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Sermons in a Sentence

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<><> Sermons in a Sentence <><>
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Mother Teresa, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein."
"Lead your life so you won't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip."
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"When it comes time to die...make sure all you got to do is die."
"You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to."
"Don't be afraid to learn.  Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily."
"A mistake not corrected is another mistake."
"Where will you spend eternity?
a) here            b) heaven
c) hell            d) not sure
is that your final answer?"
"To know one's ignorance is part of knowledge."
"If we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything."
"Making the most of today is the best preparation for tomorrow."
"The poor person is not one without a cent....but the one without a dream."
"Too many people are Christian streakers ... all they have on is the helmet of salvation."
"There is something wrong if you are always right."
"Most friction in life is caused by the tone of the voice."
"The real measure of your wealth is how much you would be worth if you lost all your money."
"Prejudice melts in the face of compassion."
"A mistake not corrected is another mistake."
"The choice to rejoice leads to an attitude of gratitude."
"A smile is a curve that can set a lot of things straight."

"Faith makes it possible for us to see the impossible."
<><> Gossip Defined <><>
Gossip defined: Idle or malicious talk about someone with a desire or
intention to injure him or her in some fashion.
I. God places gossip in the most complete list of sins in the Bible and shows
how it is interrelated with all these sins.
A. Romans 1:28-31 ˜ No wonder God hates it.
B. 2 Timothy 3:1-3
C. Exodus 20:12-16
D. Proverbs 6:16-19
E. The issue for the believer is that gossip does not fit who we are. The
idea that a person could be praying and talking to God and destroying someone
with gossip simply doesn't work.
II. Why do people engage in gossip?
A. Pride.
B. It is a means by which they can express their anger or their bitterness
toward someone without confronting them.
C. People gossip to pull others down to their level.
D. To destroy someone else.
E. Because they have a careless tongue.
F. It is the influence of other people.
II. Consequences in the life of the person who is the object of the gossip:
A. Pain.
B. Suffering.
C. Hurt.
D. Intense pain.
Some say they have the right to speak the truth. You have a legal right to
speak the truth, but you don't have a biblical right to say everything you know.
III. Consequences for the one who gossips:
A. Matthew 12:33-34
B. Matthew 15:10-11
C. Gossip defiles the one who practices it.
D. Reveals his/her lack of discipline.
E. Shows he/she is ruled by sin.
F. Drives godly people away from him/her.
G. Destroys his/her fellowship with God.
Little minds discuss people.
Average minds discuss events.
Great minds discuss ideas.
IV. Cautions:
A. Proverbs 20:19
B. Do not associate with a gossip.
C. Ephesians 4:29-30
D. It grieves the Holy Spirit when a person is gossiping.
V. How to cure gossip?
A. Repentance.
B. May need to make restitution, but you must be careful because that can
sometimes only increase the problem.
C. Don't associate with gossips.
D. Pray for the person.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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