Shoulder To Shoulder #1323 -- 1-2-23 ---- "Taking Another Look at Resolutions"
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Quote from Forum Archives on January 4, 2023, 8:21 pm"Standing Together, Shoulder To Shoulder, As We Fight the Good Fight of Faith"SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many topics selected to
motivate people to be strong students of the Word and courageous witnesses of Jesus Christ. It is a personal letter of
encouragement to you, written solely to help "lift up hands that hang down"."The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." -- Albert Einstein
“There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have -- a cheap Christianity which offends nobody,
and requires no sacrifice, which costs nothing, -- and is worth nothing.” – J. C. RyleShoulder To Shoulder #1323 -- 1-2-23
Title: "Taking Another Look at Resolutions"
My Dear Friend and Pilgrim Partner:
We now have a little more than a week of a new year behind us, and we know full well that things don't change one iota when December 31 becomes January 1. As Christians you and I have the luxury of living our lives "in the eternal now" because of an eternal God Who offered us an eternal Savior who gives us eternal life.
Yet, we find ourselves caught -- as an invisible dot of time and place -- in a world characterized by decay and destruction. What an amazing opportunity -- living eternal life in the presence of a world that is itself passing away. What an amazing opportunity to help introduce that life into a dying and helpless culture.
That is what I'd like to address today again. First, though, take a look at . . .
+ Archaeology Continues to Validate Scripture: Hardly a week goes by but what some archaeological discovery somewhere verifies statements, places, people, or events that are mentioned in the Bible. Here are two recent ones.
> A coin stash from the Maccabean era mentioning Antiochus IV: --
> Pool of Siloam excavations to be open to public: --
> Numerous inscriptions give Verification of King Hezekiah: --
> Arrowheads from Maccabean Era found: -- The full Truth To Our Religious Freedom: How did our freedom of religion and separation of church and state that demanded government stay out of religious affairs become part of our Constitution? You may be surprised as to the origin of the principle. It was much more than Rev. John Leland's church giving Thomas Jefferson a half-ton block of cheese. For the full story, go to
> "The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul." -- G. K. Chesterson
> ". . . last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice." -- T. S. Eliot
> “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” -- Jesus (John 15:5)
> "The Christian's New Year's resolution should be the same every day: to know Christ, and make Him known." -- Todd Friel
> Of all persons the Christian should be best prepared for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared. He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and today he lives in God. The man who has made God his dwelling place will always have a safe habitation." -- A. W. Tozer
> “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” -- David, King of Israel (Psalm 37:5-6)
> "My New Year's Resolution has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God. 'Therefore, whether you eat or you drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God' (I Cor 10:31)." --
> "My New Year Resolutions: 1) Study the Bible. 2) Do what it says." -- Unknown
The "" website makes the following statement regarding any role New Year's Resolutions might have in the life of a Christian:
"The practice of making New Year’s resolutions goes back over 4,000 years to the ancient Babylonians. There is just something about the start of a new year that gives us the feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning. In reality, there is no difference between December 31 and January 1. Nothing mystical occurs at midnight on December 31. The Bible does not speak for or against the concept of New Year’s resolutions. However, if a Christian determines to make a New Year’s resolution, what kind of resolution should he or she make?"
You can read the entire article at
There are very few opinion-driven news programs that I watch, and even fewer that I record. I watch almost none of them "live". One that I do like and watch most weeks -- if I actually have the time -- is "Sunday Night In America With Trey Gowdy". Gowdy is a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and a former prosecuting attorney. As such he has a brilliant mind, a "true tongue", and a witty way of making his point. His standard by which he assesses events and measures his speech is three-fold ---- fundamental Judeo-Christian values, the U.S. Constitution and truth.
Recently his first guest was Tulsi Gabbard, a like-minded former House member and also one who ran as a then-Democrat for President of the United States. She has since left the Democrat Party -- she actually says the Party left her (as has Kirsten Senema since then) -- and become independent.
Gowdy began his introductory monologue addressing the issue of resolutions -- specifically New Year resolutions. He made the point that you cannot use the word resolution without coming across the word, "solution" embedded. His point was well taken -- resolutions are meaningless without solutions, and solutions merely spoken but never acted upon will never resolve anything. He pointed out his assessment that resolutions are usually meaningless because many of them lack two necessary ingredients -- solutions and truth. Gabbard reinforced the absence of truth in our culture today.
You see, the word "resolution" appears to be the marriage of two other thoughts -- "resolve" and "solutions. One relates to attitude; the other relates to answers. One without the other is essentially useless. Attitude without action is mere opinion or pipe dreams. Action without attitude -- the proper attitude -- is expended energy for no real reason other than the action itself. The height of such action is seen in that well-worn exclamation, "Well, don't just stand there! DO something!" It matters not if there is no reason for the action; just Act!
This may be one reason most New Year's resolutions never accomplish anything. A solution merely spoken is nothing more than an idea. A resolution has to have more than just declaration -- it must have subsequent and related action. You can find thousands of solutions in books, but unless you take one of them and put some hands feet to it, it's nothing more than a collection of words.
Today for many people a resolution means little more than a pipe dream, a wishful hope, or a mediocre intent. It is far from what the literal meeting of the word -- and its root -- mean ---- which is, to discover, offer, and implement a solution. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as "1 : the act or process of resolving: such as a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones b : the act of answering : solving c : the act of determining."
The American Heritage Dictionary's definition is "The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination. A firm decision to do something. A course of action determined or decided on." The Free Dictionary defines resolution as, "1. the act or an instance of resolving 2. the condition or quality of being resolute; firmness or determination 3. something resolved or determined; decision 4. a formal expression of opinion by a meeting, esp one agreed by a vote 5. (Law) a judicial decision on some matter; verdict; judgment".
If we could summarize the definition of what a resolution really is, I think we could say it “a clear, thought-out, firm and definite decision to take action or not take action regarding something specific.” Very few people make that kind of resolution -- so no wonder they are quickly broken or forgotten.
Today I ran across Britt Mooney's observations in Crosswalk.Com on New Year's resolutions he wrote a year ago as he anticipated the coming year of 2022. Mooney and his wife, Becca, served as missionaries in Korea, ministered in numerous other countries, and currently serve bivocationally as church planters in Georgia. He has a podcast about the Kingdom of God called Kingdom Over Coffee and is author of Say Yes: How God-Sized Dreams Take Flight. I love some of the things he wrote, so want to share some of them with you. He stated . . .
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Resolution [connotes] intention, determination. Aspiration. It is an act of will. It is also based on a moral or personal belief. We can’t enact our will behind something we don’t believe matters. We resolve to eat better because we believe that it is good for us. The same with joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer.
There is a history of making yearly resolutions, dating back 4,000 years to Babylon. The Romans believed January a doorway of time to consider the previous year and make changes.
The early church adopted the spiritual practice of reflection on past mistakes and resolving to do better. John Wesley began a Covenant Renewal Service, a night watch service, complete with prayer and Scripture on New Year’s, serving as an alternative to drunken celebrations. Many evangelical churches do similar things today.
What Does the Bible Say about New Year’s Resolutions?
The Bible doesn’t have any specific instructions about New Year’s Resolutions, either way. Christians have their perspectives and convictions on the matter; many participate in some form.
Scripture does include themes that are important.
Repentance is preached throughout the whole Bible (Acts 3:19). Repentance is a type of resolution, a change of direction in life based on belief, a re-engagement of our will to follow the person of God in relationship.
We repent of our whole existence to come to Christ, but the Bible talks about repentance of specific deeds, as well (2 Samuel 24:10).
The Bible also is full of imperative statements, what we might call commands. Rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4). Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). These require intentional action.
We are told to examine our lives in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), work out our salvation (Philippians 2:12). We can’t do that without intent, belief, making a “firm decision.” James tells us to be confident in our prayers of faith (James 1:6). Resolutions, on that level, are biblical and important.
What Are the Dangers of Resolutions for Christians? There are dangers in making resolutions, however.
First, we are warned against holding too tightly to our plans (Proverbs 16:9). Expectations are powerful things, and planning is wisdom, but we have to realize the journey with Christ is full of interruptions and twists and turns. We have to adjust our expectations in this world. God might be up to something new or different than we thought.
Second, the changes we desire, even biblical ones, can only be made with His power and grace. We can’t change in our own strength. These resolutions must be in relationship with God and complete reliance upon the power of the Spirit (Romans 8:13).
Third, what is the motivation behind our resolutions (James 4:3)? Is it God’s heart for us in the season? Or is it based on selfish desires? We need God’s discernment to know the difference.
Fourth, God doesn’t work by our calendar or timetable (2 Peter 3:8). Regular reflection and repentance are a part of life in God. We can make life changes at any time in the leading of the Holy Spirit, not just the beginning of January.
5 Bible-based Christian New Year’s Resolutions for 2022: With all this in mind, what are some Bible-based New Year’s Resolutions for this coming year?
Most New Year’s Resolutions for Christians fall into one or both categories—a sin they wish to stop, or something related to a regular spiritual discipline (devotions, prayer, etc.). These are good, especially when based on a leading from God. But what about for our current time? For 2022? In the context of 2021, what is God up to? What is God saying to us from Heaven based on the hardships and trials of the past year? What have we learned?
Here are five resolutions for the people of God in 2022:
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Mooney went on to recommend five specific resolutions:
1. Stay connected with the local faith community
2. Remain flexible and open to what God is doing
3. Slow down; take time to rest
4. Speak the life of the Gospel into the chaos of the world
5. Love your neighbors.I already told you in my most recent letter what I have prayed each new year for the past fourteen years. If I were to actually make five resolutions for this year, I might list some that are different from Mooney's. You probably would, too. But, whatever your list might include, they, like mine, will almost certainly begin as . . .
Obviously, there is no real word, "resolutionary". It's one of my own twisted fabrications. But, the point is that if you are to come up with a resolution, it has to emerge from your thoughts -- your attitudes. It is within the confines of my own thoughts, yet inaudible, where resolutions are born and incubated. They often begin with such thoughts as, "We ought to . . .", or "I wish . . .", or "I think . . ."
One reason most people fail in their New Year's resolutions is because they go no further. They may have a wish, but no plan. They merely "hope" or "want" something to happen, but have made no clear decision to attempt it; nor do they have specific steps in mind by which to realize it. Their resolutions are mere empty hopes and desires. Their resolutions may be wanted, and they may be wished for, but that's about it. It goes no further than dreaming it will happen -- soon to be shot down by an undisciplined life or a little voice telling them it will never happen because they don't have what it takes.
Resolutions may even be clarified with words, and still not be true resolutions -- simply by the definition of the word itself as I tried to describe earlier. I've come to the conclusions -- based on the definition of the word itself -- that most resolutions are not really resolutions. They are merely wishes, wants, and words, none of which has any particular valued results.
For a resolution to be a legitimate resolution -- and not just a good idea, a wish, or even good intentions you must recognize . . .
Whether thought, written, or spoken, words are words. They are wishes and wants expressed in some way. To be a true resolution that achieves results, it must contain the resolve to carry it out, and it must include a solution that gets results. So, a resolution -- a true legitimate resolution -- must contain 1) the Resolve to do it, 2) a Solution that will accomplish its intent, and 3) the Action that sees it through.
If, then, anyone on planet earth should have the motive and the ability to fulfill a resolution, it is the Christian; because in Christ you have all three ingredients. You have the Resolve, you have the Solution, and you have proper Action -- the authority of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it.
Because the love of Christ constrains and controls us (II Cor 5:14) -- that's Resolve, and Christ is the answer to every need (II Cor 5:17; Jn 3:16; Phil 4:19) -- that's Solution, we indeed have a "Resolve Solution" -- Resolution. All that is left is the Action, which in itself is the end result of the first two ingredients.
> "I can do all things through Christ Who is my strength" (Phil 4:13).
> "We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me" (Col 1:28-29).
> "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does." (James 1:22-25).
Thanks, Trey Gowdy, for your insight that helps us better understand what a resolution really is -- a resolute solution.
Someone once said that New Year's Resolutions were made to be broken. Not for the Christian. We are to do all things in ways that point to and give glory to God. If we make resolutions we don't intend to carry out, we dishonor not only ourselves, but more importantly, we cast dispersion on Him. The point for you and me as followers of Christs is that, if we resolve to do something, we are bound to see it through.
Why? Because we have unreservedly committed ourselves -- our wishes, our wants, our words, our ways, and our works entirely to the Lord. If we do that, then we can entrust our future plans and actions to the sovereign purposes of God -- knowing that His ways, His will, and His works will hopefully be manifested in our lives.
If that can happen in 2023 for the both of us -- and others -- this is going to be an incredible year. Nobody explains that reality any more clearly than the venerable A. W. Tozer:
"Of all persons the Christian should be best prepared for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared. He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and today he lives in God. The man who has made God his dwelling place will always have a safe habitation."
In Christ's Bond, By His Grace, and for His Kingdom,
Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11
"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness,
examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." -- Dr. Luke (Acts 17:11)"A fire kept burning on the hearthstone of my heart, and I took up the burden of the day with fresh courage and hope." -- Charles F. McKoy
Life Unlimited Ministries
lifeunlimited@pobox.comCopyright January, 2023
"If Jesus had preached the same message that many ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified." -- Leonard Ravenhill
"The time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the Church will have clowns entertaining the goats." -- Charles H. Spurgeon
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Replying to "Shoulder To Shoulder" mailer gets you nowhere.--
Bob Tolliver Life Unlimited Ministries LUMglobal
SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many topics selected to
motivate people to be strong students of the Word and courageous witnesses of Jesus Christ. It is a personal letter of
encouragement to you, written solely to help "lift up hands that hang down".
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." -- Albert Einstein
“There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have -- a cheap Christianity which offends nobody,
and requires no sacrifice, which costs nothing, -- and is worth nothing.” – J. C. Ryle
Shoulder To Shoulder #1323 -- 1-2-23
Title: "Taking Another Look at Resolutions"
My Dear Friend and Pilgrim Partner:
We now have a little more than a week of a new year behind us, and we know full well that things don't change one iota when December 31 becomes January 1. As Christians you and I have the luxury of living our lives "in the eternal now" because of an eternal God Who offered us an eternal Savior who gives us eternal life.
Yet, we find ourselves caught -- as an invisible dot of time and place -- in a world characterized by decay and destruction. What an amazing opportunity -- living eternal life in the presence of a world that is itself passing away. What an amazing opportunity to help introduce that life into a dying and helpless culture.
That is what I'd like to address today again. First, though, take a look at . . .
+ Archaeology Continues to Validate Scripture: Hardly a week goes by but what some archaeological discovery somewhere verifies statements, places, people, or events that are mentioned in the Bible. Here are two recent ones.
> A coin stash from the Maccabean era mentioning Antiochus IV: --
> Pool of Siloam excavations to be open to public: --
> Numerous inscriptions give Verification of King Hezekiah: --
> Arrowheads from Maccabean Era found: --
+ The full Truth To Our Religious Freedom: How did our freedom of religion and separation of church and state that demanded government stay out of religious affairs become part of our Constitution? You may be surprised as to the origin of the principle. It was much more than Rev. John Leland's church giving Thomas Jefferson a half-ton block of cheese. For the full story, go to
> "The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul." -- G. K. Chesterson
> ". . . last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice." -- T. S. Eliot
> “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” -- Jesus (John 15:5)
> "The Christian's New Year's resolution should be the same every day: to know Christ, and make Him known." -- Todd Friel
> Of all persons the Christian should be best prepared for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared. He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and today he lives in God. The man who has made God his dwelling place will always have a safe habitation." -- A. W. Tozer
> “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” -- David, King of Israel (Psalm 37:5-6)
> "My New Year's Resolution has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God. 'Therefore, whether you eat or you drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God' (I Cor 10:31)." --
> "My New Year Resolutions: 1) Study the Bible. 2) Do what it says." -- Unknown
The "" website makes the following statement regarding any role New Year's Resolutions might have in the life of a Christian:
"The practice of making New Year’s resolutions goes back over 4,000 years to the ancient Babylonians. There is just something about the start of a new year that gives us the feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning. In reality, there is no difference between December 31 and January 1. Nothing mystical occurs at midnight on December 31. The Bible does not speak for or against the concept of New Year’s resolutions. However, if a Christian determines to make a New Year’s resolution, what kind of resolution should he or she make?"
You can read the entire article at
There are very few opinion-driven news programs that I watch, and even fewer that I record. I watch almost none of them "live". One that I do like and watch most weeks -- if I actually have the time -- is "Sunday Night In America With Trey Gowdy". Gowdy is a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and a former prosecuting attorney. As such he has a brilliant mind, a "true tongue", and a witty way of making his point. His standard by which he assesses events and measures his speech is three-fold ---- fundamental Judeo-Christian values, the U.S. Constitution and truth.
Recently his first guest was Tulsi Gabbard, a like-minded former House member and also one who ran as a then-Democrat for President of the United States. She has since left the Democrat Party -- she actually says the Party left her (as has Kirsten Senema since then) -- and become independent.
Gowdy began his introductory monologue addressing the issue of resolutions -- specifically New Year resolutions. He made the point that you cannot use the word resolution without coming across the word, "solution" embedded. His point was well taken -- resolutions are meaningless without solutions, and solutions merely spoken but never acted upon will never resolve anything. He pointed out his assessment that resolutions are usually meaningless because many of them lack two necessary ingredients -- solutions and truth. Gabbard reinforced the absence of truth in our culture today.
You see, the word "resolution" appears to be the marriage of two other thoughts -- "resolve" and "solutions. One relates to attitude; the other relates to answers. One without the other is essentially useless. Attitude without action is mere opinion or pipe dreams. Action without attitude -- the proper attitude -- is expended energy for no real reason other than the action itself. The height of such action is seen in that well-worn exclamation, "Well, don't just stand there! DO something!" It matters not if there is no reason for the action; just Act!
This may be one reason most New Year's resolutions never accomplish anything. A solution merely spoken is nothing more than an idea. A resolution has to have more than just declaration -- it must have subsequent and related action. You can find thousands of solutions in books, but unless you take one of them and put some hands feet to it, it's nothing more than a collection of words.
Today for many people a resolution means little more than a pipe dream, a wishful hope, or a mediocre intent. It is far from what the literal meeting of the word -- and its root -- mean ---- which is, to discover, offer, and implement a solution. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as "1 : the act or process of resolving: such as a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones b : the act of answering : solving c : the act of determining."
The American Heritage Dictionary's definition is "The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination. A firm decision to do something. A course of action determined or decided on." The Free Dictionary defines resolution as, "1. the act or an instance of resolving 2. the condition or quality of being resolute; firmness or determination 3. something resolved or determined; decision 4. a formal expression of opinion by a meeting, esp one agreed by a vote 5. (Law) a judicial decision on some matter; verdict; judgment".
If we could summarize the definition of what a resolution really is, I think we could say it “a clear, thought-out, firm and definite decision to take action or not take action regarding something specific.” Very few people make that kind of resolution -- so no wonder they are quickly broken or forgotten.
Today I ran across Britt Mooney's observations in Crosswalk.Com on New Year's resolutions he wrote a year ago as he anticipated the coming year of 2022. Mooney and his wife, Becca, served as missionaries in Korea, ministered in numerous other countries, and currently serve bivocationally as church planters in Georgia. He has a podcast about the Kingdom of God called Kingdom Over Coffee and is author of Say Yes: How God-Sized Dreams Take Flight. I love some of the things he wrote, so want to share some of them with you. He stated . . .
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Resolution [connotes] intention, determination. Aspiration. It is an act of will. It is also based on a moral or personal belief. We can’t enact our will behind something we don’t believe matters. We resolve to eat better because we believe that it is good for us. The same with joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer.
There is a history of making yearly resolutions, dating back 4,000 years to Babylon. The Romans believed January a doorway of time to consider the previous year and make changes.
The early church adopted the spiritual practice of reflection on past mistakes and resolving to do better. John Wesley began a Covenant Renewal Service, a night watch service, complete with prayer and Scripture on New Year’s, serving as an alternative to drunken celebrations. Many evangelical churches do similar things today.
What Does the Bible Say about New Year’s Resolutions?
The Bible doesn’t have any specific instructions about New Year’s Resolutions, either way. Christians have their perspectives and convictions on the matter; many participate in some form.
Scripture does include themes that are important.
Repentance is preached throughout the whole Bible (Acts 3:19). Repentance is a type of resolution, a change of direction in life based on belief, a re-engagement of our will to follow the person of God in relationship.
We repent of our whole existence to come to Christ, but the Bible talks about repentance of specific deeds, as well (2 Samuel 24:10).
The Bible also is full of imperative statements, what we might call commands. Rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4). Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). These require intentional action.
We are told to examine our lives in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), work out our salvation (Philippians 2:12). We can’t do that without intent, belief, making a “firm decision.” James tells us to be confident in our prayers of faith (James 1:6). Resolutions, on that level, are biblical and important.
What Are the Dangers of Resolutions for Christians? There are dangers in making resolutions, however.
First, we are warned against holding too tightly to our plans (Proverbs 16:9). Expectations are powerful things, and planning is wisdom, but we have to realize the journey with Christ is full of interruptions and twists and turns. We have to adjust our expectations in this world. God might be up to something new or different than we thought.
Second, the changes we desire, even biblical ones, can only be made with His power and grace. We can’t change in our own strength. These resolutions must be in relationship with God and complete reliance upon the power of the Spirit (Romans 8:13).
Third, what is the motivation behind our resolutions (James 4:3)? Is it God’s heart for us in the season? Or is it based on selfish desires? We need God’s discernment to know the difference.
Fourth, God doesn’t work by our calendar or timetable (2 Peter 3:8). Regular reflection and repentance are a part of life in God. We can make life changes at any time in the leading of the Holy Spirit, not just the beginning of January.
5 Bible-based Christian New Year’s Resolutions for 2022: With all this in mind, what are some Bible-based New Year’s Resolutions for this coming year?
Most New Year’s Resolutions for Christians fall into one or both categories—a sin they wish to stop, or something related to a regular spiritual discipline (devotions, prayer, etc.). These are good, especially when based on a leading from God. But what about for our current time? For 2022? In the context of 2021, what is God up to? What is God saying to us from Heaven based on the hardships and trials of the past year? What have we learned?
Here are five resolutions for the people of God in 2022:
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Mooney went on to recommend five specific resolutions:
1. Stay connected with the local faith community
2. Remain flexible and open to what God is doing
3. Slow down; take time to rest
4. Speak the life of the Gospel into the chaos of the world
5. Love your neighbors.
I already told you in my most recent letter what I have prayed each new year for the past fourteen years. If I were to actually make five resolutions for this year, I might list some that are different from Mooney's. You probably would, too. But, whatever your list might include, they, like mine, will almost certainly begin as . . .
Obviously, there is no real word, "resolutionary". It's one of my own twisted fabrications. But, the point is that if you are to come up with a resolution, it has to emerge from your thoughts -- your attitudes. It is within the confines of my own thoughts, yet inaudible, where resolutions are born and incubated. They often begin with such thoughts as, "We ought to . . .", or "I wish . . .", or "I think . . ."
One reason most people fail in their New Year's resolutions is because they go no further. They may have a wish, but no plan. They merely "hope" or "want" something to happen, but have made no clear decision to attempt it; nor do they have specific steps in mind by which to realize it. Their resolutions are mere empty hopes and desires. Their resolutions may be wanted, and they may be wished for, but that's about it. It goes no further than dreaming it will happen -- soon to be shot down by an undisciplined life or a little voice telling them it will never happen because they don't have what it takes.
Resolutions may even be clarified with words, and still not be true resolutions -- simply by the definition of the word itself as I tried to describe earlier. I've come to the conclusions -- based on the definition of the word itself -- that most resolutions are not really resolutions. They are merely wishes, wants, and words, none of which has any particular valued results.
For a resolution to be a legitimate resolution -- and not just a good idea, a wish, or even good intentions you must recognize . . .
Whether thought, written, or spoken, words are words. They are wishes and wants expressed in some way. To be a true resolution that achieves results, it must contain the resolve to carry it out, and it must include a solution that gets results. So, a resolution -- a true legitimate resolution -- must contain 1) the Resolve to do it, 2) a Solution that will accomplish its intent, and 3) the Action that sees it through.
If, then, anyone on planet earth should have the motive and the ability to fulfill a resolution, it is the Christian; because in Christ you have all three ingredients. You have the Resolve, you have the Solution, and you have proper Action -- the authority of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it.
Because the love of Christ constrains and controls us (II Cor 5:14) -- that's Resolve, and Christ is the answer to every need (II Cor 5:17; Jn 3:16; Phil 4:19) -- that's Solution, we indeed have a "Resolve Solution" -- Resolution. All that is left is the Action, which in itself is the end result of the first two ingredients.
> "I can do all things through Christ Who is my strength" (Phil 4:13).
> "We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me" (Col 1:28-29).
> "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does." (James 1:22-25).
Thanks, Trey Gowdy, for your insight that helps us better understand what a resolution really is -- a resolute solution.
Someone once said that New Year's Resolutions were made to be broken. Not for the Christian. We are to do all things in ways that point to and give glory to God. If we make resolutions we don't intend to carry out, we dishonor not only ourselves, but more importantly, we cast dispersion on Him. The point for you and me as followers of Christs is that, if we resolve to do something, we are bound to see it through.
Why? Because we have unreservedly committed ourselves -- our wishes, our wants, our words, our ways, and our works entirely to the Lord. If we do that, then we can entrust our future plans and actions to the sovereign purposes of God -- knowing that His ways, His will, and His works will hopefully be manifested in our lives.
If that can happen in 2023 for the both of us -- and others -- this is going to be an incredible year. Nobody explains that reality any more clearly than the venerable A. W. Tozer:
"Of all persons the Christian should be best prepared for whatever the New Year brings. He has dealt with life at its source. In Christ he has disposed of a thousand enemies that other men must face alone and unprepared. He can face his tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because yesterday he turned his feet into the ways of peace and today he lives in God. The man who has made God his dwelling place will always have a safe habitation."
In Christ's Bond, By His Grace, and for His Kingdom,
Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11
"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness,
examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." -- Dr. Luke (Acts 17:11)
"A fire kept burning on the hearthstone of my heart, and I took up the burden of the day with fresh courage and hope." -- Charles F. McKoy
Life Unlimited Ministries
Copyright January, 2023
"If Jesus had preached the same message that many ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified." -- Leonard Ravenhill
"The time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the Church will have clowns entertaining the goats." -- Charles H. Spurgeon
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