
it, your sermon will overflow the brim and
spill out. Preach until the vessel is full, then
stop, lest anything more you say be spilled
and wasted.”
I need to remember that!!!
how long a sermon should be: “Preaching a
sermon is like filling an empty vessel. Don’t
preach according to a time limit on a clock.
Instead, preach according to the capacity of
your hearers to receive what you say. If a
sermon goes beyond their capacity to contain
it, your sermon will overflow the brim and
spill out. Preach until the vessel is full, then
stop, lest anything more you say be spilled
and wasted.”
I need to remember that!!!
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