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Shameless Plug

Posted by: donmonson <donmonson@...>

It's almost 11 months to the day since I let my ChurchBass subscription lay
low for awhile. But I thought I'd come out of hiding to tell everyone
about our Music & Worship pastor's new CD which just came out today. Those
of you with good memories may recall my mentioning Phil Vanderveen several
times in my posts. I've listened to the CD three times already since
coming home from church this afternoon, and it gets better with every
listening. No, I didn't get a chance to play on this one (hence the
shameless plug), but I have had an opportunity to play several of these
tunes during worship. All but two of them are written by Phil. Three of
them are up on a new website
Give a listen to "And I Believe" - perhaps one of the best worship songs
you've heard in a long time!

Don Monson
White Rock, BC