Quote from Forum Archives on September 30, 2008, 10:30 amPosted by: jpeters <jpeters@...>
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· If you were president of the United States what would you be grateful for?
· If you were president of the United States what would you pray for?
· Why should every prayer of ours be with gratitude?
David, at the end of his life, could look back with gratitude to God for all He had done in Davids behalf.
· Using word pictures, David lists 8 things that God is for David.
· How are each of these things significant in our own lives?
· Why do we forget that God is such a great resource?
DAVIDS Requests Vss. 4-7 For help in times of trouble
· Vs. 4 Notice that David praised God when he asked Him for help. How easy it is to run into Gods presence with our requests and forget to thank Him for past and current blessings.
· Vss. 5-7 David testifies that when things are at their worst, he went to God in prayer. We have a place to turn when things seem to be at their worst. 1 Peter 5:7
· Vs. 7 David was assured that God heard his pleas. We have that same assurance. 1 John 5:14-15 - And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
GODS RESPONSE Vss. 8-20 With Almighty power
· Vss. 8-16 What do these verses tell you about the speed in which God acts?
· What do these verses tell you about Gods power?
· Even though we do not see these things David describes when they happen, why should we be encouraged to pray and to trust?
· Vss. 17-20 - Can you think of a time when God acted decisively in your behalf?
· Vs. 18 Why is it important for us to remember that our enemies are too strong for us?
· Vs. 20 How do we know when the Lord delights in us?
GODS REWARD Vss. 21-28 According to Davids righteousness
· As you read this passage, why would you take issue with David about his righteousness?
· I believe that David is talking about the pattern of his life, and not the times when he went astray. David was quick to repent when confronted.
Psalm 51:1-3 - Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
· Why is righteousness a condition for answered prayer? Psalm 66:18, James 4:3
· Vss. 26-27 remind us that God does reward us according to our behavior. Matthew 7:1-2
· Vs. 29 Can you think of a time when God gave you light during a dark time?
· Vss. 30, 33 God provides strength for those who trust Him.
· Vss. 31, 33 - How does God make our ways perfect? Romans 8:28
· Vs. 31 Gods Word guided David and it was tried or flawless.
· A buckler is a shield.
· How does verse 32 encourage you?
DAVIDS RESULTS Vss. 34-46 Victory
· Vs. 34 What is the advantage of a high place in the time of trouble?
· Vs. 36 How is Gods salvation a shield?
· Vs. 37 In times of trouble, how does God keep us from slipping?
· Vs. 40 God has girded us Christians with strength for the battle in the form of our armor. Ephesians 6:11-18
DAVIDS REJOICING Vss. 47-51 In Gods help
· Vs. 47 The fact that the Lord lives is certainly reason to rejoice.
· What does it mean when someone is your rock?
· How does the Lord being the rock of your salvation cause you to give praise?
· Vss. 48-49 What happens when we forget that it is God who will fight our battles for us?
· Vs. 50 What can we do so that we are more grateful for the victories that the Lord gives us?
· Vs. 51 This is a great summary verse as to what God had done for David in his lifetime.
· Can you sum up what God has done for you in a sentence or two?
This is an elaboration on a previously shared outline.
Psalm 28
MY PLEA Vss. 1-2
MY PRAISE Vss. 6-7
Luke 15:11-24
During the summer and fall many churches in the United States celebrate "Homecoming", when people are welcomed back for a visit at the home church. A good homecoming story is that of the Prodigal Son.
HE LEFT HOME - Vss. 11-14
HE DREAMT OF HOME - Vss. 15-19
HE CAME HOME - Vss. 20-24
Sermon Seeds F16, 6/24/02
John 17:4-8
There are four things that Jesus mentions here that were terrific gifts to the Disciples.
We can give these same four gifts back to God in appreciation for what He has done for us.
1. GLORIFY GOD - Vs. 4a - Everything we do should bring glory to Him. Colossians 3:17
2. COMPLETE GOD'S WORK - Vs. 4b - 2 Timothy 4:7-8
3. MANIFEST GOD'S NAME - Vs. 6 - Matthew 28:19-20
4. SHARE GOD'S WORD - Vs. 8 - 2 Timothy 4:2
Sermon Seeds C44 1/10/00
Acts 22:1-21
Heres Pauls testimony concerning his conversion.
(This is a complete lesson.)
· What value is there to knowing about important people?
· Why are the following people considered important?
Buffalo Bob Smith
Babe Ruth
Bret Farve
Kate Smith
Margaret Mitchell
Clara Barton
Abraham Lincoln
· Why do we each have a different idea of who is important?
· How can we tell when a person truly is important?
· Why is Jesus Christ the most important person who ever lived?
· Why is it important that we know as much about Him as possible?
In this passage we are given an understanding of the true importance of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
· Why do we need a redeemer? Isaiah 64:6, Ezekiel 18:4, Romans 3:23, 6:23
· The word translated "redemption" refers to someone being set free because of the paying of a price. Because of the payment of the blood of Christ, it is possible for a person who trusts Christ as Savior to be set free from bondage to sin and set free from the punishment for sin. 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Ephesians 2:1, John 8:36
· What is the one requirement for making this redemption mine? Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:36
· How forgiven are we when we trust Christ as Savior? 1 Corinthians 6:11, Psalm 103:12
Who is the image of the invisible God
· So many times we have said, or heard it said, "He's just like his father!" In the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, this statement is absolutely true! John 1:1-2, 14
· Jesus said in John 14:9 He that hath seen me hath seen the Father;
· How does it help us when we know that Jesus is the image of the invisible God?
· We cannot be exactly like God the Father as Jesus is, but we are to strive to imitate Jesus as much as possible. In doing so, we become imitators of God as well. 1 John 2:6
HE HAS RANK - Vs. 15b
the firstborn of every creature:
· In many societies, current and historical, there is rank and privilege that goes with being the firstborn. Jesus of course is eternal. He has always existed. John 8:58
· Charles Erdman - "'Firstborn' here means two things: priority in time and supremacy in place or position. Christ existed before the Creation, but He held the rank commonly assigned to the 'firstborn,' the rank of eminence and dominion. Christ is thus declared to be the universal sovereign." Charles Erdman, The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon, (Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Book House, © 1966), Page 52
· It is obvious that Jesus outranks us all! How should this truth affect our lives?
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
· Jesus is responsible for creation. John 1:3, Hebrews 1:1-2
· What specific miracles show Jesus authority as creator?
· What response should we give to Jesus, our creator? Revelation 4:11
· Jesus is the glue that holds the universe together. The universe does not fall apart because all things consist in Him.
· In what ways is Jesus willing to be the glue that holds your life together? Psalm 23
HE IS RULER - Vss. 18-19
And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;
· The church is the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:13, 27
· The head is the control center of the body. Jesus Christ is the head, the control center, of the church.
· He is first in rank over creation because He created it. He is first in rank in resurrection because He arose to die no more.
· To have preeminence means to be in first place. How can you tell when Jesus has first place in your life? Romans 12:1-2
· How can you tell when Jesus has first place in the church?
· Fullness means "the sum total of all the divine power and attributes". To dwell here means to be at home permanently. All divine power and attributes are "at home" or comfortable in Jesus Christ.
· My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ dwells in me. How should the fullness of Christ living in me affect my life?
· What do you think worship will be like in Heaven?
· How will worship in Heaven differ from our worship on earth?
In Revelation 17-18 we saw the fall of Mystery Babylon the false religion, and Babylon the rebuilt city that will have political and economic control of the world. In this study we see a great scene of heavenly worship that occurs immediately following the events of chapters 17-18. There is a phenomenal amount of praise found in these verses, which center on 3 different, but related themes.
PRAISE # 1 VICTORY! Vss. 1-5
· Vs. 1 The united voice of praise in Heaven could refer to all people in Heaven, or to the martyred saints during the Tribulation period, who wanted God to execute the judgment that took place in chapters 17-18. Revelation 6:9-10
· The word Alleluia means Praise the Lord. This is a phrase that appeared more in the Old Testament, and one we often use or hear. It reminds us that God is the one who should get the glory when things are going well, and even when they are not going well.
· Salvation is certainly of the Lord. Here it probably refers to the final deliverance of the saints, as opposed to the individual salvation of a soul.
· Giving God glory and honor to God is fitting at all times (Revelation 4:11), but especially fitting as God is completing his program for entering the Millennium.
· After the judgments poured out during the Tribulation, there is no doubt that power should be ascribed to God.
· I am struck with the phrase, the Lord our God. What a comfort it is to know personally the mighty God of the universe in a personal way through His Son.
· Vs. 2 There may be some who read chapters 17-18 and wonder if God is being fair in his wholesale destruction of Babylon. Here we are reminded that his judgments are true and righteous. Romans 11:33
· The true and righteous judgments were upon Babylon for her whoredom and persecution of Tribulation era saints.
· Vs. 3 The city was permanently eradicated, and the fate of those responsible for the sins will suffer in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Revelation 20:10, 14-15
· Vs. 4 The church represented by the 24 elders join the praise with the creatures that are around the throne.
· Vs. 5 The voice out of the throne was probably an angel. He invites all of Gods servants to join in the worship.
· Although praise can be given silently or quietly, such great events and such great glory require great enthusiasm and volume!
· We are reminded that God is omnipotent or all powerful. How do you answer the person who asks, If God is so powerful why is he allowing such misery?
· Although God has always reigned, He will now stop permitting Satan and his evil hosts to exercise power any longer. His defeat at that point will be imminent. God will reign.
· The marriage symbolism is beautifully fulfilled in the relationship of Christ to His church. The wedding contract is consummated at the time the church is redeemed. Every true Christian is joined to Christ in a legal marriage. When Christ comes for His church at the rapture, the second phase of the wedding is fulfilled, namely, the Bridegroom goes to receive His bride. The third phase then follows, that is, the wedding feast. Here it is significant to note that the bride is already the wife of the Lamb, that is, the bridegroom has already come for His bride prior to His second coming described in 19:11-16. That which is here announced is not the wedding union but the wedding feast. This has been variously interpreted as relating to the wonderful fellowship in heaven following the rapture or to the millennium itself. Of primary importance at this point, however, is the order of events. The third phase of the wedding is about to take place, namely, the feast, which presumes the earlier rapture of the bride. The translation would be much improved in verse 7 if it would read for the marriage feast of the Lamb is come. John Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, (Chicago, Moody Bible Institute, 1966), p.271
· The first part of a Jewish marriage was the signing of the marriage covenant. Each member of the Bride of Christ (the church) enters that agreement at salvation. 2 Corinthians 11:2
· Vs. 7 - The Bride was expected to be ready for her husband when he arrived to take her to his fathers house. This would take place at an unannounced time, after the bridegroom had finished getting living quarters ready (John 14:2-3). The Church is to be ready when Jesus comes at the rapture Titus 2:11:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
· Of course, the readiness of the Church is dependent in every way upon Christ. He is the one who has washed our sins away. His Spirit indwells us. He has sanctified us. Ephesians 5:25-27
· Vs. 8 - The wedding garments of each member of the Bride of Christ will be white and clean. Each one of us will be clothed in Christs righteousness. 1 John 3:2
· Vs. 9 The marriage supper took place at the end of the wedding. Christ will be with his church for 7 years in heaven and then there will be a marriage feast. Some say this marriage feast will take place in Heaven during the Tribulation. Others say that it will take place during the millennium. I have traditionally thought that the former view was true. Now, I am beginning to think that perhaps the latter view is true because:
· Christ will bring His bride (the church) with Him to earth to reign with Him. 2 Timothy 2:11-12, 1 Corinthians 6:2-3
· The invited guests appear to be the Old Testament Saints, resurrected at the beginning of the millennium. Daniel 12:1-2, Matthew 8:11-12, Luke 13:28
· Jesus said that He would not partake of the fruit of vine until He did so in the Kingdom of God. Matthew 26:29, Luke 22:16
· Either view of when the marriage supper will take place is possible, the important thing is that the marriage supper of the Lamb will take place.
· In a moment when John was overwhelmed, he tried to worship the angel.
· The angel informed John that he (the angel) was a fellow servant of Jesus Christ.
· John was reminded to worship God.
· John was further reminded that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The Old and New Testaments both center around Christ.
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Posted by: jpeters <jpeters@...>
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· If you were president of the United States what would you be grateful for?
· If you were president of the United States what would you pray for?
· Why should every prayer of ours be with gratitude?
David, at the end of his life, could look back with gratitude to God for all He had done in Davids behalf.
· Using word pictures, David lists 8 things that God is for David.
· How are each of these things significant in our own lives?
· Why do we forget that God is such a great resource?
DAVIDS Requests Vss. 4-7 For help in times of trouble
· Vs. 4 Notice that David praised God when he asked Him for help. How easy it is to run into Gods presence with our requests and forget to thank Him for past and current blessings.
· Vss. 5-7 David testifies that when things are at their worst, he went to God in prayer. We have a place to turn when things seem to be at their worst. 1 Peter 5:7
· Vs. 7 David was assured that God heard his pleas. We have that same assurance. 1 John 5:14-15 - And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
GODS RESPONSE Vss. 8-20 With Almighty power
· Vss. 8-16 What do these verses tell you about the speed in which God acts?
· What do these verses tell you about Gods power?
· Even though we do not see these things David describes when they happen, why should we be encouraged to pray and to trust?
· Vss. 17-20 - Can you think of a time when God acted decisively in your behalf?
· Vs. 18 Why is it important for us to remember that our enemies are too strong for us?
· Vs. 20 How do we know when the Lord delights in us?
GODS REWARD Vss. 21-28 According to Davids righteousness
· As you read this passage, why would you take issue with David about his righteousness?
· I believe that David is talking about the pattern of his life, and not the times when he went astray. David was quick to repent when confronted.
Psalm 51:1-3 - Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.
· Why is righteousness a condition for answered prayer? Psalm 66:18, James 4:3
· Vss. 26-27 remind us that God does reward us according to our behavior. Matthew 7:1-2
· Vs. 29 Can you think of a time when God gave you light during a dark time?
· Vss. 30, 33 God provides strength for those who trust Him.
· Vss. 31, 33 - How does God make our ways perfect? Romans 8:28
· Vs. 31 Gods Word guided David and it was tried or flawless.
· A buckler is a shield.
· How does verse 32 encourage you?
DAVIDS RESULTS Vss. 34-46 Victory
· Vs. 34 What is the advantage of a high place in the time of trouble?
· Vs. 36 How is Gods salvation a shield?
· Vs. 37 In times of trouble, how does God keep us from slipping?
· Vs. 40 God has girded us Christians with strength for the battle in the form of our armor. Ephesians 6:11-18
DAVIDS REJOICING Vss. 47-51 In Gods help
· Vs. 47 The fact that the Lord lives is certainly reason to rejoice.
· What does it mean when someone is your rock?
· How does the Lord being the rock of your salvation cause you to give praise?
· Vss. 48-49 What happens when we forget that it is God who will fight our battles for us?
· Vs. 50 What can we do so that we are more grateful for the victories that the Lord gives us?
· Vs. 51 This is a great summary verse as to what God had done for David in his lifetime.
· Can you sum up what God has done for you in a sentence or two?
This is an elaboration on a previously shared outline.
Psalm 28
MY PLEA Vss. 1-2
MY PRAISE Vss. 6-7
Luke 15:11-24
During the summer and fall many churches in the United States celebrate "Homecoming", when people are welcomed back for a visit at the home church. A good homecoming story is that of the Prodigal Son.
HE LEFT HOME - Vss. 11-14
HE DREAMT OF HOME - Vss. 15-19
HE CAME HOME - Vss. 20-24
Sermon Seeds F16, 6/24/02
John 17:4-8
There are four things that Jesus mentions here that were terrific gifts to the Disciples.
We can give these same four gifts back to God in appreciation for what He has done for us.
1. GLORIFY GOD - Vs. 4a - Everything we do should bring glory to Him. Colossians 3:17
2. COMPLETE GOD'S WORK - Vs. 4b - 2 Timothy 4:7-8
3. MANIFEST GOD'S NAME - Vs. 6 - Matthew 28:19-20
4. SHARE GOD'S WORD - Vs. 8 - 2 Timothy 4:2
Sermon Seeds C44 1/10/00
Acts 22:1-21
Heres Pauls testimony concerning his conversion.
(This is a complete lesson.)
· What value is there to knowing about important people?
· Why are the following people considered important?
Buffalo Bob Smith
Babe Ruth
Bret Farve
Kate Smith
Margaret Mitchell
Clara Barton
Abraham Lincoln
· Why do we each have a different idea of who is important?
· How can we tell when a person truly is important?
· Why is Jesus Christ the most important person who ever lived?
· Why is it important that we know as much about Him as possible?
In this passage we are given an understanding of the true importance of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
· Why do we need a redeemer? Isaiah 64:6, Ezekiel 18:4, Romans 3:23, 6:23
· The word translated "redemption" refers to someone being set free because of the paying of a price. Because of the payment of the blood of Christ, it is possible for a person who trusts Christ as Savior to be set free from bondage to sin and set free from the punishment for sin. 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Ephesians 2:1, John 8:36
· What is the one requirement for making this redemption mine? Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:36
· How forgiven are we when we trust Christ as Savior? 1 Corinthians 6:11, Psalm 103:12
Who is the image of the invisible God
· So many times we have said, or heard it said, "He's just like his father!" In the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, this statement is absolutely true! John 1:1-2, 14
· Jesus said in John 14:9 He that hath seen me hath seen the Father;
· How does it help us when we know that Jesus is the image of the invisible God?
· We cannot be exactly like God the Father as Jesus is, but we are to strive to imitate Jesus as much as possible. In doing so, we become imitators of God as well. 1 John 2:6
HE HAS RANK - Vs. 15b
the firstborn of every creature:
· In many societies, current and historical, there is rank and privilege that goes with being the firstborn. Jesus of course is eternal. He has always existed. John 8:58
· Charles Erdman - "'Firstborn' here means two things: priority in time and supremacy in place or position. Christ existed before the Creation, but He held the rank commonly assigned to the 'firstborn,' the rank of eminence and dominion. Christ is thus declared to be the universal sovereign." Charles Erdman, The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon, (Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Book House, © 1966), Page 52
· It is obvious that Jesus outranks us all! How should this truth affect our lives?
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
· Jesus is responsible for creation. John 1:3, Hebrews 1:1-2
· What specific miracles show Jesus authority as creator?
· What response should we give to Jesus, our creator? Revelation 4:11
· Jesus is the glue that holds the universe together. The universe does not fall apart because all things consist in Him.
· In what ways is Jesus willing to be the glue that holds your life together? Psalm 23
HE IS RULER - Vss. 18-19
And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;
· The church is the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:13, 27
· The head is the control center of the body. Jesus Christ is the head, the control center, of the church.
· He is first in rank over creation because He created it. He is first in rank in resurrection because He arose to die no more.
· To have preeminence means to be in first place. How can you tell when Jesus has first place in your life? Romans 12:1-2
· How can you tell when Jesus has first place in the church?
· Fullness means "the sum total of all the divine power and attributes". To dwell here means to be at home permanently. All divine power and attributes are "at home" or comfortable in Jesus Christ.
· My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ dwells in me. How should the fullness of Christ living in me affect my life?
· What do you think worship will be like in Heaven?
· How will worship in Heaven differ from our worship on earth?
In Revelation 17-18 we saw the fall of Mystery Babylon the false religion, and Babylon the rebuilt city that will have political and economic control of the world. In this study we see a great scene of heavenly worship that occurs immediately following the events of chapters 17-18. There is a phenomenal amount of praise found in these verses, which center on 3 different, but related themes.
PRAISE # 1 VICTORY! Vss. 1-5
· Vs. 1 The united voice of praise in Heaven could refer to all people in Heaven, or to the martyred saints during the Tribulation period, who wanted God to execute the judgment that took place in chapters 17-18. Revelation 6:9-10
· The word Alleluia means Praise the Lord. This is a phrase that appeared more in the Old Testament, and one we often use or hear. It reminds us that God is the one who should get the glory when things are going well, and even when they are not going well.
· Salvation is certainly of the Lord. Here it probably refers to the final deliverance of the saints, as opposed to the individual salvation of a soul.
· Giving God glory and honor to God is fitting at all times (Revelation 4:11), but especially fitting as God is completing his program for entering the Millennium.
· After the judgments poured out during the Tribulation, there is no doubt that power should be ascribed to God.
· I am struck with the phrase, the Lord our God. What a comfort it is to know personally the mighty God of the universe in a personal way through His Son.
· Vs. 2 There may be some who read chapters 17-18 and wonder if God is being fair in his wholesale destruction of Babylon. Here we are reminded that his judgments are true and righteous. Romans 11:33
· The true and righteous judgments were upon Babylon for her whoredom and persecution of Tribulation era saints.
· Vs. 3 The city was permanently eradicated, and the fate of those responsible for the sins will suffer in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Revelation 20:10, 14-15
· Vs. 4 The church represented by the 24 elders join the praise with the creatures that are around the throne.
· Vs. 5 The voice out of the throne was probably an angel. He invites all of Gods servants to join in the worship.
· Although praise can be given silently or quietly, such great events and such great glory require great enthusiasm and volume!
· We are reminded that God is omnipotent or all powerful. How do you answer the person who asks, If God is so powerful why is he allowing such misery?
· Although God has always reigned, He will now stop permitting Satan and his evil hosts to exercise power any longer. His defeat at that point will be imminent. God will reign.
· The marriage symbolism is beautifully fulfilled in the relationship of Christ to His church. The wedding contract is consummated at the time the church is redeemed. Every true Christian is joined to Christ in a legal marriage. When Christ comes for His church at the rapture, the second phase of the wedding is fulfilled, namely, the Bridegroom goes to receive His bride. The third phase then follows, that is, the wedding feast. Here it is significant to note that the bride is already the wife of the Lamb, that is, the bridegroom has already come for His bride prior to His second coming described in 19:11-16. That which is here announced is not the wedding union but the wedding feast. This has been variously interpreted as relating to the wonderful fellowship in heaven following the rapture or to the millennium itself. Of primary importance at this point, however, is the order of events. The third phase of the wedding is about to take place, namely, the feast, which presumes the earlier rapture of the bride. The translation would be much improved in verse 7 if it would read for the marriage feast of the Lamb is come. John Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, (Chicago, Moody Bible Institute, 1966), p.271
· The first part of a Jewish marriage was the signing of the marriage covenant. Each member of the Bride of Christ (the church) enters that agreement at salvation. 2 Corinthians 11:2
· Vs. 7 - The Bride was expected to be ready for her husband when he arrived to take her to his fathers house. This would take place at an unannounced time, after the bridegroom had finished getting living quarters ready (John 14:2-3). The Church is to be ready when Jesus comes at the rapture Titus 2:11:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
· Of course, the readiness of the Church is dependent in every way upon Christ. He is the one who has washed our sins away. His Spirit indwells us. He has sanctified us. Ephesians 5:25-27
· Vs. 8 - The wedding garments of each member of the Bride of Christ will be white and clean. Each one of us will be clothed in Christs righteousness. 1 John 3:2
· Vs. 9 The marriage supper took place at the end of the wedding. Christ will be with his church for 7 years in heaven and then there will be a marriage feast. Some say this marriage feast will take place in Heaven during the Tribulation. Others say that it will take place during the millennium. I have traditionally thought that the former view was true. Now, I am beginning to think that perhaps the latter view is true because:
· Christ will bring His bride (the church) with Him to earth to reign with Him. 2 Timothy 2:11-12, 1 Corinthians 6:2-3
· The invited guests appear to be the Old Testament Saints, resurrected at the beginning of the millennium. Daniel 12:1-2, Matthew 8:11-12, Luke 13:28
· Jesus said that He would not partake of the fruit of vine until He did so in the Kingdom of God. Matthew 26:29, Luke 22:16
· Either view of when the marriage supper will take place is possible, the important thing is that the marriage supper of the Lamb will take place.
· In a moment when John was overwhelmed, he tried to worship the angel.
· The angel informed John that he (the angel) was a fellow servant of Jesus Christ.
· John was reminded to worship God.
· John was further reminded that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The Old and New Testaments both center around Christ.
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