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Sheep with eye boo boo

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi, one of my sheep looks like she got speared in the eye by a horn from my mean ol' pygmy mother goat. That is only a guess tho. Her eye is all swollen, it is red and the eye itself looks blue glazed over (kind of cataract looking). We put some teramyacin in it yesterday and today. I really really don't want to haul her tooshie off to the vet (IF I could find a vet to help me would be real nice too!). Is there anything else I should be doing? Does it sound like a horn in the eye to you all?
We will be seperating the horned goats (the pygmies) from the rest of the goats and sheep in a few months. We have to get another barn built. We will put one of the llamas with them too so they have thier own protection. It all takes time! Ugh. That is something we seem to run short of. LOL. Thanks, Julie