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John 21:1-19
Life of Christ #60
After appearing before various people at the tomb, on the Road and in the (Upper) Room, Jesus now appears to seven men by the sea. Jesus had instructed his followers to go to Galilee where He would appear to them again. They had left the business, sorrows and excitement of Jerusalem to return to the home turf where many of these men had been fishermen before they were called to be fishers of men.
It is here by the sea of Tiberias, or Galilee, according to verses 1-3 that Peter decided to return to something he knew well, fishing. Other disciples decided to go with Him.
It is here that these men especially Peter, were forced to think. It is here, if we know whats good for us, we will force ourselves to think, and to ask ourselves some tough questions.
1. AM I FLEXIBLE? Vss. 4-6
The disciples would have started fishing at dusk and finished at dawn. Verse 3 tells us that they caught nothing.
Perhaps thats a picture of your Christian life. You profess to be a follower of Jesus and have tried to do what is right, but time after time you have failed miserably.
Vs. 4 Jesus was present. He is God. He saw the whole thing. The disciples did not know that it was Jesus. They were close to shore, but did not know that He was there.
We labor at trying to live the Christian life, trying to be good, trying to be a good witness and fail. Jesus sees it all!
Vs. 5 Jesus asks the question, Do you have any food? or Did you Catch anything? Did you have a good fishing trip?
The answer was a simple and an honest No!
We dont like to admit failure, but when we have failed, it is best to be honest about it! Weve failed to be good Christians. Weve failed to serve well. Weve failed to be an effective witness.
Vs. 6 Jesus gives instructions, Cast your nets on the other side of the boat and you will be successful!
The disciples had been fishing on one side of the boat, now Jesus tells them to be flexible. Try the other side. Do it His way!
It had been only two or three weeks before when Jesus had told them in the Upper Room, for without me ye can do nothing.
When the disciples stopped doing it their way, and started doing it His way, they caught fish. They were successful.
So it is with us. When we stop doing things our own way, and follow Jesus directions without question, then we will be successful!
The Apostle had discovered this truth and explained it this way in Galatians 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
So think! Am I flexible? Am I still doing things in my own strength and in my stubborn will? Or am I doing things Jesus way. Learning from Him, and allowing Him to control what I do?
Read Vss. 7-14
Peter in his usual excitement rushed to Jesus.
The disciples came to land and had a remarkable catch of 153 fish.
They found that Jesus had already started breakfast. He told them to bring some of the fish with them.
The great invitation was Come and Dine.
Eating together is meant to be an intimate, friendly time. It is a time to talk. It is a time to get to know someone better.
Jesus invited his disciples to a time of fellowship with Him.
A Christian has many privileges, not the least of which is to spend intimate time of fellowship with Him. He is available for us. He invites us to fellowship with Him.
We fellowship with Him when we talk to Him and listen for Him to talk back.
We fellowship with Him when we read His Word and listen for Him to speak.
We fellowship with Him when we meditate on His Word. John 15:4-5,7
AM I FERVENT? Vss. 15-17
By a fire Peter had publicly denied Jesus.
By a fire Jesus, lovingly, but firmly confronts Peter.
Jesus had warned Peter of the denial, but Peter had professed that he would never deny Jesus. Matthew 26:33-35
Vs. 15 Jesus asked Peter, Do you love me so fervently that you love me more than these disciples?
Peter was afraid to answer as boldly as he had in the past. He had failed. He had been forgiven, but he did not trust himself. So he answered, Lord you know that I am very fond of you and that I have brotherly love for you.
Vs. 16 Jesus asks Peter again. Peter, without comparing yourself to anyone else do you love me fervently?
Peter is again careful. Lord you know that I am very fond of you and that I have brotherly love for you.
Vs. 17 There were three denials, there are three questions. Peter, do you have a brotherly love for me? Peter is hurt. But the Lord will hurt us to make us think.
Peter again answers, Lord, you know all things. You know my heart. You know I love you.
We often fail our Lord Jesus Christ after we have made great professions of love and allegiance. We like Peter need to confess those times of failure as sin.
Then, we might here the Lord saying to us, Do you love me fervently? Do you love me as a friend? In our grief we are hesitant to make the grand boasts of allegiance that we had once made.
But from deep within we need to be able to say in all honesty, Lord, you know all things. You know that I love you.
So each of us needs to ask the question, Am I fervent? Do I love the Lord? After all that is the first and most important commandment of all. Matthew 22:37-38
My friend, Jesus Christ died for you. He gave His life for you. That is why we are to trust Him as our Savior. If He is your Savior he is worthy of all of your love. Isaiah 53:5-6
AM I FAITHFUL? Vss. 15-18
Jesus had a plan for Peters life.
Peter had failed.
Peter had reaffirmed His love for Jesus.
Peter was to Feed His lambs, and to feed his sheep.
Peter was called to be a fisher of men. Matthew 4:19
Peter was called to be a fisherman and a shepherd in the early church.
How did He do?
On the Day of Pentecost and on other occasions he spoke messages that literally brought thousands to faith in Christ. He was a fisher of men.
Throughout the early days of the church Peter was part of the leadership. And he wrote two epistles that to this day help to shepherd Christs sheep.
Vs. 18 Peter was faithful to death. This verse implies crucifixion. Peter was a martyr for Christs sake.
Every Christian has been given jobs to do.
Every Christian is a steward or custodian of gifts and abilities that Christ wants us to use to bless others.
We are required to be faithful. Ephesians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 4:2
So, think! Ask yourself, Am I faithful to what the Lord Jesus has called me to do? Or you might have to ask an even more basic question Do I know what Jesus wants me to do? If you dont know, you need to ask Him to show you, and to actively look for the answer!
Jesus very plainly gave Peter a formula for success.
Jesus told Peter, Follow me!
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Well, quite frankly, you cant truly follow someone unless you believe in that person.
You can not truly follow Jesus until you have trusted Him as your Savior! John 3:36
To trust Jesus as Savior is to believe that He died for your sins, and that He is your only hope for Heaven. It is not trusting my own works, morality, or ability. It is recognizing my total sinful helplessness, and trusting that Jesus work on the cross is sufficient to save me.
You can not truly follow Jesus unless you trust Him as your Savior.
The next step to follow Jesus, is to surrender my own life to live the life that He wants me to live. It is dying to self to live in pursuit of obedience to one Lord and Master.
Someone has well said, If Jesus is not Lord of all, he is not Lord at all! Luke 9:23-24
Now, think!
Is Jesus Lord of your life? Are you following Him or living independently of Him?
With all that is going on Easter Sunday, it is hard to think. But think you must do because your whole life depends on it!
Deuteronomy 9:1-7
Psalm 91:1
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
Life is full of changes. We move on physically, emotionally, and mentally.
According to this verse, we need to be on the move on spiritually as well. We need to move on!
MOVE IN! - "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High..."
You have a physical dwelling place, a home where you spend most of your time.
If you are a Christian, you are invited to move into the presence of God. You are to dwell in His presence.
You move into God's presence through:
Prayer - John 15:7
Praise - Hebrews 13:15-16
Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 2:15
Memorization and Meditation on God's Word - Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119:97-100
Fellowship - Matthew 18:20, Hebrews 10:24-25
MOVE UP! - "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High..."
It is a secret place. Only those who know Christ find it. Only those who confess sin find it. (Psalm 119:18, Psalm 32:5) Only those who seek it, find it. (Psalm 27:8).
It is a step up to communion with our Great High Priest. Hebrews 4:14-16
It is a step up above sin, above the world, and above worry.
MOVE UNDER! - "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
The shadow is protection. There's more protection for the person who dwells in the secret place of the most high. As he stays focused on the Lord, He will have peace (Isaiah 26:3). As he gives his problems to the Lord, he will have peace (Philippians 4:6-7). We will be protected from anxiety and worry! We will relax in the truths of Psalm 121
Matthew 19:17-26
The rich young ruler had a good, relevant question, What goo thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
In essence was saying, You call me good and there is none good but God. That means I am God.
The one thing the man lacked was faith enough in Christ to leave behind his wealth.
God does the impossible through Calvary in order to save a persons soul.
Luke 19:1-10
I think of a pilgrim as someone on a spiritual journey. In a real sense, Zacchaeus was a pilgrim!
1 Timothy 2:8-15
1 Corinthians 14:33 - For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
The context of 1Timothy 2:8-15 is public worship. In verses 1-7 Paul had given a challenge to prayer. Now, he gives some behavioral instructions, for the sake of order, to men and women for behavior during the church services.
ACTION - Vs. 8
The specific challenge is to the men in the congregation, but this does not excuse women from praying as well. I think that the words, In like manner also in verse 9 show us there is a place for women to pray in the church.
This word everywhere means in every place. That is, wherever the church is gathered men should be praying.
Concerning public prayer, we need to see happen what happened in the first century church. Acts 4:31
This action of prayer is to by men who lift up holy hands.
I want to emphasize that our hands are to be spiritually clean when we pray.
The word holy here means unpolluted.
This means that the person who prays should have no unjudged sin in the life.
He should not be professing one thing on Sunday, and living in ungodliness the rest of the week. Psalm 66:18
The action of public prayer is also to practiced without wrath.
When we pray there should be no anger. James 1:20
The action of prayer is also to be without doubting.
The word doubting here means "disputations, reasonings, skeptical questions or criticisms."
Vs. 9 - The word "adorn" means "to order or arrange". The women were to order or arrange their clothes in a modest way. The word "modest" means decent or orderly.
"Shamefacedness" means modest, " the avoiding of extremes".
The Christian woman is not to go to extremes of wearing sensual or suggestive clothes. Nor is she to go the extreme of trying to look artificially glamorous. Nor is she to go to the extreme of purposely trying to look drab or dull.
Sobriety simply means to have good sense. Thus the Christian woman is to dress sensibly.
This next phrase not with broided hair, or gold or pearls, or costly array: is not outlawing hair-styles, or jewelry or expensive clothes. He is simply saying that the effort a woman makes should not be towards these things.
A Christian woman should strive to look modestly attractive for the glory of God, but she should not go to extremes in hairstyle, clothes or jewelry.
Vs. 10 - Here, Paul is telling the ladies what the major emphasis should be in their lives concerning adornment. Instead of concentrating on clothes, and jewelry and hairdo, they are to concentrate on that which is becoming of a woman who is a professing Christian.
Your life is to be adorned with good works! Examples: Martha, Dorcas, Phoebe, Lydia
These next verses will not throw you if you understand the context.
The context is not the superiority of men and the inferiority of women. Galatians 3:27-28
In Jewish and Greek culture of Paul's day women had few rights. They were often mistreated. And yet God has always wanted women to have positions of honor within the family and church. Proverbs 31:30, 1 Peter 3:7, 1 Timothy 5:3
The context of this passage is order. There are certain things God prescribes for the sake of order.
The woman is to learn quietly. She is not to cause a "stir". She is not to be leaning over, whispering, asking questions of her husband. She is not be leaning over, talking, taking issue with what the preacher is saying. When participation is asked for by the speaker in a public meeting, I feel that the ladies have just as much right to participate as the men.
The woman is to learn in subjection. It is the same word used for a woman's subjection to her husband in Ephesians 5:22.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
This word is a military word that means to "rank under".
A woman learns submissively in church and follows the leadership of her husband, not because she is inferior, but because God has decided for the sake of order, she is outranked.
AUTHORITY - Vss. 12-14
Vs. 12 - God has ordained that in the church the men are to practice leadership.
Therefore the ladies are not to teach men in the public meetings of the church. Remember public meetings are the context.
Should women teach?
Why, of course!
Ladies can teach children fellow ladies certain practical truths better than any man can. Titus 2:3-5
And, on a one to one basis, a woman can instruct a man in Bible truths, and yes I believe that a woman can instruct her husband in the private of their own home. Acts 18:24-26
Vss. 13-14 - We have two reasons for the order that God has established.
First, there is the reason of order. Man was formed before woman. Therefore, woman is to naturally follow man's leadership.
Second, Eve was fooled by Satan. Adam was not, but sinned in the garden anyway.
By taking leadership over the man, she ate first and then gave to her husband to eat."
This is a very difficult verse with many possible interpretations.
I do not believe that Paul is talking about salvation of the soul here.
But I do believe he is telling us something about the results of a woman's ministry at home.
If a woman accepts her role in the church and leads a life of faith, love, holiness, and self-restraint, she will raise godly children. There is no greater privilege in the whole world than to bring up the next generation to the glory of God.
If the teachings in these verses are followed there will certainly be ORDER IN THE CHURCH.
Sermon Seeds F48
Titus 1:1-4
Godly Living In the Church #1
(A complete lesson which took me two weeks to teach in Sunday School.)
V In what ways is this a Godly church?
V In what ways could this church be more Godly?
V Why should Godliness be important to our church?
V How will teamwork help a church become more Godly?
Ø After Paul had been released after his first Roman imprisonment he evidently spent time doing evangelistic work on the Isle of Crete.
Ø Crete is about 160 miles long and up to 35 miles wide sitting in the Mediterranean Sea southeast of Greece.
Ø When Paul left Crete churches had been established on the Isles. These churches would have been rather young and immature, needing further training.
Ø Titus, an able assistant to Paul, was left to train and supervise these young churches.
Ø Not only was Pauls epistle a personal letter of encouragement and instruction to young Pastor Titus, but it was a letter that was to be read publicly. This letter helped give Titus the authority to do what he had to do to establish Godly principles within the church.
Ø The Book of Titus helps us learn how Godly living is to be practiced in the church.
In Titus 1:1-4 we are introduced to a formidable team of a veteran servant of God and a faithful protégé, both committed to the establishment of Godly churches.
Titus 1:1 - Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
P Why is the way a Christian views himself important?
P What are some of the unhealthy views a Christian can have of himself?
P Why is being a servant (bond slave) of God a healthy view of oneself for a Christian to have?
P How did Pauls being a willing slave to God impact his life?
P How will viewing ourselves as Gods slave complicate our lives?
P How will viewing ourselves as Gods slave simplify our lives?
P Why should we want to be Gods slaves?
P Suppose each Christian in our church sincerely views himself as and acts as a slave to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. How will that effect Godly living within the church?
P Paul was also an apostle. An apostle is one sent by God. The apostles had seen the risen Lord, and were witnesses of the resurrection.
P Paul probably wanted to establish his authority as an apostle in order to help Timothy when he dealt with sticky church issues. If Paul was an apostle and Timothy was working under Pauls direction, Timothy had the authority to do what he needed to do to bring about Godliness in the church.
P What does a pastor have authority to do in the local church?
P How and when should he exercise this authority?
Titus 1:1 - according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
v As a bond slave to God and an apostle, Paul had two purposes mentioned here.
v First, he was to be an evangelist. He was to be concerned with bringing the Gospel to Gods elect.
v Who are Gods elect? John 3:16, Ephesians 1:3-6
v Does anyone get to Heaven without personally trusting Jesus Christ as Savior? John 3:36, 1 John 5:12
v What is the responsibility of the church in evangelism? Mark 16:15
v What impact should the doctrine of election have on our witnessing?
v Pauls second purpose was to stress the truth according to Godliness. Paul was to train those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior to live according to Gods truth which produces Godly living.
v Who was Pauls authority in teaching Godly living? What is ours?
v Why is not striving to live a Godly life inconsistent with claiming to be a Christian?
v Why should we want to live Godly lives?
v Why should we want to help other Christians live Godly lives?
Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
J According to this verse, what is neat about eternal life?
J What do you think the word hope means here?
J How did this hope motivate Paul to evangelize and teach Godly living?
J How and why should this same hope motivate us?
Titus 1:3 - But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;
Ð What is preaching?
Ð Why is preaching important? 1 Corinthians 1:18-31,
2 Timothy 4:2
Ð What makes a person a good preacher?
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Ð Why should preachers be nervous? James 3:1,
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Ð Why is preaching important in the local church today?
Ð How can you help the preacher watch for your soul? Hebrews 13:17
Titus 1:4 - To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
è Paul was a spiritual father to Titus. He probably led Titus to the Lord.
è Titus is not mentioned in the Book of Acts, but we know from Galatians 2:1-3 that he was a Gentile who was not circumcised.
è Titus, like Timothy, worked under Paul and often went on various assignments as an extension of Pauls ministry.
è Why should Godly men and women have protégés?
è Why did Titus especially need grace, mercy, and peace?
è How is God the source of grace, mercy, and peace?
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John 21:1-19
Life of Christ #60
After appearing before various people at the tomb, on the Road and in the (Upper) Room, Jesus now appears to seven men by the sea. Jesus had instructed his followers to go to Galilee where He would appear to them again. They had left the business, sorrows and excitement of Jerusalem to return to the home turf where many of these men had been fishermen before they were called to be fishers of men.
It is here by the sea of Tiberias, or Galilee, according to verses 1-3 that Peter decided to return to something he knew well, fishing. Other disciples decided to go with Him.
It is here that these men especially Peter, were forced to think. It is here, if we know whats good for us, we will force ourselves to think, and to ask ourselves some tough questions.
1. AM I FLEXIBLE? Vss. 4-6
The disciples would have started fishing at dusk and finished at dawn. Verse 3 tells us that they caught nothing.
Perhaps thats a picture of your Christian life. You profess to be a follower of Jesus and have tried to do what is right, but time after time you have failed miserably.
Vs. 4 Jesus was present. He is God. He saw the whole thing. The disciples did not know that it was Jesus. They were close to shore, but did not know that He was there.
We labor at trying to live the Christian life, trying to be good, trying to be a good witness and fail. Jesus sees it all!
Vs. 5 Jesus asks the question, Do you have any food? or Did you Catch anything? Did you have a good fishing trip?
The answer was a simple and an honest No!
We dont like to admit failure, but when we have failed, it is best to be honest about it! Weve failed to be good Christians. Weve failed to serve well. Weve failed to be an effective witness.
Vs. 6 Jesus gives instructions, Cast your nets on the other side of the boat and you will be successful!
The disciples had been fishing on one side of the boat, now Jesus tells them to be flexible. Try the other side. Do it His way!
It had been only two or three weeks before when Jesus had told them in the Upper Room, for without me ye can do nothing.
When the disciples stopped doing it their way, and started doing it His way, they caught fish. They were successful.
So it is with us. When we stop doing things our own way, and follow Jesus directions without question, then we will be successful!
The Apostle had discovered this truth and explained it this way in Galatians 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
So think! Am I flexible? Am I still doing things in my own strength and in my stubborn will? Or am I doing things Jesus way. Learning from Him, and allowing Him to control what I do?
Read Vss. 7-14
Peter in his usual excitement rushed to Jesus.
The disciples came to land and had a remarkable catch of 153 fish.
They found that Jesus had already started breakfast. He told them to bring some of the fish with them.
The great invitation was Come and Dine.
Eating together is meant to be an intimate, friendly time. It is a time to talk. It is a time to get to know someone better.
Jesus invited his disciples to a time of fellowship with Him.
A Christian has many privileges, not the least of which is to spend intimate time of fellowship with Him. He is available for us. He invites us to fellowship with Him.
We fellowship with Him when we talk to Him and listen for Him to talk back.
We fellowship with Him when we read His Word and listen for Him to speak.
We fellowship with Him when we meditate on His Word. John 15:4-5,7
AM I FERVENT? Vss. 15-17
By a fire Peter had publicly denied Jesus.
By a fire Jesus, lovingly, but firmly confronts Peter.
Jesus had warned Peter of the denial, but Peter had professed that he would never deny Jesus. Matthew 26:33-35
Vs. 15 Jesus asked Peter, Do you love me so fervently that you love me more than these disciples?
Peter was afraid to answer as boldly as he had in the past. He had failed. He had been forgiven, but he did not trust himself. So he answered, Lord you know that I am very fond of you and that I have brotherly love for you.
Vs. 16 Jesus asks Peter again. Peter, without comparing yourself to anyone else do you love me fervently?
Peter is again careful. Lord you know that I am very fond of you and that I have brotherly love for you.
Vs. 17 There were three denials, there are three questions. Peter, do you have a brotherly love for me? Peter is hurt. But the Lord will hurt us to make us think.
Peter again answers, Lord, you know all things. You know my heart. You know I love you.
We often fail our Lord Jesus Christ after we have made great professions of love and allegiance. We like Peter need to confess those times of failure as sin.
Then, we might here the Lord saying to us, Do you love me fervently? Do you love me as a friend? In our grief we are hesitant to make the grand boasts of allegiance that we had once made.
But from deep within we need to be able to say in all honesty, Lord, you know all things. You know that I love you.
So each of us needs to ask the question, Am I fervent? Do I love the Lord? After all that is the first and most important commandment of all. Matthew 22:37-38
My friend, Jesus Christ died for you. He gave His life for you. That is why we are to trust Him as our Savior. If He is your Savior he is worthy of all of your love. Isaiah 53:5-6
AM I FAITHFUL? Vss. 15-18
Jesus had a plan for Peters life.
Peter had failed.
Peter had reaffirmed His love for Jesus.
Peter was to Feed His lambs, and to feed his sheep.
Peter was called to be a fisher of men. Matthew 4:19
Peter was called to be a fisherman and a shepherd in the early church.
How did He do?
On the Day of Pentecost and on other occasions he spoke messages that literally brought thousands to faith in Christ. He was a fisher of men.
Throughout the early days of the church Peter was part of the leadership. And he wrote two epistles that to this day help to shepherd Christs sheep.
Vs. 18 Peter was faithful to death. This verse implies crucifixion. Peter was a martyr for Christs sake.
Every Christian has been given jobs to do.
Every Christian is a steward or custodian of gifts and abilities that Christ wants us to use to bless others.
We are required to be faithful. Ephesians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 4:2
So, think! Ask yourself, Am I faithful to what the Lord Jesus has called me to do? Or you might have to ask an even more basic question Do I know what Jesus wants me to do? If you dont know, you need to ask Him to show you, and to actively look for the answer!
Jesus very plainly gave Peter a formula for success.
Jesus told Peter, Follow me!
What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Well, quite frankly, you cant truly follow someone unless you believe in that person.
You can not truly follow Jesus until you have trusted Him as your Savior! John 3:36
To trust Jesus as Savior is to believe that He died for your sins, and that He is your only hope for Heaven. It is not trusting my own works, morality, or ability. It is recognizing my total sinful helplessness, and trusting that Jesus work on the cross is sufficient to save me.
You can not truly follow Jesus unless you trust Him as your Savior.
The next step to follow Jesus, is to surrender my own life to live the life that He wants me to live. It is dying to self to live in pursuit of obedience to one Lord and Master.
Someone has well said, If Jesus is not Lord of all, he is not Lord at all! Luke 9:23-24
Now, think!
Is Jesus Lord of your life? Are you following Him or living independently of Him?
With all that is going on Easter Sunday, it is hard to think. But think you must do because your whole life depends on it!
Deuteronomy 9:1-7
Psalm 91:1
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
Life is full of changes. We move on physically, emotionally, and mentally.
According to this verse, we need to be on the move on spiritually as well. We need to move on!
MOVE IN! - "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High..."
You have a physical dwelling place, a home where you spend most of your time.
If you are a Christian, you are invited to move into the presence of God. You are to dwell in His presence.
You move into God's presence through:
Prayer - John 15:7
Praise - Hebrews 13:15-16
Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 2:15
Memorization and Meditation on God's Word - Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119:97-100
Fellowship - Matthew 18:20, Hebrews 10:24-25
MOVE UP! - "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High..."
It is a secret place. Only those who know Christ find it. Only those who confess sin find it. (Psalm 119:18, Psalm 32:5) Only those who seek it, find it. (Psalm 27:8).
It is a step up to communion with our Great High Priest. Hebrews 4:14-16
It is a step up above sin, above the world, and above worry.
MOVE UNDER! - "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
The shadow is protection. There's more protection for the person who dwells in the secret place of the most high. As he stays focused on the Lord, He will have peace (Isaiah 26:3). As he gives his problems to the Lord, he will have peace (Philippians 4:6-7). We will be protected from anxiety and worry! We will relax in the truths of Psalm 121
Matthew 19:17-26
The rich young ruler had a good, relevant question, What goo thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
In essence was saying, You call me good and there is none good but God. That means I am God.
The one thing the man lacked was faith enough in Christ to leave behind his wealth.
God does the impossible through Calvary in order to save a persons soul.
Luke 19:1-10
I think of a pilgrim as someone on a spiritual journey. In a real sense, Zacchaeus was a pilgrim!
1 Timothy 2:8-15
1 Corinthians 14:33 - For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
The context of 1Timothy 2:8-15 is public worship. In verses 1-7 Paul had given a challenge to prayer. Now, he gives some behavioral instructions, for the sake of order, to men and women for behavior during the church services.
ACTION - Vs. 8
The specific challenge is to the men in the congregation, but this does not excuse women from praying as well. I think that the words, In like manner also in verse 9 show us there is a place for women to pray in the church.
This word everywhere means in every place. That is, wherever the church is gathered men should be praying.
Concerning public prayer, we need to see happen what happened in the first century church. Acts 4:31
This action of prayer is to by men who lift up holy hands.
I want to emphasize that our hands are to be spiritually clean when we pray.
The word holy here means unpolluted.
This means that the person who prays should have no unjudged sin in the life.
He should not be professing one thing on Sunday, and living in ungodliness the rest of the week. Psalm 66:18
The action of public prayer is also to practiced without wrath.
When we pray there should be no anger. James 1:20
The action of prayer is also to be without doubting.
The word doubting here means "disputations, reasonings, skeptical questions or criticisms."
Vs. 9 - The word "adorn" means "to order or arrange". The women were to order or arrange their clothes in a modest way. The word "modest" means decent or orderly.
"Shamefacedness" means modest, " the avoiding of extremes".
The Christian woman is not to go to extremes of wearing sensual or suggestive clothes. Nor is she to go the extreme of trying to look artificially glamorous. Nor is she to go to the extreme of purposely trying to look drab or dull.
Sobriety simply means to have good sense. Thus the Christian woman is to dress sensibly.
This next phrase not with broided hair, or gold or pearls, or costly array: is not outlawing hair-styles, or jewelry or expensive clothes. He is simply saying that the effort a woman makes should not be towards these things.
A Christian woman should strive to look modestly attractive for the glory of God, but she should not go to extremes in hairstyle, clothes or jewelry.
Vs. 10 - Here, Paul is telling the ladies what the major emphasis should be in their lives concerning adornment. Instead of concentrating on clothes, and jewelry and hairdo, they are to concentrate on that which is becoming of a woman who is a professing Christian.
Your life is to be adorned with good works! Examples: Martha, Dorcas, Phoebe, Lydia
These next verses will not throw you if you understand the context.
The context is not the superiority of men and the inferiority of women. Galatians 3:27-28
In Jewish and Greek culture of Paul's day women had few rights. They were often mistreated. And yet God has always wanted women to have positions of honor within the family and church. Proverbs 31:30, 1 Peter 3:7, 1 Timothy 5:3
The context of this passage is order. There are certain things God prescribes for the sake of order.
The woman is to learn quietly. She is not to cause a "stir". She is not to be leaning over, whispering, asking questions of her husband. She is not be leaning over, talking, taking issue with what the preacher is saying. When participation is asked for by the speaker in a public meeting, I feel that the ladies have just as much right to participate as the men.
The woman is to learn in subjection. It is the same word used for a woman's subjection to her husband in Ephesians 5:22.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
This word is a military word that means to "rank under".
A woman learns submissively in church and follows the leadership of her husband, not because she is inferior, but because God has decided for the sake of order, she is outranked.
AUTHORITY - Vss. 12-14
Vs. 12 - God has ordained that in the church the men are to practice leadership.
Therefore the ladies are not to teach men in the public meetings of the church. Remember public meetings are the context.
Should women teach?
Why, of course!
Ladies can teach children fellow ladies certain practical truths better than any man can. Titus 2:3-5
And, on a one to one basis, a woman can instruct a man in Bible truths, and yes I believe that a woman can instruct her husband in the private of their own home. Acts 18:24-26
Vss. 13-14 - We have two reasons for the order that God has established.
First, there is the reason of order. Man was formed before woman. Therefore, woman is to naturally follow man's leadership.
Second, Eve was fooled by Satan. Adam was not, but sinned in the garden anyway.
By taking leadership over the man, she ate first and then gave to her husband to eat."
This is a very difficult verse with many possible interpretations.
I do not believe that Paul is talking about salvation of the soul here.
But I do believe he is telling us something about the results of a woman's ministry at home.
If a woman accepts her role in the church and leads a life of faith, love, holiness, and self-restraint, she will raise godly children. There is no greater privilege in the whole world than to bring up the next generation to the glory of God.
If the teachings in these verses are followed there will certainly be ORDER IN THE CHURCH.
Sermon Seeds F48
Titus 1:1-4
Godly Living In the Church #1
(A complete lesson which took me two weeks to teach in Sunday School.)
V In what ways is this a Godly church?
V In what ways could this church be more Godly?
V Why should Godliness be important to our church?
V How will teamwork help a church become more Godly?
Ø After Paul had been released after his first Roman imprisonment he evidently spent time doing evangelistic work on the Isle of Crete.
Ø Crete is about 160 miles long and up to 35 miles wide sitting in the Mediterranean Sea southeast of Greece.
Ø When Paul left Crete churches had been established on the Isles. These churches would have been rather young and immature, needing further training.
Ø Titus, an able assistant to Paul, was left to train and supervise these young churches.
Ø Not only was Pauls epistle a personal letter of encouragement and instruction to young Pastor Titus, but it was a letter that was to be read publicly. This letter helped give Titus the authority to do what he had to do to establish Godly principles within the church.
Ø The Book of Titus helps us learn how Godly living is to be practiced in the church.
In Titus 1:1-4 we are introduced to a formidable team of a veteran servant of God and a faithful protégé, both committed to the establishment of Godly churches.
Titus 1:1 - Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
P Why is the way a Christian views himself important?
P What are some of the unhealthy views a Christian can have of himself?
P Why is being a servant (bond slave) of God a healthy view of oneself for a Christian to have?
P How did Pauls being a willing slave to God impact his life?
P How will viewing ourselves as Gods slave complicate our lives?
P How will viewing ourselves as Gods slave simplify our lives?
P Why should we want to be Gods slaves?
P Suppose each Christian in our church sincerely views himself as and acts as a slave to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. How will that effect Godly living within the church?
P Paul was also an apostle. An apostle is one sent by God. The apostles had seen the risen Lord, and were witnesses of the resurrection.
P Paul probably wanted to establish his authority as an apostle in order to help Timothy when he dealt with sticky church issues. If Paul was an apostle and Timothy was working under Pauls direction, Timothy had the authority to do what he needed to do to bring about Godliness in the church.
P What does a pastor have authority to do in the local church?
P How and when should he exercise this authority?
Titus 1:1 - according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
v As a bond slave to God and an apostle, Paul had two purposes mentioned here.
v First, he was to be an evangelist. He was to be concerned with bringing the Gospel to Gods elect.
v Who are Gods elect? John 3:16, Ephesians 1:3-6
v Does anyone get to Heaven without personally trusting Jesus Christ as Savior? John 3:36, 1 John 5:12
v What is the responsibility of the church in evangelism? Mark 16:15
v What impact should the doctrine of election have on our witnessing?
v Pauls second purpose was to stress the truth according to Godliness. Paul was to train those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior to live according to Gods truth which produces Godly living.
v Who was Pauls authority in teaching Godly living? What is ours?
v Why is not striving to live a Godly life inconsistent with claiming to be a Christian?
v Why should we want to live Godly lives?
v Why should we want to help other Christians live Godly lives?
Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
J According to this verse, what is neat about eternal life?
J What do you think the word hope means here?
J How did this hope motivate Paul to evangelize and teach Godly living?
J How and why should this same hope motivate us?
Titus 1:3 - But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;
Ð What is preaching?
Ð Why is preaching important? 1 Corinthians 1:18-31,
2 Timothy 4:2
Ð What makes a person a good preacher?
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Ð Why should preachers be nervous? James 3:1,
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Ð Why is preaching important in the local church today?
Ð How can you help the preacher watch for your soul? Hebrews 13:17
Titus 1:4 - To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
è Paul was a spiritual father to Titus. He probably led Titus to the Lord.
è Titus is not mentioned in the Book of Acts, but we know from Galatians 2:1-3 that he was a Gentile who was not circumcised.
è Titus, like Timothy, worked under Paul and often went on various assignments as an extension of Pauls ministry.
è Why should Godly men and women have protégés?
è Why did Titus especially need grace, mercy, and peace?
è How is God the source of grace, mercy, and peace?
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