Shoulder To Shoulder #1336 -- 4/3/23 ---- "Is Another Spiritual Awakening Eminent? (Part 8) -- Distinctive Features of Revival (B)"

Quote from Forum Archives on April 6, 2023, 11:08 pm"Standing Together, Shoulder To Shoulder, As We Fight the Good Fight of Faith"SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many topics selected to
motivate people to be strong students of the Word and courageous witnesses of Jesus Christ. It is a personal letter of
encouragement to you, written solely to help "lift up hands that hang down"."The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." -- Albert Einstein
“There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have -- a cheap Christianity which offends nobody,
and requires no sacrifice, which costs nothing, -- and is worth nothing.” – J. C. RyleShoulder To Shoulder #1336 -- 4/3/23
Title: "Is Another Spiritual Awakening Eminent? (Part 8) -- Distinctive Features of Revival (B)"My Dear Friend and Seeker After God:
Greetings from -- again -- a breezy and dusty Yuma, AZ. We continue enduring weather highly unusual to us. We remain some 10 degrees cooler and much winier than normal, even as we draw closer to our traditional triple-digit temperatures that are predicted for next week.
We are now more than a week past the regular end of Chapel de Oro's season, but continue enjoying fellowship with many members still in town. We don't normally link the subjects of Palm Sunday and revival together, but last week as I prepared for our informal Palm Sunday gathering in our home, it occurred to me that the raising of Lazarus from the dead -- that's what "revive" means . . . "bring back to life" -- was clearly pertinent to my concluding topic to the Chapel for the season -- "Revival: What Is It? Do I Need It?"
So, Sunday 22 of us gathered in our living room to take a look at any possible connections. In the event that you'd like to watch the video, here's the link. If you'd like a copy of the study notes, email me and I'll send a copy. Go to for the video. I'll be concluding this Sunday focusing on Easter with "Revival: Reviving the Reviver".
This week has been something of a "catch-up" week after an exceptionally busy season. Jo Ann and I are both very tired, but the intensity of the season and sharing it with a fellowship of like-minded believers has also led it to be a refreshing season. This has been particularly true since news of the Asbury Revival last February 8th has been on the minds of many of our people ever since then. Last Sunday I preached the seventh sermon on revival, and will preach an eighth one this Sunday in relation to Easter Sunday.
Today, I want to continue the series with you by covering some more of the twelve Distinctive Features of Revival. I'll do that right after you take a peek at . . .
+ Easter Sunday in Rome With Franklin Graham: Franklin Graham, Michael W. Smith, and others will present a special Resurrection message from the Colosseum in Rome on both Fox News channel as well as the BGEA website. Check out details at
+ A Congressman on Revival: Not long ago, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett made waves by claiming that the greatest need in America today was revival. Read about his comments at
+ Must See Movies: Clearly the heart and interests of Americans is turning toward spiritual things. For several year faith-based movies have gained in popularity. The series, "The Chosen" has been increasingly popular through three seasons with the fourth now in production. The "Jesus Movie" based on the Gospel of Luke is still popular, as it Mel Gibson's "The Passion". "The Coming Convergence" and "Before the Wrath" remain popular. Clearly people are looking for answers.
The two most recent movies, both of which broke box office expectations, are "Jesus Revolution" and now "His Only Son". While "Jesus Revolution" was expected to show in limited theaters for a short period of time, it is still being shown, with new theaters being added. "His Only Son" was scheduled to do the same, but when it came in third in box office sales the first week, the same is happening with it.
I've seen many well done movies on Old Testament characters, but this may be the absolute best. Abraham and Sarah become very real people characterized by all the emotions they surely must have felt as they went through the process of offering up Isaac. The ending points unashamedly and directly toward Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham that all the nations of the world would be blessed through his descendants. I urge you to see both of these films, and check out some of the others that are available on DVD, live streaming, and other outlets.
+ Christians Remain Prime Target: It's no surprise to you and me that this hostile world continues to put everything representing Christians at the top of its "hit list". Recent data bears that out, as illustrated in Thursday's "Washington Stand" by Family Research Council. Read it at . A detailed 85-page report from last December can be seen (and downloaded) at . Another report of First Amendment violation of school teachers is located at . Jewish author David Horowitz' 2021 masterpiece, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, spells it out in glaring detail.
+ Another Voice of Conviction and Courage: Bill Barker, president of Southern Wesleyan University in Central, SC, has made it clear that the school will not tolerate or teach Critical Race Theory except in light of what the Bible teaches about race. This is another bright light shining in an ever-darkening world. Go to for details.
+ Control the Words, You Control the Nation: Few people are left who deny the influence of the news media on any given culture. It is no accident that Jesus is described by John as being "The Word". In John's Gospel Jesus declares, "I am telling you the truth", more often than any other book in the New Testament. The topic of the use and abuse of the tongue is one of the most often addressed in the Bible. So, it should come as no surprise that Satan uses words to intimidate, control, defeat, and destroy. Conversely, when Jesus spoke, everything obeyed -- storms, seas, demons, . . . Should it come as any surprise, then, to discover that dictators and tyrants use and manipulate word in order to bring a people into his subjection? Look as far back in history as you wish, and you will find it to be so. Just this morning I ran across this article on Vladimir Lenin on how he controlled and used the press to gain and then maintain mastery over a people. What didn't stun or alarm me -- I'm long past that -- are the similarities to what is happening today. Go to
+ Ark of the Covenant Location: The question of the survival of the Ark of the Covenant has been around for centuries, as has also been its location if it, indeed, did survive. If its location was clearly known, Indiana Jones would be an unknown character and a major theory for the "Curse of Oak Island" TV series will go up in smoke. On the other hand, if its location is already known, then another piece of Bible prophecy has further validated the Bible's predictions of what will happen in relationship to Christ's return. According to the Temple Institute, an organization devoted to locating and/or reproducing the ancient instruments of Jewish temple worship and ritual, Jewish leaders have known for decades exactly where the Ark is located. And possible so do Islamic leaders -- hence their opposition to certain excavations within the bowels of the Temple Mount. Check out this interesting article:
+ Some Powerful Words For Today's Perils: I have known "the Elliff brothers" for decades -- Tom since 1970, and Jim and Bill lesser times. All have had a heart for revival and spiritual awakening for much of their respective ministries. Jim pastors in Kansas City and heads up Christian Communicators Worldwide, and Bill pastors Summit Church in Little Rock. All three are passionate about what has been happening recently since the Asbury University outbreak of revival last February 8th. Bill and Jim both write blogs worth reading. Last Friday's blog from Bill is a strong word for today. I encourage you to read it at .
> "When is a revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep." -- Billy Sunday
> "Sometimes God lets you be in a situation that only He can fix so that you can see that He is the One who fixes it. Rest. He's got it." -- Tony Evans
> "The coming revival must begin with a great revival of prayer. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundance of rain will first be heard. An increase of secret prayer with ministers will be the sure harbinger of blessing." -- Andrew Murray
> "We hear of prayers for Jesus to awaken His people and bring salvation to those without Him. The cry for revival to come to our nation, states, cities, and towns is coming from the north, south, east, and west. But while we cry out for revival, we cannot ignore our own lives. We must personally confess our sins to the Lord to be part of receiving His outpouring." -- John G. "Jay" Johnston (National Prayer Director and Chaplain, Family Research Council)
> "Supplication comes from a place of intrinsic desperation resulting from a broken and contrite heart." -- Robin Bertram
> "God is looking for broken men who have judged themselves in the light of the cross of Christ. When He wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to the end of themselves, whose confidence is not in themselves, but in God." -- Harry Ironside
> "Brokenness is the stripping of self-reliance and independence from God. The broken person has no confidence in his own righteousness or his own works, but he is cast in total dependence upon the grace of God working in and through him." -- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
> "The depth of our repentance will determine the depth of our revival." -- Frank Bartleman
> "Study the history of revival. God has always sent revival in the darkest days. Oh, for a mighty, sweeping revival today!" -- Adrian Rogers
> "Prayer is the burden of revival; repentance is the breakthrough of revival; evangelism is the blessing of revival; holiness is the bounty of revival." -- Steve Camp
Reports continue coming in from across America and in other countries of outbreaks of revival since the February 8th occasion at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY. Actually, for the past thirty years there have been similar outbreaks of revival, but often unnoticed or overlooked. However, for whatever reason, God chose to bring Asbury to everyone's attention. As in the past, there are many others happening as a result of what has been going on at Asbury. For example, here are three recent reports I have received in the past few days:
> Gatlinburg, TN, and Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego --
> HopeFest in California --
> Post-Covenant tragedy in Nashville, TN --
While it is virtually impossible to keep abreast of every location where revival has broken out, thus far they include Asbury University, Lee University, Samford University, Baylor University, Cedarville University, Texas A&M on multiple campuses, Oklahoma Baptist University, Louisiana State University, Regent University, Indiana Wesleyan, and numerous other college campuses. Yesterday I heard a news report that revival has broken out on at least 60 campuses across the nation that we know of. Reports emerge almost daily.
Reports have also surfaced of local church revivals breaking out in places, and it has also spread to other parts of the world including Singapore, Korea, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Germany, the Philippines, and England -- even ISRAEL.
Last month, according to GODtv, a gathering of Christians from Israel, the U.S., Ghana, and Brazil began to pray and sing in the traditional location of the Upper Room in Jerusalem (the original building is long gone, of course). Ryan Delling is a worship leader who has visited the Upper Room many times. He says that his visit last month was different from the others in that there was a far more reverent and serene atmosphere. Posting a video on social media he said, “I have been to the upper room in Jerusalem many times over the years, and I have never seen this happen. Usually, it is fairly quiet with a few group singing songs. But today, four groups were there from different nations, including Brazil, Ghana, [the] United States, and eastern Europe. Spontaneously all of these groups began praying out loud together without any music."
Jenny Weaver, founder of Core Group Mentorship, reports that her group gathers and worships in the field near the traditional Garden of Gethsemane. She recently posted on her Instagram, “For 8 days Straight we have been going place to place lifting to the name of Jesus, We’ve had persecution & people yelling at us but also people here have been touched by Jesus and saved by the gospel."
Dr. Paul Dixon, a British researcher, likens the Pandemic lock-downs to that of the Apostle Paul where, because of his imprisonment, the Gospel spread exponentially. Dixon reported that before the Pandemic only 5% of Britons attended church of any kind -- that is, some 3.5 million of all Christian denominations. However, by the following August over 19 million were watching via television and online services. He reported that one church in Sweden that averaged 50 attendees exploded to over 1,000. (See .)
In England's leading Christian news magazine, Premier Christianity, futurist Dr. Patrick Dixon stated that during the Pandemic in England, "half of of all 18-35 year olds regularly took part in some form of online faith activities and many have continued, both online and actually entering the doors of a building." Dixon is Chairman of Global Change Limited, and the author of Cyber Church, Coronavirus Will Change Your Church Forever, and The Future of (Almost) Everything.
We've known for years that, due to an exponential increase of wars and Islamic terrorism, and a massive increase in devastating earthquakes in Syria, Turkey, and other Middle Eastern countries, millions are coming to Christ as a result. Christian author Joel Rosenberg recently reported that, “More Muslims converted to faith in Jesus Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history. A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.” The "" website reported that, ". . . the 'Man in White' has been visiting thousands upon thousands in dreams and visions." It also reported that as of last November, there were more than one million Jews who were followers of Christ -- out of a total population of only 15 million Jews worldwide.
There has undoubtedly been much happening for more than a decade stirring God's people out of their lethargy into the harsh reality of life in a fallen culture -- a culture that is increasingly beginning to cry out to God, or at least to something, for help. Today I want to complete our look at the Distinctive Features of Revival as identified by Arthur Wallis in his classic, In The Day of Thy Power.
While some are claiming that national revival and spiritual awakening have begun, I think it is still premature to conclude that. In that revival seldom breaks out quickly and is almost always preceded by protracted times of soul searching and prayer, it seems to me that we are in the earliest of stages with occasional "mercy drops" falling in varied places. If that be the case, it is important that we are patient, but that we not let up in our crying out to God for rescue. Every day headlines flood the news media with increasing acts of violence, persecution of Christians, political corruption, injustice, and the abject perversion of a free Judeo-Christian society.
In assessing our current position in the sequence toward revival, we must continue discerning what is happening based on biblical truth. Using the record found in the second chapter of Acts, Wallis identified twelve distinct characteristics of biblical revival. In my last letter, among other things, we looked at the first five. They are . . .
+ 1. Divine Sovereignty
+ 2. Spiritual Preparation
+ 3. Anticipated but unexpected "Suddenly-ness"
+ 4. Holy Spontaneity
+ 5. An unexplainable God-consciousnessPicking up where I left off, Wallis then points out the following four, with my "take" on each one. I'll cover the last three in my next letter.):
+ 6. Appointed and Anointed Vessels. When God's Spirit comes in reviving presence, no instrument of worship, vessel of service, or tool of equipping is left untouched by His presence. The believer senses his life overflowing with the fullness of the Holy Spirit's presence, he senses a purpose established by the Holy Spirit's anointing, and he experiences an enduring energy sustained by the Holy Spirit's power.
Just as the vessels of sacrifice, service, and worship were rediscovered in the temple rubble and cleansed from their filthiness in Ezra's day, so it happens in the life of anyone caught in the wash of revival. Vessels are "sanctified" -- set apart from what they had become, cleansed from the sin they had accumulated, and set apart for what they were originally intended.
Unless one has experienced it for himself, it is hard to describe. The passion for revival and for the salvation of the lost goes far beyond emotional desire or energized striving. Those both wane over time and effort. When the Holy Spirit anoints the heart for revival, there is a steadiness -- a tireless and unending drawing toward God. It is like the prophet Jeremiah's "fire in my bones" drive:
9. But if I say, "I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name," then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it.
10 For I have heard the whispering of many, "Terror on every side! Denounce him; yes, let us denounce him!" All my trusted friends, watching for my fall, say: "Perhaps he will be deceived, so that we may prevail against him and take our revenge on him."
11 But the LORD is with me like a dread champion; therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, with an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten. -- Jer 20:9-11
When God prepares to do a great work, He presses it deep into the hearts of those He has chosen to be the catalysts bringing revival from personal to corporate. Of all the people in the Upper Room the day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, one of the last people you and I would have chosen would have been unpredictable and cowardly Peter. Still, he was the one anointed and appointed to lead the charge into Jerusalem's streets with the message.
+ 7. Supernatural Manifestations. When God shows up, it's no longer business as usual. And, sometimes we get uncomfortable with the way God cleans house, reintroduces His plan, and demonstrates His presence. It is highly unlikely that any revival would ever take place without the presence of miracles, signs, wonders, spiritual giftings, and the prostrate agony of convicted souls finding themselves in the very presence of God.
There is a very large part of today's Church that, for varied reasons, reject, look askance at, or shy away from the world of the supernatural -- notwithstanding the fact that the most supernatural act of their own lives too place when God forgave them, wiped away their sins, gave them eternal life, and robed them in a righteousness they could neither imagine, create, or wear -- apart from God's supernatural manifestation. Even today after nearly 77 years as a Christian, there is something inside me that wants to be skeptical whenever I hear of "signs, wonders, and miracles" -- and that's in spite of my having experienced them all throughout this long journey with Christ.
However, just as we personally saw repeatedly in the West Plains revival beginning in 1966, when revival comes, God certifies His presence in such ways. When Jesus shows up in our day, it is almost inevitable that supernatural manifestations will happen -- just as it did when He showed up during the days of the Gospels. In a sense, these divine expressions can well be somewhat of a test as to whether or not revival has truly come. If there is no evidence of God's supernatural presence and activity, one should wonder.
I do not know of a single instance -- at least from my limited research of revival and spiritual awakening -- where revival came, but without the supernatural evidence of God's presence. It happened in virtually every territorial and national revival in America, it happened in Wales, it happened in Shantung Province of China, it happened in the Hebrides, it happened in Canada, and it happened in last February's Asbury Revival and many subsequent outbreaks both on campuses, and in crusades and churches.
Why should this bother us? It should bother us when it doesn't happen. It is God's certification of His presence and His power. Even Joel himself indicated that such things would increase as we draw closer to Christ's return.
+ 8. Divine Magnetism. There is something special about Jesus that attracts people even today. Frankly, one reason many people are not attracted to church services, Bible studies, and other activities, is because Jesus simply isn't there. The reason can be found in Paul's letter to the Galatian believers. in 1:10 he raises the question about whether or not we live to please men or God, and if it's to please men, we'll fail. In 2:20, however, he shares the secret . . . "crucified with Christ . . . Christ living in me . . ." It's the difference between 110 and 220 power.
Human efforts at best get human results and at worst they totally fail. We need to be reminded that there's absolutely nothing about either you or me that will attract anybody to Jesus. The only thing that attracts people to spiritual things is the wooing and drawing presence of the Holy Spirit. I remember hearing the story of the pastor who got a Midnight phone call that his church building was on fire. Upon arrival, he found the building totally engulfed in flames.
In a moment of despair he sarcastically commented to a neighbor, "It's good to see you at church; I've never seen you here before.", to which the man said, "The church has never been on fire before." A longtime friend, the late Manley Beasley once said that when you're experiencing the living Christ, you'll have to backslide on God to keep from winning people to Christ. There is a divine magnetism of God's presence to be found in genuine revival.
Take time to examine some of the great moves of God, both past and present. What is it that draws people to Christ? What is it that caused a young Carolinian preacher to attract thousands to hear him preach in Los Angeles in the 1940's? What drew people to endure Jonathan Edwards' monotonous delivery of sermons that cut people to the heart? What is it that causes hundreds of students to inexplicably show up at prayer gatherings at Texas A&M, LSU, Baylor and other places, when it was decided by only a handful of students who used no mass publicity?
Jesus Himself explained just how powerfully He would appeal to people: "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." (Jn 12:32).
What is it that is attracting people in these current venues of revival? In virtually every situation, the testimonies indicate that there has been an unusual God consciousness where He is the center of it all -- and human personalities are minimal and unnoticed. Arthur Wallis was right --
"[Revival] is God revealing Himself to man in awful holiness and in irresistible power. It is such a manifest working of God that human personalities are overshadowed, and human programs abandoned. It is man entering into the background because God has taken the field."
+ 9. Apostolic Preaching. What, exactly, is "apostolic preaching"? The term means different things to different people. By definition, it is . Kevin Halloran, a graduate of Taylor University (BA) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MDiv) is the Project Manager for Open the Bible for Leaders, a free online training platform for Christian leaders. In a May, 2021, blog he listed six characteristics of "apostolic preaching" with which I can fully identify. Taking his six points, I've tried to add my own "spin". First, . . .
1) It is biblical. When revival comes, book reviews, denominational "tests of faith", creeds, and canned sermons disappear. Those who preach have been so touched by God that they are driven into His Word. They become keenly aware that they dare not add to nor take away from the simple truths as addressed in the Bible. You can tell whether or not the person preaching has met with God in His Word, or if he's merely parroting what he read online or in a preaching journal. Throughout the Book of Acts, and also the entire New Testament, you will find that every single occasion of preaching, each preacher spoke in complete harmony with the scriptures they had -- namely the Old Testament Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy), the historical books (Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc.), the poetic books (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, etc.), and the books of the prophets (Isaiah through Malachi).
2) Christ is the central figure. "Apostolic preaching" always has Jesus Christ -- His incarnation, life, teachings, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension, and return -- as the core subject. Other issues -- such as experience, spiritual gifts, baptism, etc. -- may be important and worth preaching about, but in revival occasions, they are rarely addressed. Jesus Christ remains the focus. Look at any of the sermons in the New Testament -- all are centered on Christ. Examine great revivals of the past -- Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Wesley, Duncan Campbell, Dwight Moody, etc. -- none were deterred from preaching "Christ, and Him crucified" (I Cor 2:2). Peter himself illustrated it on the Day of Pentecost -- “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ…” (Acts 2:36).
All preaching in revival should lead you directly to Christ, and not to some experience, gift, manifestation, healing, or anything else. “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).
3) It demands faith and repentance. Preachers are motivated by many things, but in times of revival, their preaching strangely shifts toward the topics of the apostles -- namely, the anguish of repentance and the message of faith-driven hope. The apostles agonized and pleaded with their listeners to believe in Jesus Christ, and repent of their sins, and live righteous holy lives. They focused on total death to "the old man" and complete newness and blameless living. The themes of God’s judgment, human guilt, and the need for repentance are echoed throughout the pages of Acts.
“And He [Christ] commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead. To Him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.” (Acts 10:42-43).
4) It is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus had personally assured the apostles that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them, (Acts 1:8). Then, after they had waited as Jesus had instructed, and spent ten days in prayer, Jesus delivered on His promise. From the very first sermon, a cowardly, brash, unpredictable preacher was so impacted by recent events and the empowering of the Holy Spirit that God took an eight to ten minute sermon empowered by the Holy Spirit, and caused 3,000 men and an untold number of women and children to repent and turn to faith in Christ. That is a virtual impossibility with mere man's mediocre tactics of trying to coerce people to follow Christ.
The Holy Spirit’s power so affected the preaching of the apostles that their words were like finely sharpened swords that cut the very heart of the listeners. (Acts 2:37). As a result, many people believed. (Acts 10:44-45). Paul described God's Word as "the sword of the Spirit", the only offensive weapon in the entire arsenal of the Christian's armor. The writer of Hebrews described it a being Alive, Active, and Applicable:
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." (Heb 4:12-13).
One of the chief characteristics of all the apostles and other believers was the same:
“…they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God…” (Acts 4:31).
5) It is bold preaching. I hadn't thought of this until today, but the idea of boldness clearly characterized the lives of the believers in Acts. At least eleven times reference is made to boldness or courage. Apostolic preaching is always bold; it never shrinks back, it never back tracks, it never apologizes, and it never evades issues. That doesn't mean it is vindictive or judgmental, but it is bold and free of compromise. This is the type of preaching that characterizes preaching during times of revival.
Such boldness is so steadfast that it thrives even more when opposed or reacted against with persecution. A case in point is when Peter and John were released from jail early after Peter's sermon on Pentecost and reported to the other believers:
"And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness." (Acts 4:31).
Let me commend to you the following examples of bold apostolic preaching: -- Acts 9:27-28; 13:46; 14:3; 18:26; 19:8;
Bold preaching does not mean brazen preaching, and often does not mean boisterous preaching. Sometimes bold preaching is done quietly, humbly, and with little or no formality. As I noted in my last letter, no sermon from the First Great Awakening was ever more boldly preached than Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", but Edwards always read from a manuscript and in a monotone voice. Yet, grown men shrieked in terror at the thought of the flames of fire snipping that tiny thread that kept them from falling into God's judgment.
Whatever the style, bold preaching inevitably fuels revival and leads to repentance, confession, contrition, restoration, forgiveness, and salvation. All of this has been characterized in almost every great revival of the past, and has clearly been evidenced in these most recent revivals taking place on at least three continents.
6) It had practical real life application. Apostolic preaching was never irrelevant and out of touch with the reality of its listeners. Apostolic preaching is known for its practical application and its pertinence to the occasion or to the people listening. Every revival takes on the characteristics and environment of the people and places of the moment. This is one reason why one dare not ever compare one revival with another one somewhere else or in some other era.
This individual uniqueness of revival in general also affected the preaching being done. Even in the limited scope of the Book of Acts and the Epistles, you see how the messages were strangely tailor-made for each occasion. Even the writers of the Gospels recorded the life and ministry of Jesus in direct relationship to their audience. Matthew portrayed Jesus as the "King" to the Jewish people. Mark presented Him as a suffering servant. Luke as a doctor focused on His lineage through Mary and presented Him as "the Great Physician". John described Jesus from above, whereas the other three Gospels view Him from man's perspective.
In similar manner, the apostles "tailored" their gospel proclamation to fit each respective group. Philip's message was tailored to the man from Ethiopia. When Peter preached, he directly addressed the disingenuous lies of the religious leaders and how those lies led to the people being deceived. Stephen presented Christ from the perspective of well-known Jewish history (Acts 7).
John preached about Jesus from his perspective of persuasion of the skeptics. Twice he used the phrase, "I write these things to you . . ." The first time, it is for Affirmation -- ". . . that you may know that Jesus is the Son of God" (Jn 20:31). The second time it is for Assurance -- ". . . that you may know you have eternal life." (I Jn 5:13). In the same way, when Paul addressed the Greek Athenians, he quoted Athenian poets and their view of deity, but then referred to that "altar of an unknown god" found in their own city. (See Acts 17).
So, this is Apostolic preaching. It is always . . .
1) Exclusively biblical,
2) Centered on Christ,
3) Calls for repentance and faith,
4) Is under the Holy Spirit's anointing and power,
5) Characterized by boldness, and
6) Relevant to the people, times, and culture.Every great revival in history has been buoyed up by both heart-rending prayer and passionate proclamation of the Truth. And, it's not just fancy words, emotional pleading, or religious fits. It can be quiet, academic, or emotional, but it will always be characterized by a preaching that appeals for souls and not to build statistics. It will be to expose sin, not to impress people. It will be to bring correction, not condemnation. It will be to restore, not destroy. It will come from a broken heart, and not from fiery indignation. It will be preaching for repentance, and not for reformation. It will offer help and hope, and not helplessness and hopelessness.
In contrast, Richard Owen Roberts described a different type of preaching in a 1998 article entitled, "Preaching that Hinders Revival". It has been my privilege to know Richard for more than 40 years since I first read his classic, Revival, and invited him to minister to our congregation in Wisconsin.
Addressed to preachers, but no less important to everyone, he pointed out the following types of preaching that actually hinder God-sent revival:
l. Preaching that is man-centered rather than God-centered.
2. Preaching that is Timid rather than bold and courageous.
3. Preaching that evokes "strange fire" -- preaching from proud, self-serving, manipulative hearts.
4. Preaching that is self-exalting, spotlighting the preacher instead of Christ and His message.
5. Preaching that is "non-doctrinal", coming out of biblical ignorance and focusing more on "feelings" and "experiences" than on Truth.
6. Preaching that is irrelevant or focusing on minor issues and consequences rather than the fundamental and most important.
7. Preaching that is without the authority of scripture behind it.
8. Preaching that is without the power of the Holy Spirit.
9. Preaching that "Heals" superficially by dealing only with symptoms and not with root issues.
10. Preaching that is not preaching at all, but merely teaching and instructing.
FINALLY:We have now considered in this letter and the previous one, nine distinctive features of revival. True revival . . .
1. Comes according to God's Divine Sovereignty,
2. Requires Spiritual Preparation of deep extensive prayer and seeking God,
3. Can be Anticipated but usually comes with unexpected "Suddenly-ness",
4. Is not choreographed, but is frequently characterized by Holy Spontaneity,
5. Reveals an unexplainable God-consciousness,
6. Uses divinely selected anointed and appointed human beings, often virtually unknown,
7. Frequently includes supernatural indicators and manifestations of God's presence,
8. Has a divine magnetism that inexplicably draws people into its sphere,
9. Is characterized by anointed "Apostolic" preaching.Think about this: -- how can any serious Christian NOT want something like this???? Imagine what it would be like to be immersed in such an environment -- a place and moment when all anyone want is just Jesus Christ.
Wouldn't any true follower of Christ plead for such a move of God??? Is it possible that our individual hunger for revival not only reveals our hearts, but also exposes our affections to the world?
Perhaps today is another opportunity for you and me to take serious inventory of where our loyalties really are.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me, and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way." (Psalm 139:23-24)
In His Bond, By His Grace, and for His Kingdom,
Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11
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"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness,
examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." -- Dr. Luke (Acts 17:11)"A fire kept burning on the hearthstone of my heart, and I took up the burden of the day with fresh courage and hope." -- Charles F. McKoy
Life Unlimited Ministries
[email protected]Copyright April, 2023
"If Jesus had preached the same message that many ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified." -- Leonard Ravenhill
"The time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the Church will have clowns entertaining the goats." -- Charles H. Spurgeon
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Replying to "Shoulder To Shoulder" mailer gets you nowhere.--
Bob Tolliver Life Unlimited Ministries LUMglobal
SHOULDER TO SHOULDER is a weekly letter of encouragement Bob has written since 1997, covering many topics selected to
motivate people to be strong students of the Word and courageous witnesses of Jesus Christ. It is a personal letter of
encouragement to you, written solely to help "lift up hands that hang down".
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." -- Albert Einstein
“There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have -- a cheap Christianity which offends nobody,
and requires no sacrifice, which costs nothing, -- and is worth nothing.” – J. C. Ryle
Shoulder To Shoulder #1336 -- 4/3/23
Title: "Is Another Spiritual Awakening Eminent? (Part 8) -- Distinctive Features of Revival (B)"
My Dear Friend and Seeker After God:
Greetings from -- again -- a breezy and dusty Yuma, AZ. We continue enduring weather highly unusual to us. We remain some 10 degrees cooler and much winier than normal, even as we draw closer to our traditional triple-digit temperatures that are predicted for next week.
We are now more than a week past the regular end of Chapel de Oro's season, but continue enjoying fellowship with many members still in town. We don't normally link the subjects of Palm Sunday and revival together, but last week as I prepared for our informal Palm Sunday gathering in our home, it occurred to me that the raising of Lazarus from the dead -- that's what "revive" means . . . "bring back to life" -- was clearly pertinent to my concluding topic to the Chapel for the season -- "Revival: What Is It? Do I Need It?"
So, Sunday 22 of us gathered in our living room to take a look at any possible connections. In the event that you'd like to watch the video, here's the link. If you'd like a copy of the study notes, email me and I'll send a copy. Go to for the video. I'll be concluding this Sunday focusing on Easter with "Revival: Reviving the Reviver".
This week has been something of a "catch-up" week after an exceptionally busy season. Jo Ann and I are both very tired, but the intensity of the season and sharing it with a fellowship of like-minded believers has also led it to be a refreshing season. This has been particularly true since news of the Asbury Revival last February 8th has been on the minds of many of our people ever since then. Last Sunday I preached the seventh sermon on revival, and will preach an eighth one this Sunday in relation to Easter Sunday.
Today, I want to continue the series with you by covering some more of the twelve Distinctive Features of Revival. I'll do that right after you take a peek at . . .
+ Easter Sunday in Rome With Franklin Graham: Franklin Graham, Michael W. Smith, and others will present a special Resurrection message from the Colosseum in Rome on both Fox News channel as well as the BGEA website. Check out details at
+ A Congressman on Revival: Not long ago, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett made waves by claiming that the greatest need in America today was revival. Read about his comments at
+ Must See Movies: Clearly the heart and interests of Americans is turning toward spiritual things. For several year faith-based movies have gained in popularity. The series, "The Chosen" has been increasingly popular through three seasons with the fourth now in production. The "Jesus Movie" based on the Gospel of Luke is still popular, as it Mel Gibson's "The Passion". "The Coming Convergence" and "Before the Wrath" remain popular. Clearly people are looking for answers.
The two most recent movies, both of which broke box office expectations, are "Jesus Revolution" and now "His Only Son". While "Jesus Revolution" was expected to show in limited theaters for a short period of time, it is still being shown, with new theaters being added. "His Only Son" was scheduled to do the same, but when it came in third in box office sales the first week, the same is happening with it.
I've seen many well done movies on Old Testament characters, but this may be the absolute best. Abraham and Sarah become very real people characterized by all the emotions they surely must have felt as they went through the process of offering up Isaac. The ending points unashamedly and directly toward Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham that all the nations of the world would be blessed through his descendants. I urge you to see both of these films, and check out some of the others that are available on DVD, live streaming, and other outlets.
+ Christians Remain Prime Target: It's no surprise to you and me that this hostile world continues to put everything representing Christians at the top of its "hit list". Recent data bears that out, as illustrated in Thursday's "Washington Stand" by Family Research Council. Read it at . A detailed 85-page report from last December can be seen (and downloaded) at . Another report of First Amendment violation of school teachers is located at . Jewish author David Horowitz' 2021 masterpiece, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, spells it out in glaring detail.
+ Another Voice of Conviction and Courage: Bill Barker, president of Southern Wesleyan University in Central, SC, has made it clear that the school will not tolerate or teach Critical Race Theory except in light of what the Bible teaches about race. This is another bright light shining in an ever-darkening world. Go to for details.
+ Control the Words, You Control the Nation: Few people are left who deny the influence of the news media on any given culture. It is no accident that Jesus is described by John as being "The Word". In John's Gospel Jesus declares, "I am telling you the truth", more often than any other book in the New Testament. The topic of the use and abuse of the tongue is one of the most often addressed in the Bible. So, it should come as no surprise that Satan uses words to intimidate, control, defeat, and destroy. Conversely, when Jesus spoke, everything obeyed -- storms, seas, demons, . . . Should it come as any surprise, then, to discover that dictators and tyrants use and manipulate word in order to bring a people into his subjection? Look as far back in history as you wish, and you will find it to be so. Just this morning I ran across this article on Vladimir Lenin on how he controlled and used the press to gain and then maintain mastery over a people. What didn't stun or alarm me -- I'm long past that -- are the similarities to what is happening today. Go to
+ Ark of the Covenant Location: The question of the survival of the Ark of the Covenant has been around for centuries, as has also been its location if it, indeed, did survive. If its location was clearly known, Indiana Jones would be an unknown character and a major theory for the "Curse of Oak Island" TV series will go up in smoke. On the other hand, if its location is already known, then another piece of Bible prophecy has further validated the Bible's predictions of what will happen in relationship to Christ's return. According to the Temple Institute, an organization devoted to locating and/or reproducing the ancient instruments of Jewish temple worship and ritual, Jewish leaders have known for decades exactly where the Ark is located. And possible so do Islamic leaders -- hence their opposition to certain excavations within the bowels of the Temple Mount. Check out this interesting article:
+ Some Powerful Words For Today's Perils: I have known "the Elliff brothers" for decades -- Tom since 1970, and Jim and Bill lesser times. All have had a heart for revival and spiritual awakening for much of their respective ministries. Jim pastors in Kansas City and heads up Christian Communicators Worldwide, and Bill pastors Summit Church in Little Rock. All three are passionate about what has been happening recently since the Asbury University outbreak of revival last February 8th. Bill and Jim both write blogs worth reading. Last Friday's blog from Bill is a strong word for today. I encourage you to read it at .
> "When is a revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep." -- Billy Sunday
> "Sometimes God lets you be in a situation that only He can fix so that you can see that He is the One who fixes it. Rest. He's got it." -- Tony Evans
> "The coming revival must begin with a great revival of prayer. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundance of rain will first be heard. An increase of secret prayer with ministers will be the sure harbinger of blessing." -- Andrew Murray
> "We hear of prayers for Jesus to awaken His people and bring salvation to those without Him. The cry for revival to come to our nation, states, cities, and towns is coming from the north, south, east, and west. But while we cry out for revival, we cannot ignore our own lives. We must personally confess our sins to the Lord to be part of receiving His outpouring." -- John G. "Jay" Johnston (National Prayer Director and Chaplain, Family Research Council)
> "Supplication comes from a place of intrinsic desperation resulting from a broken and contrite heart." -- Robin Bertram
> "God is looking for broken men who have judged themselves in the light of the cross of Christ. When He wants anything done, He takes up men who have come to the end of themselves, whose confidence is not in themselves, but in God." -- Harry Ironside
> "Brokenness is the stripping of self-reliance and independence from God. The broken person has no confidence in his own righteousness or his own works, but he is cast in total dependence upon the grace of God working in and through him." -- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
> "The depth of our repentance will determine the depth of our revival." -- Frank Bartleman
> "Study the history of revival. God has always sent revival in the darkest days. Oh, for a mighty, sweeping revival today!" -- Adrian Rogers
> "Prayer is the burden of revival; repentance is the breakthrough of revival; evangelism is the blessing of revival; holiness is the bounty of revival." -- Steve Camp
Reports continue coming in from across America and in other countries of outbreaks of revival since the February 8th occasion at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY. Actually, for the past thirty years there have been similar outbreaks of revival, but often unnoticed or overlooked. However, for whatever reason, God chose to bring Asbury to everyone's attention. As in the past, there are many others happening as a result of what has been going on at Asbury. For example, here are three recent reports I have received in the past few days:
> Gatlinburg, TN, and Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego --
> HopeFest in California --
> Post-Covenant tragedy in Nashville, TN --
While it is virtually impossible to keep abreast of every location where revival has broken out, thus far they include Asbury University, Lee University, Samford University, Baylor University, Cedarville University, Texas A&M on multiple campuses, Oklahoma Baptist University, Louisiana State University, Regent University, Indiana Wesleyan, and numerous other college campuses. Yesterday I heard a news report that revival has broken out on at least 60 campuses across the nation that we know of. Reports emerge almost daily.
Reports have also surfaced of local church revivals breaking out in places, and it has also spread to other parts of the world including Singapore, Korea, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Germany, the Philippines, and England -- even ISRAEL.
Last month, according to GODtv, a gathering of Christians from Israel, the U.S., Ghana, and Brazil began to pray and sing in the traditional location of the Upper Room in Jerusalem (the original building is long gone, of course). Ryan Delling is a worship leader who has visited the Upper Room many times. He says that his visit last month was different from the others in that there was a far more reverent and serene atmosphere. Posting a video on social media he said, “I have been to the upper room in Jerusalem many times over the years, and I have never seen this happen. Usually, it is fairly quiet with a few group singing songs. But today, four groups were there from different nations, including Brazil, Ghana, [the] United States, and eastern Europe. Spontaneously all of these groups began praying out loud together without any music."
Jenny Weaver, founder of Core Group Mentorship, reports that her group gathers and worships in the field near the traditional Garden of Gethsemane. She recently posted on her Instagram, “For 8 days Straight we have been going place to place lifting to the name of Jesus, We’ve had persecution & people yelling at us but also people here have been touched by Jesus and saved by the gospel."
Dr. Paul Dixon, a British researcher, likens the Pandemic lock-downs to that of the Apostle Paul where, because of his imprisonment, the Gospel spread exponentially. Dixon reported that before the Pandemic only 5% of Britons attended church of any kind -- that is, some 3.5 million of all Christian denominations. However, by the following August over 19 million were watching via television and online services. He reported that one church in Sweden that averaged 50 attendees exploded to over 1,000. (See .)
In England's leading Christian news magazine, Premier Christianity, futurist Dr. Patrick Dixon stated that during the Pandemic in England, "half of of all 18-35 year olds regularly took part in some form of online faith activities and many have continued, both online and actually entering the doors of a building." Dixon is Chairman of Global Change Limited, and the author of Cyber Church, Coronavirus Will Change Your Church Forever, and The Future of (Almost) Everything.
We've known for years that, due to an exponential increase of wars and Islamic terrorism, and a massive increase in devastating earthquakes in Syria, Turkey, and other Middle Eastern countries, millions are coming to Christ as a result. Christian author Joel Rosenberg recently reported that, “More Muslims converted to faith in Jesus Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history. A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.” The "" website reported that, ". . . the 'Man in White' has been visiting thousands upon thousands in dreams and visions." It also reported that as of last November, there were more than one million Jews who were followers of Christ -- out of a total population of only 15 million Jews worldwide.
There has undoubtedly been much happening for more than a decade stirring God's people out of their lethargy into the harsh reality of life in a fallen culture -- a culture that is increasingly beginning to cry out to God, or at least to something, for help. Today I want to complete our look at the Distinctive Features of Revival as identified by Arthur Wallis in his classic, In The Day of Thy Power.
While some are claiming that national revival and spiritual awakening have begun, I think it is still premature to conclude that. In that revival seldom breaks out quickly and is almost always preceded by protracted times of soul searching and prayer, it seems to me that we are in the earliest of stages with occasional "mercy drops" falling in varied places. If that be the case, it is important that we are patient, but that we not let up in our crying out to God for rescue. Every day headlines flood the news media with increasing acts of violence, persecution of Christians, political corruption, injustice, and the abject perversion of a free Judeo-Christian society.
In assessing our current position in the sequence toward revival, we must continue discerning what is happening based on biblical truth. Using the record found in the second chapter of Acts, Wallis identified twelve distinct characteristics of biblical revival. In my last letter, among other things, we looked at the first five. They are . . .
+ 1. Divine Sovereignty
+ 2. Spiritual Preparation
+ 3. Anticipated but unexpected "Suddenly-ness"
+ 4. Holy Spontaneity
+ 5. An unexplainable God-consciousness
Picking up where I left off, Wallis then points out the following four, with my "take" on each one. I'll cover the last three in my next letter.):
+ 6. Appointed and Anointed Vessels. When God's Spirit comes in reviving presence, no instrument of worship, vessel of service, or tool of equipping is left untouched by His presence. The believer senses his life overflowing with the fullness of the Holy Spirit's presence, he senses a purpose established by the Holy Spirit's anointing, and he experiences an enduring energy sustained by the Holy Spirit's power.
Just as the vessels of sacrifice, service, and worship were rediscovered in the temple rubble and cleansed from their filthiness in Ezra's day, so it happens in the life of anyone caught in the wash of revival. Vessels are "sanctified" -- set apart from what they had become, cleansed from the sin they had accumulated, and set apart for what they were originally intended.
Unless one has experienced it for himself, it is hard to describe. The passion for revival and for the salvation of the lost goes far beyond emotional desire or energized striving. Those both wane over time and effort. When the Holy Spirit anoints the heart for revival, there is a steadiness -- a tireless and unending drawing toward God. It is like the prophet Jeremiah's "fire in my bones" drive:
9. But if I say, "I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name," then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it.
10 For I have heard the whispering of many, "Terror on every side! Denounce him; yes, let us denounce him!" All my trusted friends, watching for my fall, say: "Perhaps he will be deceived, so that we may prevail against him and take our revenge on him."
11 But the LORD is with me like a dread champion; therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, with an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten. -- Jer 20:9-11
When God prepares to do a great work, He presses it deep into the hearts of those He has chosen to be the catalysts bringing revival from personal to corporate. Of all the people in the Upper Room the day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, one of the last people you and I would have chosen would have been unpredictable and cowardly Peter. Still, he was the one anointed and appointed to lead the charge into Jerusalem's streets with the message.
+ 7. Supernatural Manifestations. When God shows up, it's no longer business as usual. And, sometimes we get uncomfortable with the way God cleans house, reintroduces His plan, and demonstrates His presence. It is highly unlikely that any revival would ever take place without the presence of miracles, signs, wonders, spiritual giftings, and the prostrate agony of convicted souls finding themselves in the very presence of God.
There is a very large part of today's Church that, for varied reasons, reject, look askance at, or shy away from the world of the supernatural -- notwithstanding the fact that the most supernatural act of their own lives too place when God forgave them, wiped away their sins, gave them eternal life, and robed them in a righteousness they could neither imagine, create, or wear -- apart from God's supernatural manifestation. Even today after nearly 77 years as a Christian, there is something inside me that wants to be skeptical whenever I hear of "signs, wonders, and miracles" -- and that's in spite of my having experienced them all throughout this long journey with Christ.
However, just as we personally saw repeatedly in the West Plains revival beginning in 1966, when revival comes, God certifies His presence in such ways. When Jesus shows up in our day, it is almost inevitable that supernatural manifestations will happen -- just as it did when He showed up during the days of the Gospels. In a sense, these divine expressions can well be somewhat of a test as to whether or not revival has truly come. If there is no evidence of God's supernatural presence and activity, one should wonder.
I do not know of a single instance -- at least from my limited research of revival and spiritual awakening -- where revival came, but without the supernatural evidence of God's presence. It happened in virtually every territorial and national revival in America, it happened in Wales, it happened in Shantung Province of China, it happened in the Hebrides, it happened in Canada, and it happened in last February's Asbury Revival and many subsequent outbreaks both on campuses, and in crusades and churches.
Why should this bother us? It should bother us when it doesn't happen. It is God's certification of His presence and His power. Even Joel himself indicated that such things would increase as we draw closer to Christ's return.
+ 8. Divine Magnetism. There is something special about Jesus that attracts people even today. Frankly, one reason many people are not attracted to church services, Bible studies, and other activities, is because Jesus simply isn't there. The reason can be found in Paul's letter to the Galatian believers. in 1:10 he raises the question about whether or not we live to please men or God, and if it's to please men, we'll fail. In 2:20, however, he shares the secret . . . "crucified with Christ . . . Christ living in me . . ." It's the difference between 110 and 220 power.
Human efforts at best get human results and at worst they totally fail. We need to be reminded that there's absolutely nothing about either you or me that will attract anybody to Jesus. The only thing that attracts people to spiritual things is the wooing and drawing presence of the Holy Spirit. I remember hearing the story of the pastor who got a Midnight phone call that his church building was on fire. Upon arrival, he found the building totally engulfed in flames.
In a moment of despair he sarcastically commented to a neighbor, "It's good to see you at church; I've never seen you here before.", to which the man said, "The church has never been on fire before." A longtime friend, the late Manley Beasley once said that when you're experiencing the living Christ, you'll have to backslide on God to keep from winning people to Christ. There is a divine magnetism of God's presence to be found in genuine revival.
Take time to examine some of the great moves of God, both past and present. What is it that draws people to Christ? What is it that caused a young Carolinian preacher to attract thousands to hear him preach in Los Angeles in the 1940's? What drew people to endure Jonathan Edwards' monotonous delivery of sermons that cut people to the heart? What is it that causes hundreds of students to inexplicably show up at prayer gatherings at Texas A&M, LSU, Baylor and other places, when it was decided by only a handful of students who used no mass publicity?
Jesus Himself explained just how powerfully He would appeal to people: "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." (Jn 12:32).
What is it that is attracting people in these current venues of revival? In virtually every situation, the testimonies indicate that there has been an unusual God consciousness where He is the center of it all -- and human personalities are minimal and unnoticed. Arthur Wallis was right --
"[Revival] is God revealing Himself to man in awful holiness and in irresistible power. It is such a manifest working of God that human personalities are overshadowed, and human programs abandoned. It is man entering into the background because God has taken the field."
+ 9. Apostolic Preaching. What, exactly, is "apostolic preaching"? The term means different things to different people. By definition, it is . Kevin Halloran, a graduate of Taylor University (BA) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MDiv) is the Project Manager for Open the Bible for Leaders, a free online training platform for Christian leaders. In a May, 2021, blog he listed six characteristics of "apostolic preaching" with which I can fully identify. Taking his six points, I've tried to add my own "spin". First, . . .
1) It is biblical. When revival comes, book reviews, denominational "tests of faith", creeds, and canned sermons disappear. Those who preach have been so touched by God that they are driven into His Word. They become keenly aware that they dare not add to nor take away from the simple truths as addressed in the Bible. You can tell whether or not the person preaching has met with God in His Word, or if he's merely parroting what he read online or in a preaching journal. Throughout the Book of Acts, and also the entire New Testament, you will find that every single occasion of preaching, each preacher spoke in complete harmony with the scriptures they had -- namely the Old Testament Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy), the historical books (Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, etc.), the poetic books (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, etc.), and the books of the prophets (Isaiah through Malachi).
2) Christ is the central figure. "Apostolic preaching" always has Jesus Christ -- His incarnation, life, teachings, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension, and return -- as the core subject. Other issues -- such as experience, spiritual gifts, baptism, etc. -- may be important and worth preaching about, but in revival occasions, they are rarely addressed. Jesus Christ remains the focus. Look at any of the sermons in the New Testament -- all are centered on Christ. Examine great revivals of the past -- Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Wesley, Duncan Campbell, Dwight Moody, etc. -- none were deterred from preaching "Christ, and Him crucified" (I Cor 2:2). Peter himself illustrated it on the Day of Pentecost -- “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ…” (Acts 2:36).
All preaching in revival should lead you directly to Christ, and not to some experience, gift, manifestation, healing, or anything else. “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).
3) It demands faith and repentance. Preachers are motivated by many things, but in times of revival, their preaching strangely shifts toward the topics of the apostles -- namely, the anguish of repentance and the message of faith-driven hope. The apostles agonized and pleaded with their listeners to believe in Jesus Christ, and repent of their sins, and live righteous holy lives. They focused on total death to "the old man" and complete newness and blameless living. The themes of God’s judgment, human guilt, and the need for repentance are echoed throughout the pages of Acts.
“And He [Christ] commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead. To Him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.” (Acts 10:42-43).
4) It is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Jesus had personally assured the apostles that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them, (Acts 1:8). Then, after they had waited as Jesus had instructed, and spent ten days in prayer, Jesus delivered on His promise. From the very first sermon, a cowardly, brash, unpredictable preacher was so impacted by recent events and the empowering of the Holy Spirit that God took an eight to ten minute sermon empowered by the Holy Spirit, and caused 3,000 men and an untold number of women and children to repent and turn to faith in Christ. That is a virtual impossibility with mere man's mediocre tactics of trying to coerce people to follow Christ.
The Holy Spirit’s power so affected the preaching of the apostles that their words were like finely sharpened swords that cut the very heart of the listeners. (Acts 2:37). As a result, many people believed. (Acts 10:44-45). Paul described God's Word as "the sword of the Spirit", the only offensive weapon in the entire arsenal of the Christian's armor. The writer of Hebrews described it a being Alive, Active, and Applicable:
"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." (Heb 4:12-13).
One of the chief characteristics of all the apostles and other believers was the same:
“…they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God…” (Acts 4:31).
5) It is bold preaching. I hadn't thought of this until today, but the idea of boldness clearly characterized the lives of the believers in Acts. At least eleven times reference is made to boldness or courage. Apostolic preaching is always bold; it never shrinks back, it never back tracks, it never apologizes, and it never evades issues. That doesn't mean it is vindictive or judgmental, but it is bold and free of compromise. This is the type of preaching that characterizes preaching during times of revival.
Such boldness is so steadfast that it thrives even more when opposed or reacted against with persecution. A case in point is when Peter and John were released from jail early after Peter's sermon on Pentecost and reported to the other believers:
"And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness." (Acts 4:31).
Let me commend to you the following examples of bold apostolic preaching: -- Acts 9:27-28; 13:46; 14:3; 18:26; 19:8;
Bold preaching does not mean brazen preaching, and often does not mean boisterous preaching. Sometimes bold preaching is done quietly, humbly, and with little or no formality. As I noted in my last letter, no sermon from the First Great Awakening was ever more boldly preached than Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", but Edwards always read from a manuscript and in a monotone voice. Yet, grown men shrieked in terror at the thought of the flames of fire snipping that tiny thread that kept them from falling into God's judgment.
Whatever the style, bold preaching inevitably fuels revival and leads to repentance, confession, contrition, restoration, forgiveness, and salvation. All of this has been characterized in almost every great revival of the past, and has clearly been evidenced in these most recent revivals taking place on at least three continents.
6) It had practical real life application. Apostolic preaching was never irrelevant and out of touch with the reality of its listeners. Apostolic preaching is known for its practical application and its pertinence to the occasion or to the people listening. Every revival takes on the characteristics and environment of the people and places of the moment. This is one reason why one dare not ever compare one revival with another one somewhere else or in some other era.
This individual uniqueness of revival in general also affected the preaching being done. Even in the limited scope of the Book of Acts and the Epistles, you see how the messages were strangely tailor-made for each occasion. Even the writers of the Gospels recorded the life and ministry of Jesus in direct relationship to their audience. Matthew portrayed Jesus as the "King" to the Jewish people. Mark presented Him as a suffering servant. Luke as a doctor focused on His lineage through Mary and presented Him as "the Great Physician". John described Jesus from above, whereas the other three Gospels view Him from man's perspective.
In similar manner, the apostles "tailored" their gospel proclamation to fit each respective group. Philip's message was tailored to the man from Ethiopia. When Peter preached, he directly addressed the disingenuous lies of the religious leaders and how those lies led to the people being deceived. Stephen presented Christ from the perspective of well-known Jewish history (Acts 7).
John preached about Jesus from his perspective of persuasion of the skeptics. Twice he used the phrase, "I write these things to you . . ." The first time, it is for Affirmation -- ". . . that you may know that Jesus is the Son of God" (Jn 20:31). The second time it is for Assurance -- ". . . that you may know you have eternal life." (I Jn 5:13). In the same way, when Paul addressed the Greek Athenians, he quoted Athenian poets and their view of deity, but then referred to that "altar of an unknown god" found in their own city. (See Acts 17).
So, this is Apostolic preaching. It is always . . .
1) Exclusively biblical,
2) Centered on Christ,
3) Calls for repentance and faith,
4) Is under the Holy Spirit's anointing and power,
5) Characterized by boldness, and
6) Relevant to the people, times, and culture.
Every great revival in history has been buoyed up by both heart-rending prayer and passionate proclamation of the Truth. And, it's not just fancy words, emotional pleading, or religious fits. It can be quiet, academic, or emotional, but it will always be characterized by a preaching that appeals for souls and not to build statistics. It will be to expose sin, not to impress people. It will be to bring correction, not condemnation. It will be to restore, not destroy. It will come from a broken heart, and not from fiery indignation. It will be preaching for repentance, and not for reformation. It will offer help and hope, and not helplessness and hopelessness.
In contrast, Richard Owen Roberts described a different type of preaching in a 1998 article entitled, "Preaching that Hinders Revival". It has been my privilege to know Richard for more than 40 years since I first read his classic, Revival, and invited him to minister to our congregation in Wisconsin.
Addressed to preachers, but no less important to everyone, he pointed out the following types of preaching that actually hinder God-sent revival:
l. Preaching that is man-centered rather than God-centered.
2. Preaching that is Timid rather than bold and courageous.
3. Preaching that evokes "strange fire" -- preaching from proud, self-serving, manipulative hearts.
4. Preaching that is self-exalting, spotlighting the preacher instead of Christ and His message.
5. Preaching that is "non-doctrinal", coming out of biblical ignorance and focusing more on "feelings" and "experiences" than on Truth.
6. Preaching that is irrelevant or focusing on minor issues and consequences rather than the fundamental and most important.
7. Preaching that is without the authority of scripture behind it.
8. Preaching that is without the power of the Holy Spirit.
9. Preaching that "Heals" superficially by dealing only with symptoms and not with root issues.
10. Preaching that is not preaching at all, but merely teaching and instructing.
We have now considered in this letter and the previous one, nine distinctive features of revival. True revival . . .
1. Comes according to God's Divine Sovereignty,
2. Requires Spiritual Preparation of deep extensive prayer and seeking God,
3. Can be Anticipated but usually comes with unexpected "Suddenly-ness",
4. Is not choreographed, but is frequently characterized by Holy Spontaneity,
5. Reveals an unexplainable God-consciousness,
6. Uses divinely selected anointed and appointed human beings, often virtually unknown,
7. Frequently includes supernatural indicators and manifestations of God's presence,
8. Has a divine magnetism that inexplicably draws people into its sphere,
9. Is characterized by anointed "Apostolic" preaching.
Think about this: -- how can any serious Christian NOT want something like this???? Imagine what it would be like to be immersed in such an environment -- a place and moment when all anyone want is just Jesus Christ.
Wouldn't any true follower of Christ plead for such a move of God??? Is it possible that our individual hunger for revival not only reveals our hearts, but also exposes our affections to the world?
Perhaps today is another opportunity for you and me to take serious inventory of where our loyalties really are.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me, and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way." (Psalm 139:23-24)
In His Bond, By His Grace, and for His Kingdom,
Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11
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"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness,
examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." -- Dr. Luke (Acts 17:11)
"A fire kept burning on the hearthstone of my heart, and I took up the burden of the day with fresh courage and hope." -- Charles F. McKoy
Life Unlimited Ministries
[email protected]
Copyright April, 2023
"If Jesus had preached the same message that many ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified." -- Leonard Ravenhill
"The time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the Church will have clowns entertaining the goats." -- Charles H. Spurgeon
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