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Serve The Lord With Gladness - Psalm 100

Posted by: craigaledbetter <craigaledbetter@...>

Serve The Lord With Gladness

Psalm 100

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland

August 14, 2016 AM   BBC Ballincollig


I.       Introduction (Psalm 100:2)


A.     There is a lot of sorrow and sadness amongst people

B.     So many have "lost" their joy

C.     There is a lot to be sad about today!


1.      Wicked rulers (Pro 29:2)  …when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

2.      Sin in our face every day and in almost every way – blatant, sickening, and only getting worse!

3.      Losing our families and influence – it is a very sad day

4.      Christians are cooling off, and getting to be just like the world around them

5.      It grieves me as a pastor!


D.     But there is to be a time of gladness – there HAS to be – we need it


1.      In the midst of such disappointments

2.      In the midst of such spiritual darkness

3.      And in the midst of such grief


E.      There are times that we need to just sit back as Christians, and rejoice, laugh, sing, and smile!

F.      But it doesn't come easy

G.     So God wrote us some reminders

H.     Psalm 100 is one of the many reminders to just Praise the Lord!


II.    Message


A.     Make A Joyful Noise (Psalm 100:1)


1.      I like that!

2.      It means SING (Psalm 100:2; 2Chron 29:30)


a.       Not a performance – perfect pitch, harmony, lighting, sound system, makeup, hairstyle

b.      And not just "noise"

c.       But a joyful noise

d.      Maybe all you can make is a noise, just make it joyful!

e.       Sing ALL the time! Not just at church, but at home, at work, while shopping! SING!


3.      Sing Unto the Lord


a.       Too much worrying about pleasing and entertaining audiences.

b.      Church is supposed to be about US, pleasing GOD (Psalm 19:14)

c.       Make a lot of joyful noises unto the Lord God Almighty!


4.      Everyone is supposed to! "All ye lands!" Not a culture thing – it's a BIBLE thing!


a.       Not just the Jews – they thought only THEY had any reasons to praise God! But all nations do!

b.      Not just the "spiritual" – not just the mature believers, but all believers! I have found NEW believers the most joyful usually!

c.       Not just those that find it easy to smile…

d.      But all people, of every land, nation, kindred, tribe and tongue


5.      Did you know the entire universe reflects God's glory, and honours Him? (Psalm 96:11) It is only humans that don't do it - unless we make the choice to!

6.      What do you think HEAVEN is going to be like (Rev 5:9-14)


a.       Everyone from everywhere, who have been born again

b.      All at the drop of a hat, and for all eternity, praising together, worshipping, singing unto our God!

c.       If you don't like praising God, and saying amen, and singing loud, and worshipping God, then YOU my friend, will NOT like heaven!!!


7.      So, make a joyful noise ladies and gentlemen, unto the Lord – and that means all of us!


a.       This church should seriously, passionately praise God when we sing! Even when it hurts to!

b.      If the devil has robbed you or me of our joy, we need to get it back! Desperately!


B.     Serve the Lord WITH Gladness (Psalm 100:2)


1.      We constantly "serve":


a.       Employers – do their bidding, come when they say come, leave when they say we can leave

b.      Our teachers – we fulfil THEIR expectations of us

c.       Our friends – do what THEY think we should do

d.      Our flesh and habits – we eat what we want, and sleep when our flesh wants, and seek to fulfil our lusts

e.       Our fears – people can't step outside their doors, live in fear of flying, of water, of heights, and of death – so people do crazy things to placate their fears


2.      The challenge is to "serve" God - Work for God - To serve HIM (Col 3:23,24)


a.       To make every effort, an effort for God!

b.      By the way, do NOT try and serve just others! They will frustrate, disappoint, back-stab, fail you!

c.       Serve the Lord!

d.      We were born, to serve the Lord all our lives (Josh 24:15)


1)      To do HIS bidding

2)      To go where HE says go

3)      Fulfilling HIS expectations of us

4)      We were saved to please God, and make HIM happy


e.       If you are NOT actively serving the Lord…


1)      By your life

2)      By your words

3)      By dedicating your time to speaking His Gospel

4)      By studying THIS book for yourself

5)      By helping teach in Children's Church

6)      Or helping in Twelve Weeks to Freedom

7)      Or Saturday Soul-Winning


f.       Then you are serving sin (Romans 6:11-13, 16-18)


1)      I don't care if you agree with that or not

2)      It is a fact


3.      WHO are YOU serving?

4.      Don't think you can put this off


a.       This is a "do it now" thing

b.      Not just when we are old and ready to serve… but ALL our lives! He is worthy!

c.       You are ALWAYS serving someone or something, every minute of every day


1)      It could be Facebook

2)      It could be the TV advertisers

3)      Without even realising it, most people are serving massive company advertisers, wearing what they tell them to wear, eating what THEY say we should eat


5.      Do NOT just leave all the "serving" to


a.       Dan and Kathy

b.      Andrew and Jennifer

c.       Tony and Dina

d.      John and Ruth

e.       Eric, Celine, Graham and Gina!!!


6.      Folks, BE the BODY of Christ, HERE, in Ballincollig! Every day of every week! Jesus constantly SERVED God and Others! As our example! BE JUST LIKE HIM NOW!


a.       Folks, a coal, on its own, will grow cold and die off

b.      ALL the members of a church body must work together, serve together, pull together

c.       Serve the Lord as ONE body


7.      To Serve WITH GLADNESS – not drudgery – like a CHORE, or a GRIND!


a.       We all need to constantly check our hearts and passion!

b.      There is such a twisted idea about serving the Lord

c.       No joy – people think you have to be sour, and mean, and unhappy if you are living for God

d.      At least the DEVIL tries to make sure everyone that strives to please God, get miserable!

e.       But not Bible believers

f.       Listen to Paul (Acts 20:24) – not misery, sorrow, depression, defeated, upset, or full of regrets!


8.      If joy is missing… God puts gladness in our hearts (Psalm 4:7; Isaiah 51:11)


a.       Gladness is the result of grasping God's mercy and goodness and justice (Psalm 31:7)

b.      When we realised what we have been saved from (Psalm 126:1-3)

c.       When we spend time just with Him! There is gladness and joy in His presence (Ps 100:2; 1Chron 16:25-27)

d.      When we make time to come together to worship (Psalm 122:1)

e.       When we meditate on Who He IS, and on What He does - His works (Psalm 104:33,34)

f.       God gave each of us THIS day, to serve and to rejoice (Psalm 118:24)

g.       There are so many of you in this room this morning that just WON'T let God put some REAL joy in your life because your heart thinks there could not be anything really true to this!


9.      If your relationship with Jesus does NOT give you joy, then you do NOT have a relationship with Jesus – you only have religion!


C.     Be Thankful (Psalm 100:4)


1.      What a necessary command!


a.       Strange that we have to be TOLD to say Thank You!

b.      To be THANKFUL!

c.       To Bless His name – honour, lift up, worship HIS NAME


1)      Not curse, slam, or mock, or abuse it

2)      But sanctify it, and honour it, and protect it

3)      His name should bring great joy to your face!


2.      So little thankfulness, so little thought to what other people and ESPECIALLY God does for us

3.      EXAMPLE of the ten lepers (Luke 17:11-18)

4.      Do EVERYTHING with a grateful attitude! Worship, come to church, come before God's throne in prayer… WITH Thankfulness, Gratefulness

5.      One of THE most important attitudes you need is to Be… THANKFUL


a.       Sit and count your blessings, and thank GOD for each and every one of them

b.      Right now – what could you thank God for? …


6.      Next time you find yourself complaining, and bad-mouthing everyone and everything wrong in your life, STOP and thank God ANYWAY! Do it! Whether you feel like it or not!


D.     Be Very Aware (Psalm 100:3,5) KNOW this…


1.      That the Lord Jehovah – the God of the Jews, of the Bible, of Jesus… HE is GOD!


a.       Your MOTHER is not God - Your CHILDREN are not God - Your PARENTS are not God

b.      MARY is not God - The Bishop is not God

c.       That MONEY you have in the bank is NOT God

d.      Those friends you look up to are NOT God

e.       And YOU my friend, are NOT God!

f.       The God who created all of heaven and earth, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ… HE is God!

g.       Better learn that! You better KNOW that!


2.      That HE is the one that made us


a.       EXAMPLE: Of a sandy beach. Nothing there but wind and water swept sand. But then, off in the distance, you see a massive sand castle. SOMEONE "MADE" that castle! It didn't make itself!!!!

b.      The same is true with all of us!

c.       If there is anything good in our lives, if we have succeeded at ANYTHING, it will be because GOD did it

d.      Pharaoh thought HE made himself

e.       Nebuchadnezzar believed HE was the end all

f.       But GOD raised them both us, and brought them BOTH DOWN! (Romans 9:17; Dan 5:18-21)

g.       The people of Israel believed they were self-made, and totally awesome (Deut 7:7,8)

h.      It is the LORD that saves us (John 1:10-13; Romans 8:31-34)


3.      We are HIS people – we belong to HIM – He purchased us, from our previous owner!


a.       We are His sheep now! No longer going astray (1Peter 2:21,24,25)

b.      We are not very smart – dumb as sheep

c.       That's why we need Him as our Shepherd


4.      Lastly, He is good!


a.       No matter what is happening, going on

b.      No matter how bad things are… God is good

c.       He only does good things! Marvellous things! Wondrous things!

d.      If there is ANYTHING good in this universe, it is connected to Him!


1)      Got a good wife? GOD gave her to you!

2)      Got a good MAN? God gave Him and MADE Him!

3)      Got good health? God gave it to you!

4)      All because HE is Good!


III. Conclusion


A.     This morning, God has reminded us four things:


1.      To Make A Joyful Noise Unto the Lord

2.      To Serve the Lord WITH Gladness


a.       WHO are YOU serving? Who will you serve tomorrow? And the next day after that

b.      Do NOT just leave all the "serving" to other people in this church! YOU get off YOUR rear and start serving!

c.       When I get back, I need to see EVERYONE busy doing SOMETHING, Serving God and others!

d.      AND… Make sure you do it With Gladness


3.      To Be Thankful – every day!

4.      Lastly, To Be Very Aware… of who WE are, and who GOD is!


a.       That the Lord Jehovah … HE is GOD! He is in charge, and doing quite well!

b.      That HE is the one that made us, saved us, and loves us

c.       Lastly, He is good!


B.     Do YOU know the Lord? Not in your head, but in your HEART!


1.      Do you know Him emotionally, passionately, trustingly!

2.      Do you even know He loves you? Gave HIMSELF to win your HEART!


C.     How is your joy and gladness? Empty? Dry? Cold? Gone? Or vibrant?

D.     Is church that dry to you? Do you REALLY think it is because "I" or Dan or Andrew just aren't that great of preachers?

E.      There are times that we need to just sit back as Christians, and rejoice, laugh, sing, and smile!

F.      What if you, yes YOU, came into church already glad – just simply GLAD to be saved, and secure in Christ, and sanctified, and satisfied with Jesus???


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