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Rev. Jack Peters is the pastor of Ringwood Baptist Church in Ringwood, NJ. You may visit their website at To hear recordings of his messages go to Weekly Message.



2 SAMUEL 11-12



"Many couples are united in wedlock in a rosy fog of optimism. Blinded to

the shortcomings, each sees only the other's good points. But as the

excitement of the new marriage wears off, they drift to the opposite extreme

and view these same traits as faults. Someone has called this "reverse

reasoning," giving the following examples:


"She married him because he was 'strong and masculine'

She divorced him because he was a very 'dominating male.'

He married her because she was so 'fragile and petite'

He divorced her because she was so 'weak and helpless.'

She chose him because 'he knew how to provide a good living'

She left him because 'all he thought about was the business.'

He married her because she was 'steady and sensible'

He divorced her because she was 'boring and dull.'"

H.G.B. - Our Daily Bread, June 3,


Okay, let's face it! Many marriages have had their troubles, and many

marriages have ended in divorce. But there are also those who have made it

through some rocky times in their current marriage, and have even had

successful second marriages in spite of failed first marriages. What do you

call people who have a successful marriage in spite of some difficult times?

I call them survivors!


Long before the problems many marriages face today, there were marriages

that had their tough moments in the days of the Bible. One such marriage

with problems was that of David and Bathsheba. They ended up being

survivors. This encourages me that even marriages in trouble have hope!




David was a great king, and at this point in his life, fairly mature. He was

about 50 years old.

He was a man "after God's own heart".

It was David who slew Goliath.

It was David who ran from King Saul who wanted to kill him.

It was David who wrote the 23rd Psalm.


It was David who committed the sins listed in this chapter!

What does this teach us? There is not a Christian man or woman who is

beyond the realm of temptation. No matter how godly a person may be, he or

she must always realize that "Save by the grace of God, there go I."


David set himself up for the temptation he faced. First, he had multiplied

wives and concubines (Deuteronomy 17:15-17). This made him used to having

almost any woman he wanted. This would have fed on his lusts. When we

disobey God's rules we will also run the risk of further temptation.


Another thing that David did that helped lead to temptation was that he

wasn't doing his job. He had gotten lazy!

Vs. 1 - This laziness placed David in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My friend, physical and spiritual laziness will lead us to temptation as

well. Laziness is really a lack of self-control. Proverbs 25:28, Proverbs

4:23,2 Peter 1:5-7

Many a Christian marriage has failed because a husband or a wife has gotten

lazy either physically or Spiritually.


Vs, 2 - David and Bathsheba's rocky start was a result of David being home,

and after an afternoon siesta, taking a walk on the roof of his house, a

common thing in that day. Bathsheba was bathing perhaps on the roof of her

own house. It was coolest there. The Bible places the blame of the sin upon

David, but Bathsheba did not help, bathing where she could be seen.

David, for his part, should have turned away instead of continuing to look

upon and inquiring about the identity of this lady. Remember what Joseph did

when a lady tried to seduce him? He ran! We must learn to take the "way of

escape". 1 Corinthians 10:13 David did not take the way of escape.


Vs. 3-4 - David inquired as to the identity of Bathsheba, and found out that

he was the wife of one of his best and most trusted warriors, Uriah. He

committed adultery with Bathsheba.


Vs. 5 - The woman conceived and sent word to David. She was pregnant!


Vss. 6-13 - What does David do? Admit his sin? No, the sweet-psalm singer of

Israel tried the cover-up. He sent for Uriah to come home, hoping that Uriah

would sleep with his wife, and that it would be assumed that the baby was

Uriah's. Uriah did come home. But he was nobler than the king himself. He

would not allow himself the luxury of sleeping with his wife. David, of

course, asked why. David even got Uriah drunk, but that didn't even send him

home to his wife.

The rest of the chapter tells us about the terribly wicked thing that David

did. He sent a letter back with Uriah to Joab. Joab was told to put Uriah

in the fiercest part of the battle and then retreat from him so that he

would die. David was guilty of murder.


Vss. 26-27 - Notice this - our sins displease the Lord! David's did, and

ours will too. Think of this, most of us do not like to have people upset

with us. That's why so much sin is covered up. But, worse than having

people displeased with us is having God displeased with us.


This marriage was off to a rocky start.

At least the husband, and perhaps the wife was out of fellowship with God.

Both had to live with their guilt.

It is not likely that there would not be good relationships or fellowship

between them.


REPENTANT ADMISSION - 1 Samuel 12:1-9,13


The best things to do with covered up sin are deal with it and bear the



David did not deal with his sin until he was confronted with it.

David was miserable however. Psalm 32:3-4


God had Nathan the prophet expose the sin. Nathan had done a great thing. He

confronted David with his sin. Sometimes the best thing we can do to help a

person is to confront them. They will not always respond as graciously as

David did, but we still have the responsibility. Galatians 6:1


David's response is classic. 2 Sam 12:13, Psalm 51, Psalm 32:5

When a marriage has a rocky start the best thing to do is to confess.

Confess to the offended party after confessing to God. It does not mean

trouble will go away. Sometimes, like David, the trouble has just begun.

However it is better to face the consequences with God's help than to face

God's judgment.


REASONABLE CONSEQUENCES - 2 Samuel 12:10-12, 14-23


God promises discipline for sin. Hebrews 12:5-6


Vss. 10-12 - And God kept His promise. There was bloodshed in David's

household, brother killing brother. There the rebellion of Absalom and the

commitment of adultery of Absalom with some of David's wives. It was done



Vss. 13-14 - Because of David's confession, God did not make the punishment

worse. He did not die. But, because, David gave the opportunity for the

enemies of God to blaspheme, the child did die. Remember this. David was

forgiven, but he still paid the consequences for his sins. A marriage in

trouble can have the healing touch of God's forgiveness, but there are often



Vss. 15-23 - It is important to note that David prayed for the sick child.

Perhaps God would change His mind. But when God said "no", David stopped

fasting and praying, and worshiped and ate. David accepted the consequences

with grace.


REMARKABLE BLESSING - 2 Samuel 12:24-25


David and Bathsheba were survivors.

And although they experienced God's chastisement, they also experienced

God's blessing.


Vss. 24-25 - It is important to note that David was a supportive husband. He

comforted his wife. Something us men need to do, especially in times of

tragedy. And then God blessed! Another child was born. The child born was

Solomon. And it is interesting to note that God loved Solomon and called

him, "Beloved of the Lord", or Jedidiah.


My friends, here is some big encouragement. When we fail God and are

chastened, it does not mean the end of the world. God in his grace not only

forgives us, even though we live with consequences, but he also will

continue to bless us.


A marriage that got a rocky start can end up being a real blessing. But

there needs to be open dealing with sin, before God and those offended.


This is a previously shared outline.



Psalm 93





MAJESTIC – Vs. 1 - …The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty;  


STRONG – Vss. 1, 3-4 … the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: [3] The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves. [4] The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.


STEADFAST – Vs. 1 - …the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.


ETERNAL – Vs. 2 - Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.


RELIABLE – Vs. 5 - Thy testimonies are very sure:


HOLY – Vs. 5 - …holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever.





Mark 9:1-10



God's message from the cloud (Vs. 7) was to:




A SPECIAL GROUP - Vss. 1, 3-4





Some things are for the eyes and ears of Christians only.


This is a previously shared outline.




Luke 9


IN STEP WITH THE MASTER – LESSON #17 – Lessons on the Book of Luke


·        In your opinion, what would be involved in a comprehensive training program for ministry?

For approximately three years Jesus trained His disciples. Luke 9 gives us a view of some of the things involved in that training.


1.     Commission to Preach and Heal – Vss. 1-2

2.     Commands for the Journey – Vss. 3-5

3.     Conduct of Import – Vs. 6

4.     Comment by Herod – Vss. 7-9

5.     Think! Do missionaries need “Horse and buggy”, Chevrolet, or Cadillac support?



1.     Report and Rest – Vs. 10

2.     Response to Crowds – Vs. 11

3.     Responsibility to Feed – Vss. 12-13

4.     Reliance on the Master – Vss. 14-17

5.     Think! What part do “relief efforts” have in evangelism?



1.     Searching Inquiry – Vss. 17-20a

2.     Satisfactory Profession – Vs. 20b

3.     Silence Enjoined – Vs. 21

4.     Suffering Predicted – Vs. 22

5.     Think! How will a depth of heart understanding of the identity of Jesus help us?



1.     “D’s” of Discipleship – Vs. 23

a.     Desire

b.     Denial

c.      Death

d.     Direction (“Follow Me!”)

2.     True Preservation – Vss. 24-26

3.     Promised Revelation – Vs. 27

4.     Think! – How can you be a better disciple?



1.     Prayer Meeting – Vs. 28

2.     Transfiguration – Vs. 29

3.     Guests – Vss. 30-31

4.     Unwitting Suggestion – Vss. 32-33

5.     The Father’s Message – Vss. 34-35

6.     Maintained Silence – Vs. 36

7.     Think! – How can we apply the Father’s Message to our own lives?



1.     The Stated Problem – Vss. 37-40

2.     The Grieved Savior – Vs. 41

3.     The Healed Child – Vs. 42

4.     The Amazed Crowd – Vs. 43

5.     The Cautious Master – Vs. 45

6.     Why is the Lord Jesus saddened by the unbelief of His followers?


1.     Who’s the Greatest? – Vss. 46-48 – The One Who Is Least.

2.     Who’s to be Restricted? – Vss. 49-50 – Nobody Who Is “For Us”.

3.     When’s the Judgment? – Vss. 51-56 – Not Now! This Is the Age of Grace.

4.     Think! How is pride at the root of each of these misapplications of authority?



1.     Don’t Expect Much – Vss. 57-58

2.     Don’t Delay – Vss. 59-62

3.     Think! Why does Jesus demand so much so fast?



ONE CHAPTER WONDERS – A Bible Study Series on the One Chapter Books of the Bible: Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John,

3 John, and Jude


#2 – PHILEMON 1:1-7




·       Tell us about a time when receiving forgiveness was significant in your life.

·       How can you tell when someone has forgiven you?

·       Why is forgiving others often a struggle?

·       How does forgiving others help a church? (Tell us a story, Pastor!)


The Book of Philemon is the next of our “One Chapter Wonders” found in the Bible. This book has much to teach us about forgiveness, which is a subject of significance for the Spiritual health of the Christian and his church. Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13



·        The Book of Philemon is known as a “Prison Epistle”.  It, along with Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians was written while Paul was a prisoner, most likely in Rome.

·        There are several characters mentioned in this book, but there are three main ones:

1.     Philemon – A Christian man of means who lived in Colossae.  A church met in his house and he owned a run-away slave. Philemon had been led to the Lord by Paul.

2.     Onesimus – The run-away slave who had found his way to Rome and had encountered Paul who was a prisoner there.  It was there that Paul evidently led Onesimus to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

3.     Paul – The famous Apostle to the Gentiles and author of Scripture (under inspiration) who had a heart for people. Paul knew both these men and was intervening for Onesimus who had run away from Philemon.  He was seeking to reconcile these men and encourage that Philemon forgive his slave.  Under Roman Government a slave owner could be very cruel to a run-away slave.

·        When Paul wrote this letter he was a prisoner in Rome. He wrote 4 Epistles know as “The Prison Epistles”. They are Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.

·        The best way to be able to forgive is to have a forgiving character.  If you have the right kind of character, you will find it easier to forgive.  Paul felt that Philemon had this kind of character. Let’s examine what is entailed in having this character.



·        Vs. 1 – This is the most personal of Paul’s letters, although it was probably intended to be read in the church.  Paul reminds Philemon of exactly what his condition is as he writes!  He is a prisoner. A prisoner is someone who is restricted.  He is not free to go and come as he pleases.

·        Many people today are prisoners. In what ways are common people prisoners?

·        Paul was in prison for Christ’s sake.  He was willing to be restricted for the cause of Jesus Christ.  In fact, while he was in prison, he was very productive in sharing the Gospel.  Philippians 1:12-13

·        What is the difference between being in a prison of God’s choosing and one of my own choosing?                             Romans 8:28

·        Paul’s position was as a prisoner. Philemon’s position was first of all “Beloved”.

·        Because Philemon was a fellow believer he was “beloved” of Paul. He was a Christian brother.  This is one of the great characteristics of the church.  We are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.  John 13:34-35

·        Philemon was assured that he was loved by Paul and others who had the same fellowship in Christ.                 

·        How would being loved by Paul help Philemon forgive Onesimus?

·        Sometimes it will take an appeal from a third party, who we know loves us in Christ, to encourage us to forgive someone else.  Philippians 4:2-3

·        Philemon was also a “fellow laborer”.  He was not a missionary or a pastor.  He was, however, one who had assisted Paul and others in the great work of the church and getting out the Gospel.

·        Each one of us is to be a fellow laborer in the cause of Christ.  There are things that all of us can do to contribute to the well-being of the church family. What are some of those things?

·        Vs. 2 reminds us that others would read this letter and need to forgive as well.



·         By way of a Christian greeting of that day Philemon was reminded of two great privileges he had in Christ. They are grace and peace.

·         Philemon had already been saved by grace. Ephesians 2:8-9

·         Philemon also knew about another special blessing, peace. Romans 5:1

·         In one sense of the words, we received all the grace and peace needed for salvation the moment we were saved.  We need no more saving grace, and there is no more war between us and God.

·         In another sense, however, we never run out of our need for grace and peace. How do we still need grace and peace? 2 Peter 3:18, Philippians 4:6-7

·         How will grace and peace help us to be more forgiving?



·         There were three principles at work in Philemon’s life that would have helped him to be a forgiving person.

·         Vss. 4-5 - The first principal at work in Philemon’s life was love.  Not only was Philemon loved, but he was a lover.

·         Philemon had a tremendous love towards the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 John 4:19, John 14:15

·         One of the things that Jesus encouraged was forgiveness.  Luke 17:3-4 

·         Not only did Philemon love Christ, He loved fellow Christians.  When somebody already loves someone else in Christ, there should be a readiness to forgive.

·         The second principle that Philemon lived by was faith. Because of his faith he would tend to follow Paul’s teaching. Philemon would be taught to forgive by faith. Ephesians 4:32

·         Vs. 7 gives us a third principle at work in Philemon’s life. Philemon was refreshing.

·         When we are in the habit of being a blessing to others, it is natural to forgive, when we realize that it is the refreshment that another needs.


·         Paul desired Philemon’s communication or fellowship of faith with others to be stronger.

·         Philemon had the potential to forgive Onesimus because he had all that he needed in Him to forgive.

·         Philemon had every spiritual blessing necessary to forgive.

·         All Philemon had to do was use the blessings he had in Christ.




1 JOHN 3:4-10


Live the Truth #13 – STUDIES IN 1 JOHN


The way we live is an indication of the reality of our Christianity.



If we practice sin we practice lawlessness. 1 John 1:8-10



Jesus appeared to take away sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11




If we abide in Him we do not keep sinning. Romans 6:4-7, 20-22


Vs. 7 – If we practice righteousness we are righteous Romans 6:17-18


PURPOSE – Vs. 8b

Jesus appeared to destroy the works of the devil. Hebrews 2:14-15



The one who continually practices sin is of the devil. Isaiah 14:12-14, John 3:5-8


PROOF – Vs. 10

Vs. 10 – The ones who do not practice righteousness or does not love is brother proves that he is not of God.







Revelation 5:12 - Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

Colossians 3:17 - And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

All we do should be an act of worship. When I preached this message I read and explained the context of Revelation 5.


The Lord Jesus Christ is worthy to receive:


1.     Power (and Authority) – Hebrews 1:1-3, Acts 2:32-36, How much authority does He really have in your life?

He has the authority to run my life.


2.     Riches – Romans 12: 1                                             

Riches = Tithes (Money), Time, Talents, Thoughts, Trust

I worship in the way I use all the riches that He has given me.


3.     Wisdom – 1 Corinthians 1:30, Ephesians 1:17

All my wisdom is to be derived from Him.


4.     Strength – John 15:4-5, Philippians 4:13

Without Him I can do nothing. With Him I can do all things!


5.     Honor – Matthew 15:8, Philippians 4:8

The honor I give the Lord in my heart should match the honor that I give Him with my lips.


6.     Glory – 2 Corinthians 10:17, Psalm 34:1-3

I need to “brag” on my Lord.


7.     Blessing – Psalm 103:2, James 3:8-19

I can truly bless God and be miserable towards others.










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Sermon Seeds is a weekly e-mailing of free brief sermon outlines from Pastor Jack Peters. These outlines are meant to help other pastors and Bible Teachers in their own preparations.


In most cases these outlines are only "seeds". They are not sermons ready for you to preach. Feel free to improve on these outlines anyway the Lord leads you.


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