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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Please keep Niki in your prayers. Niki continues to show signs of improvement each day. God is answering our prayers and please keep praying for Niki.
Thank You

Singing In The Rain   

    If you have never been for a walk during a warm, Summer's rain
then I highly recommend it. There is nothing quite so refreshing,
delightful, and cleansing as having Heaven's waters shower down on
you from the sky. You might want to sing a song, dance in the
puddles, and laugh at the clouds while you do it too. The rain,
after all, is just as much a part of life as the sunshine is. It is
the rain, in fact, that helps us all to grow the most.

     There is a tremendous joy you get when you can go through all
the rains of life with love in your heart and a smile in your soul.
I can remember when I used to try to make all the things in my life
go my way. It was like standing in the middle of a rainstorm and
trying to make it stop raining. These days I just smile and let it
pour. I know that there will always be problems in this life. I know
that there will always be pains. I know that there will always be
disappointments. It doesn't mean that I can't face them joyfully,
lovingly, and faithfully. It doesn't mean I can't use them to grow
better, stronger, and more at one with God.

     Stop trying to change the world around you then. Stop trying to
make it quit raining. Change yourself instead. Sing in the rain
instead. Realize that if you want joy in your soul that you will
have to choose to bring it there. Realize that if you are going to
be full of love that you will have to stop expecting it from others
and start giving it to yourself. Realize that if you truly want
happiness in your life that you will have to share that love and joy
with others while expecting nothing in return. Realize that if you
are going to ever be one with God that you need to invite Him daily
into your heart, mind, and soul.

    There will always be rain in this life. Whether we curse at it
or sing in it is up to us. Let us always sing a joyful song then in
both the sunshine and the rain.


The Richest Man In The Valley   

A rich landowner named Carl often rode around his vast estate so he
could congratulate himself on his great wealth.  One day, while
riding around his estate on his favorite horse, he saw Hans, an old
tenant farmer. Hans was sitting under a tree when Carl rode by.

Hans said, "I was just thanking God for my food."

Carl protested, "If that is all I had to eat, I wouldn't feel like
giving thanks."

Hans replied, "God has given me everything I need, and I am thankful
for it."

The old farmer added, "It is strange you should come by today
because I had a dream last night. In my dream a voice told me, 'The
richest man in the valley will die tonight.' I don't know what it
means, but I thought I ought to tell you."

Carl snorted, "Dreams are nonsense," and galloped away, but he could
not forget Hans' words: "The richest man in the valley will die

He was obviously the richest man in the valley, so he invited his
doctor to his house that evening. Carl told the doctor what Hans had

After a thorough examination, the doctor told the wealthy
landowner, "Carl, you are as strong and healthy as a horse. There is
no way you are going to die tonight."

Nevertheless, for assurance, the doctor stayed with Carl, and they
played cards through the night. The doctor left the next morning and
Carl apologized for becoming so upset over the old man's dream.

At about nine o'clock, a messenger arrived at Carl's door. "What  is
it?"  Carl demanded.

The messenger explained, "It's about old Hans.  He died last night
in his sleep."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara  

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