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Shoulder To Shoulder #1330 -- 2/20/23 ---- "Is Another Spiritual Awakening Eminent? -- (Part 2) What Will It Require?"

"Standing Together, Shoulder To Shoulder, As We Fight the Good Fight of Faith"

SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many topics selected to
motivate people to be strong students of the Word and courageous witnesses of Jesus Christ.  It is a personal letter of
encouragement to you, written solely to help "lift up hands that hang down".

    "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." -- Albert Einstein

    “There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have -- a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice, which costs nothing, -- and is worth nothing.” – J. C. Ryle

Shoulder To Shoulder #1330 -- 2/20/23

Title: "Is Another Spiritual Awakening Eminent? -- (Part 2) What Will It Require?"

My Dear Friend and Fellow Kingdom Seeker:

Greetings at the end of a very windy day in Yuma.  There's not as much land here as there was this morning, for much of it blew away in the constant wind, with some guests in excess of 50 mph.

Jo Ann and I just got back, with eight or nine other Chapel members, from watching the "pre-release" presentation of the docu-drama movie, "The Jesus Revolution".

It is so relevant today, especially in light of the current "Asbury Revival" explosion, which some are calling the "Second Jesus Revolution".

Whatever you do, go on line, find the theater nearest you -- even if you have to drive many miles -- get your ticket, take some friends with you, and GO!  In the vast majority of venues, it is showing only on this coming Friday, so don't miss it.  Choose your theater location for specific details.

We can't say enough about this movie, and the more we support such films, the more will be produced.  Even the movie previews showed a couple others scheduled to come out soon.  Go to

Kelsey Grammer plays pastor Chuck Smith in the movie.  The following link will give you his take on the movie as well as his own personal testimony as a follower of Christ.  Go to

Also, because several people at chapel asked if they could get a video of my sermon last Sunday, "Revival: What Is It?  Can I Experience It?", I have done a "rush job" of processing the video, which you can access here -- -- should you want to watch it.

It is the first of several sermons I will preach in coming weeks on the topic here at Chapel de Oro before the season is over.  There are numerous indicators that this move of revival is going to become far more significant than anyone has imagined.  This is the most impressive expression Jo Ann and I have seen since the 1970 revival at Asbury Seminary in 1970.

This seems to be happening in concert with a number of other events and factors, so we may be on the road to something pretty significant in our nation's life.  This is what I'd like to address in today's letter -- right after you consider . . .


+  Asbury Revival Daily Info:  Pastor Jim Garlow, author, national leader, and follower of revivals, has created a website containing daily reports, videos, pictures, and updates about the developments surrounding the Asbury Revival that began February 8th.  There are numerous places you can go for information, but this one is a comprehensive compilation of news.  Check it out at


"There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer." -- A. T. Pierson

>   "Revival is an abrupt awakening to the presence and action of God." -- Unknown

    >  “The great work of intercession is needed for this returning to the Lord. It is here that the coming revival must find its strength. Let us begin as individuals to plead with God, confessing whatever we see of sin or hindrance in ourselves or others. If there were no other sin, surely the lack of prayer is matter enough for repentance, confession, and returning to the Lord." -- Andrew Murray

>   "The test of true revival is not what happens in a moment, but what happens after the moment." -- Nik Sandefur (Porter Memorial BC, Lexington, Ky; Pres KBC)

"A revival may be expected when Christians have a spirit of prayer for revival.  That is, when they pray as if their hearts were set upon it, when Christians have the spirit of prayer for revival, when they go about groaning out their hearts desire, when they have real travail of soul." -- Charles Finney

>  "Revival is the manifest presence of God entering the human realm, revealing His convicting power, His overwhelming love, His boundless mercy, and his abundant grace."
-- Anonymous

“The coming revival must begin with a great prayer revival. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundant revival will be first heard. An increase in the secret prayer of ministers and members will be the sure herald of blessing.” -- Andrew Murray

"To desire revival and at the same time to neglect personal prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another." -- A. W. Tozer

"Our prayers lay the track down which God's power can come." -- Watchman Nee


It's really too bad that Christians even need revival in the first place.  If my friend, Jim Hylton, was right as I noted last week, then it is understandable that the need for revival following the resurrection of Christ should not be necessary.  If you fully grasp the magnitude of Christ's crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to God's right hand where He, this very day, represents you and me and intercedes in our behalf, and if you fully embrace the work of the Holy Spirit Whom He sent on His behalf and our great benefit, then it makes sense that revival for the Christian should be unnecessary.  Rather, we should be living in continual fullness of His blessing, provision, power, and direction.

In that every person is driven by three driving questions -- "Who am I?",  "Why am I here?", and  "What am I to do with my life?", -- it is critical to know that He answered those questions in those three redemptive acts that tell me "what I have", "who I am", and "what can I do".  As I have written in more detail in the past, . . .

The crucifixion of Christ is the key to deliverance and tells me what I have been delivered from (sin, the flesh, the law, the world, the devil, and death).
The resurrection is the key to holiness, and tells me who I have become as the recipient of eternal life (forgiven, a new creation, righteous, holy, complete, etc).
The ascension of Christ is the key to service, and tells me all that I can do as a Christian and devout follower of our Redeemer (all things through Him).

This being the case, we should be able to live in, as Norman Grubb titled his book, Continuous Revival.

But, we usually don't -- maybe inevitably don't.  Because of that inherent propensity to be independent and in control, we find ourselves perpetually messing up -- if not in action, most certainly in attitude.  Since, -- as "salt" that too often loses it "savour" and "light" that too often diminishes its glow, -- we find ourselves distracted, diverted, diminished, or discouraged, we stand in need of daily renewal, but also periodic seasons of radical reviving.

Therefore, God in His great mercy and sovereign purposes, sends moments and occasions of bringing us back to life and spiritual vitality.  At certain times He will go so far as to send seasons of revival that last weeks, months, or even years in duration.  This is not only illustrated in the Old Testament days of Israel (that's what most of the prophets wrote about), and characterized in the New Testament in the lives of First Century believers, but it has subsequently dotted our post-resurrection history with literally tens of thousands of examples where God's people got right corporately with Him which, in turn, inevitably made a major impact on the culture of that present day.

I think I'm safe in assuming that you believe, a I do, that we desperately need revival, and it needs to be national in scope, as it has been on past occasions.  Now, I can pontificate all the many reasons that revival is needed, but let me summarize with these specific reasons:

The Necessity of Revival:

We need revival because the Church is essentially dead and ineffective.  Yes, there are exceptions, but overall -- even in evangelical circles -- the Church is lifeless, is making almost no impact on the culture, and has substituted comfort, convenience, and spectatorism  for its commission to proclaim the Gospel, do battle against evil, and minister compassion to the hurting and needy.  If this were not so, -- in other words, if the Church was doing its job, -- then our nation and other nations of the world would not be nearly so steeped in sin, conflict, and godless secularism.

Some people won't admit this because they can't bring themselves to admit it.  Others won't because they say it is blasphemous to do so.  A few will refuse to admit it because they don't believe the Church at large is in good health.  The fact of the matter is, however, that while certain elements of the Church are seeing great and wonderful victory, most of it is not.  The gates of hell have truly prevailed.  For that reason, a true heart-wrenching humbling pride-breaking revival is needed -- and necessary.

We need revival because we cannot overcome the world and its systems.  Scripture is clear that "the world is passing away, and everything in it" (I Jn 2:17) and our obedient faith actually does overcome the world (I Jn 5:4-5).  We are told that when we submit to the Lord, that Satan will turn tail and run (James 4:7) The fact that evil seems to have the upper hand everywhere tells me that it is because the Church is in retreat and in desperate need of a new quickening.  We must be shaken awake from our slumber (Isa 56:10; 52:1; Eph 5:14).

We need revival because it is the only way we can fulfill the commission we have abandoned.  When Christians are buried in the mire of life's struggles and blind to the desperate plight of those around them, there will be neither energy nor motivation to share the Gospel of salvation.  When we stray away from our core reason for still being here on this earth, we will never remember the reason we are here, and will never use the resources we have been given.

We need revival because it is the primary means by which spiritual awakening will come.  As I wrote in my last letter, revival and spiritual awakening are exclusively different, though they are often linked.  Revival is for and to the saved; awakening is for and to the unregenerate culture.  When I think of this, I inevitably remember the story of the church whose building was on fire.  The pastor observed a neighbor watching the fire and, with a dry sense of humor, said, "Hi, John.  I've never seen you at church before" (chuckle), to which the neighbor replied, "Yep, your church's never been on fire before."

    >  We need revival so Christians will regain awareness of the stench of sin and the necessity of holiness.  Tragically, most Christians can live comfortably -- quite comfortably -- in the presence of sin, and the absence of godliness and holiness.  Whereas we are to feel contempt toward both conditions, we not only condone both, but have become comfortable with both.

There are other reasons we need revival so desperately, but these will suffice to remind us of our great need.  Rather, let's turn our attention to something that should intrigue us and give us a sense of hope and anticipation, and that is . . .

The Coincidences Hinting At Revival:

Certainly I have no special word from God that certain factors are anything more than just coincidences, but there are a number of things that might possibly be God's way of connecting dots or lining up dominoes in preparation for something life changing.  I see them in two categories -- negative developments, and positive events.

Negatively, cultural conditions are clearly following biblical prophecies with almost all of Paul's prophecies about the cultural degeneration to come just prior to Christ's return.  Look at the list -- ". . . lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power;".  (II Tim 3:2-5).  To deny these conditions exist is to deceive one's self and make one's self look like an ignorant fool before others.

>  Also, negatively, global conflicts certainly appear to be coincidental.  Regardless where we actually are at this moment in God's calendar of "last days" scenario, consider what's happening with the formation of alliances between freedom loving nations and between totalitarian nations.  There is an ever-growing distinction between these two groups of political and military powers.  Similarly, we can see the distinction between nations built on differing values -- those adhering to truth, honesty, and compassion, and those embracing deception and lying.  Finally, and perhaps most striking to me, is the previously unheard of alignment of nations in regard to Israel.  This is not mere coincidence.

Some of the very nations to which the Bible refers at least territorially in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation, are currently aligning themselves more clearly than ever in history.  On the one hand you have a handful of nations fully supportive of Israel, on another you have an enormous number that are critical and non supportive, and then you have those identified in scripture that will one day go to war against Israel.  One cannot help but note those strange alliances between Russia, China, and Iran regarding Ukraine.  Even more so, their alliances against Israel.  Even in the long run, I do not see those Arab/Israel alliances brought about through the Abraham Accords under former President Trump lasting indefinitely.  The fact that such international tension continues to grow leads me to believe that God may well be choreographing another interruption by sending revival among Christians -- to encourage them, to empower them, to unify them, and to motivate them to "redeem the time while it is still day" (Jn 9:4).

>  But, what I see positively is that which makes me feel a great revival may be eminent.  I don't know if it will happen, but it could -- and the evidence seems to say that it will -- IF God's people will continue their trajectory back toward Him.  Think about this -- First, tomorrow is the first anniversary of Putin's most recent invasion of Ukraine in this 8 year war that began in 2014 (sometimes people forget that).  Second, the 1970 Asbury Revival broke out in February, and this current revival also broke out the same month.  Next, the new movie, "The Jesus Revolution" is officially released tomorrow, the day after Asbury Revival services will shift off campus to other locations around the world. 

    >  Also, similar movements have cropped up all across the United States, stemming from the current Asbury Revival, and more students across the country are crying out to God for revival with an intensity not seen, perhaps ever.  In addition, more "famous" people in sports, entertainment, and news industries are becoming more courageous and outspoken about their personal faith in Christ than we have seen in decades -- and, amazingly, are being honored and respected by the secular world in unusual measures.  And, Finally, tomorrow just happens to be the National Collegiate Day of Prayer and Fasting when student groups all across this continent will fast and pray for revival and spiritual awakening.

So, when I put all these things together, -- and other developments I won't take time or space to enumerate -- I can't help but think that we may truly be on the verge of a massive outpouring of God's presence and power in coming days.  So, with that in mind, let's consider . . . .


In studying the history of revival and awakenings both in the Bible and in secular circles, there has tended to be a general sequence by which revival erupts and ultimately leads to spiritual awakening and massive conversions.  Different people have their own sequences, but this is what I have personally observed.  It is most clearly seen in the Bible, but also undeniably present -- at least portions if not all of it -- in past records of spiritual movements.  For what it's worth, here is my take on the matter.
>  Prosperity and peace.
>  Presumption with the good things.
>  Pride over prosperity, peace, and possessions.
>  Assumption that it will remain the same because we deserve it.
>  Hardships and disappointments "burst that bubble".
>  Disgust and anger over being inconvenienced with troubles.
>  Bitterness toward, blame of, and rebellion toward God for being "unfair".
>  Hardships increase, and sin abounds.
>  Dissatisfaction with how things have become.
>  Desperation over helplessness and hopelessness.
>  Prayer and crying out to God, mostly by Christians.
>  Brokenness and surrender to God.
>  Revival!  God blesses believers, answers prayer in amazing ways.
>  Friends and others come to Christ.
>  Evangelism and missionary endeavors rapidly grow.
>  The culture begins to "awaken" to spiritual values, factors, and principles.
>  Massive numbers of people come to Christ.
>  God rescues and blesses culture.
>  Then back to the top of the list.

So, . . . . where would you say we are in this scenario?  Well, as I do, you probably see a mixture of factors, but I think we're safe in saying that, because of hardships and disappointments over which we have no control, we have one group of people who are angry and bitter, another group that is brokenhearted, and a third group that is trying to ignore it by drowning their brains in one form of numbing opiate or another.

Clearly we are at the point of Dissatisfaction, but there remain far too few who have become desperate enough for God.  But, I believe that will come.  Obviously many have already reached that point and have entered into personal and corporate prayer, brokenness, surrender, and fresh reviving.  We see that on the news daily at Asbury and dozens of other places.  God has sent revival upon them, He is blessing them, and He is answering their prayers -- often in amazing and miraculous ways.

Join me in beseeching God to continue and intensify the process.

In the meantime, are there things that we can do, though, to help fuel this fire and see it grow until it reaches its pinnacle of God's agenda?  I believe there are.  Some of them are just good ideas or suggestions, but others are clearly indicated in scripture.  Consider, for example, . . .


The story of Evan Roberts in the Welsh Revival of 1904 is amazing.  A rather awkward, disheveled, somewhat shy young man in his 20's was touched dramatically by revival, and felt compelled to tell others about the change he saw and experienced.  J. Edwin Orr, one of the world's foremost authorities on spiritual awakening described the scene in 1971 at a major gathering of tens of thousands of college and university in Dallas, Texas, stating . . . .

"Most people have heard of the Welsh Revival which started in 1904. It began as a movement of prayer. Seth Joshua, the Presbyterian evangelist, came to Newcastle Emlyn College where a former coal miner, Evan Roberts aged 26, was studying for the ministry. The students were so moved that they asked if they could attend Joshua's next campaign nearby. So they cancelled classes to go to Blaenanerch where Seth Joshua prayed publicly, 'O God, bend us.'

"Evan Roberts went forward where he prayed with great agony, 'O God, bend me.'

"Upon his return he could not concentrate on his studies. He went to the principal of his college and explained, 'I keep hearing a voice that tells me I must go home and speak to our young people in my home church. Principal Phillips, is that the voice of the devil or the voice of the Spirit?'  Principal Phillips answered wisely, 'The devil never gives orders like that. You can have a week off.' So he went back home to Loughor and announced to the pastor, 'I've come to preach.'

"The pastor was not at all convinced, but asked, 'How about speaking at the prayer meeting on Monday?' He did not even let him speak to the prayer meeting, but told the praying people, 'Our young brother, Evan Roberts, feels he has a message for you if you care to wait.' Seventeen people waited behind, and were impressed with the directness of the young man's words.

"Evan Roberts told his fellow members, 'I have a message for you from God.
* You must confess any known sin to God and put any wrong done to others right.
* Second, you must put away any doubtful habit.
* Third, you must obey the Spirit promptly.
* Finally, you must confess your faith in Christ publicly.'

"By ten o'clock all seventeen had responded. The pastor was so pleased that he asked, 'How about your speaking at the mission service tomorrow night? Midweek service Wednesday night?'

"He preached all week, and was asked to stay another week. Then the break came. Suddenly the dull ecclesiastical columns in the Welsh papers changed:  'Great crowds of people drawn to Loughor.'

"The main road between Llanelly and Swansea on which the church was situated was packed with people trying to get into the church. Shopkeepers closed early to find a place in the big church.

"Now the news was out. A reporter was sent down and he described vividly what he saw: a strange meeting which closed at 4.25 in the morning, and even then people did not seem willing to go home. There was a very British summary: 'I felt that this was no ordinary gathering.' Next day, every grocery shop in that industrial valley was emptied of groceries by people attending the meetings, and on Sunday every church was filled.

"The movement went like a tidal wave over Wales, in five months there being a hundred thousand people converted throughout the country. Five years later, Dr J. V. Morgan wrote a book to debunk the revival, his main criticism being that, of a hundred thousand joining the churches in five months of excitement, after five years only seventy-five thousand still stood in the membership of those churches!

"The social impact was astounding. For example, judges were presented with white gloves, not a case to try; no robberies, no burglaries, no rapes, no murders, and no embezzlements, nothing. District councils held emergency meetings to discuss what to do with the police now that they were unemployed.

"In one place the sergeant of police was sent for and asked, 'What do you do with your time?' He replied, 'Before the revival, we had two main jobs, to prevent crime and to control crowds, as at football games. Since the revival started there is practically no crime. So we just go with the crowds.'

"A councillor asked, 'What does that mean?'  The sergeant replied, 'You know where the crowds are. They are packing out the churches.'

"'But how does that affect the police?'  He was told, 'We have seventeen police in our station, but we have three quartets, and if any church wants a quartet to sing, they simply call the police station.'

"As the revival swept Wales, drunkenness was cut in half. There was a wave of bankruptcies, but nearly all taverns. There was even a slowdown in the mines, for so many Welsh coal miners were converted and stopped using bad language that the horses that dragged the coal trucks in the mines could not understand what was being said to them.

"That revival also affected sexual moral standards. I had discovered through the figures given by British government experts that in Radnorshire and Merionethshire the illegitimate birth rate had dropped 44% within a year of the beginning of the revival.

"The revival swept Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, North America, Australasia, Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Chile.  As always, it began through a movement of prayer."

I have read, listened to, and watched Dr. Orr's entire presentation literally scores of times, and my heart is stirred every time I hear it.  The report is documented over and over again in other publications, and there is also a docu-drama on the life of Evan Roberts available on DVD, along with a multitude of books, news articles, and other videos describing that season.  Perhaps at another time we can look at other facets of a revival that led to a national -- no, international -- awakening.

In the meantime, I see several fundamental "requirements" in this story that are pertinent to almost all revivals and awakenings ---- prayer, brokenness, obedience, testimony, and waiting.


Nine years ago, Debbie Przybylski, founder and director of Intercessors Arise International, wrote the following:  I ran across it six years ago (2017) on Crosswalk website and kept it all these years because it rang so true with me.  It seems appropriate to include at least this part of it as I conclude today's letter.  She wrote, . . .


        "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.
Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low.
The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth.
And all mankind will see God’s salvation”
- (Luke 3:4-6).

We are right now living in desperate days. The Church in many parts of the world needs revival, and God wants to use each one of us to prepare the way for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit. I am sure that you sense the urgency of the hour. It is not hard to see that everything is not right. God is trying to get our full attention. It is truly time to cry out to the Lord and become men and women of fervent prayer. We need God's intervention in our cities and nations. The valleys of defeat must be filled, the mountains of disbelief must be leveled, the crooked places of dishonesty must be straightened, and the rough places of disobedience must be made smooth.

It was almost 25 years ago on the mission field when I wrote the following two paragraphs in a newsletter. I find that today I must still ask myself the same questions I asked then:

"Am I desperate enough for revival? Do I realize the desperate condition of my country?” And if I trust in religious organization, material wealth, popular preaching, shallow evangelistic crusades, there will never be revival. But when confidence in my flesh is smashed and I realize my desperate wretchedness and emptiness before God, then and only then will God break through. "Lord, make me ready for revival. Revive me."

I challenge you to join me in prayer for revival for our lives and for the nations. I call for prayer that is strong, prevailing, believing, God-moving, hell-defeating, devil-routing, sinner-saving, believer-sanctifying, Christ-exalting and worker-producing — prayer that takes all that we are and have. God Himself will motivate us to pray these prayers that have extraordinary consequences if we are only willing, willing to pay the price. Pray that God may fill us all with the very passion of Christ, with the power and persistence of the Holy Spirit, with the burdening sense of the Church’s plight and world’s appalling need, that the wheels of revival may be set in motion.

"Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved” - (Psalm 80:18-19).

How do we Personally Prepare the Way for Revival?

“The coming revival must begin with a great prayer revival. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundant revival will be first heard. An increase in the secret prayer of ministers and members will be the sure herald of blessing.” -- Andrew Murray

1.  Prepare yourself in the way of blessing through intensive prayer - Pray with all your heart, asking God to enlarge your prayer and worship life. Make time for God, and practice fasting.
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray…” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

2. Be serious about personal revival - Instead of watching TV, pray. Don’t get caught up in the ways of the world. Lay aside those worldly pursuits.
"... and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” - (2 Chronicles 7:14).

3. Become dissatisfied with sin and ask God to convict your heart - Be sensitive to His conviction.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” - (Psalm 139:23-24).

4. Repent thoroughly - Don’t tolerate sin in your own life. Let godly sorrow over your sin touch you deeply.
“Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight… Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place” - (Psalm 51:4-6).

5. Make restitution whenever possible -Make sure that your relationships are right.
“Live in harmony with one another” - (Romans 12:16).

6. Practice living the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5 - 7 is the job description of holy living. Ask God to transform your life and teach you to live to please Him. Prayerfully study the Sermon on the Mount regularly.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” - (Matthew 5:3-4).

7. Choose to narrow your interests - If you narrow your interests, God will enlarge your heart. We can so easily be distracted from prayer, but revival calls for a focused vision on what really matters. This is the time to pray and hunger after God wholeheartedly.
“I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands” - (Psalm 119:10).

8. Make a new commitment to reach out to the lost - Pray an ask God for opportunities, and He will help you. Begin to pray, care and share Christ with those who do not know Him. Follow the example of Jesus.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” - (Luke 19:10).

9. Have faith in God - Begin to expect God to move through your prayers. Believe that He does want to pour out His spirit and bring revival.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” - (Hebrews 11:1).

Revival begins with us.  It is each one of us getting our lives straight and turning from the crooked paths. Take seriously the need for personal revival. Take seriously the need for prayer. God is dealing with His Church.

“The great work of intercession is needed for this returning to the Lord. It is here that the coming revival must find its strength. Let us begin as individuals to plead with God, confessing whatever we see of sin or hindrance in ourselves or others. If there were no other sin, surely the lack of prayer is matter enough for repentance, confession, and returning to the Lord." - Andrew Murray


In His Bond, By His Grace, and for His Kingdom,

Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11

>>> To access past "Shoulders" letters, listed by date and number, go to <<<

"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness,
    examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."
-- Dr. Luke (Acts 17:11)

"A fire kept burning on the hearthstone of my heart, and I took up the burden of the day with fresh courage and hope." -- Charles F. McKoy

Life Unlimited Ministries
[email protected]

Copyright February, 2023

"If Jesus had preached the same message that many ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified." -- Leonard Ravenhill

"The time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep,  the Church will have clowns entertaining the goats." -- Charles H. Spurgeon

If this letter has blessed you, feel free to forward it or copy from it, with proper credits, to any and all you wish.