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Posted by: Crochetclara <Crochetclara@...>

My machine is a Baby Lock Pro Line. I bought it about six years ago,
and it has been trouble free. It does a lot of different stitches and makes
button holes and even sews on buttons. The thing I like most about it is the
needle threader. It is so wonderful ..... never have to strain you eyes
threading the needle. I still have the Singer Machine that my husband
bought me for Christmas in 1961, It is the one that I really used almost
every day when my children were small. I would love to see everything in a
pile that I made on that machine.
My serger is a RICAR. I don't use it as much as I thought I would. Most
of the time when I need to serge something, I just use the zig zag stitch on
my machine. They are nice to have, but I hate to thread them. Oh... Just my
two cents worth.