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Sermon outline- Doxology of God's Power

Posted by: avhughes <avhughes@...>

Here is a simple outline that someone may like to develop further.

Preach on, brethren!

Al Hughes


Doxology of God's Power

Eph 3:14-21 (text vs. 20-21)

         In the first three chapters in Ephesians Paul describes all the eternal blessings every Christian has in Christ. In verses 14-19 he explains how he prays for the believers to grow in their faith and comprehension of God's love. Then in verses 20-21 he concludes with a mighty outburst of spiritual praise unto God.


I.    The Abounding ABILITY of God ("Now unto him that is ABLE…")


God is able,

God is able to do,

God is able to do exceeding,

God is able to do exceeding abundantly,

God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask,


·         "exceedingly": to surpass.

·        "abundantly": to overflow and to do more than enough.

·        "above": to go over and above, beyond any need.

·        "all that we ask." Our brain is not even capable of imagining something that God could not do.

         A.   There is no PROBLEM God cannot SOLVE.


         B.    There is no PERSON God cannot SAVE. Hebrews 7:25


II.  An Assured APPEAL to God ("we ask…according to the power that worketh in us"). This power is AVAILABLE to us in prayer. The measure of God's power at work in us depends upon our measure yielding to the working of His power. God's power is available if we are available! He desires to work in you, but do you desire for Him to work in you.




III. The Adoring AGENCY of God ("…Unto him be glory IN THE CHURCH…").