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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

+++ To My Friends +++
Just a few short days ago I would have had many people to send this to but for the ones I do have now please enjoy  this and remember to always love one and other and overcome problems as they come up but stay together in God's name.
I have been on the internet now for about 6 years and I have met many wonderful people!  It has been amazing to me how very close you can become to people
you probably will never meet.  I believe God gave us the internet to show us how to love people like He meant for us to love.. with our hearts and not with our eyes.   Further I believe God gives those who follow him an inner sixth sense  if we want to use it to guard against those who would use us on the internet.  I have been hurt as I am sure all my cyber buddies have by someone who turned out to be users but oh how I praise God for all the beautiful warm and loyal friendships He has brought into my life.  I have had the honor to meet several  of my cyber friends, and they are warmer and more real than many of the people in my daily life.  I think of the times cyber friends have called me long distance to check on me, or to pray with me, while  the calls locally are few and far between.  I think of the love and compassion shown between the many prayer partners, and I pray " God why can't our church families show this much love and compassion for all brothers and sisters in their church family?"  How much our churches could learn from the online prayer groups!
  I may not know what they look like but the love and friendship we have shared puts them in a group of God's specially chosen cyber friends  they can't be strangers never!
 These are thoughts I have been having  for some time now
and I would like to share them with you before life in this world gets too crazy,
and tomorrow never comes.
  I have come to realize many things since I connected to the Internet,
in that we get to meet people we never would have met  in any other way.
  We get to know these people, not by their looks or by their touch, but by
their heart and soul.
If we had met any of these people on the street, we may not have given
 them a second glance.
Or, maybe we would have looked at
them and said:
"Hey, look how fat that person is," or
"Hey look, there's a gay guy" or even
"Hey look, there's a person of color."
  We could have done this and never  have known this real person on the
inside. This is a very sad thing, because I was one of those people.
A person who would have done exactly that.
But now, I have come to meet  many people on the Internet who have
truly touched my heart in many ways.
They have made me a much better person.
Wouldn't it be something if the whole world  could be touched like this?
To get to know each other in ways they would never have thought possible?
I believe if they did, there would be no war, no homeless or hungry people.
 This also applies to the people we already know.
 Don't make assumptions. Don't be judgmental.
 And don't let pride get in the way of love.
We should stop to think how it would be tomorrow if we lost that person, and we didn't
have the chance to say we were sorry.
  So, the next time you pass someoneanyone think about this.
This person could be one of your Internet acquaintances
one of those people you would love to meet.
One of those people who have a knack for making your day, or for bringing
some warmth and friendship into your life.
One of those who've helped you along the way, and you'd like to repay the
 favor in some small way. Just turn to that person and give them a smile
a warm hello.
And soon this will catch on, and soon we all will be smiling. Because if we
don't, then the same chance tomorrow may never come.


When the day has come and gone,
and you're sitting there all alone.
Feeling angry, depressed and rejected,
wondering if your life can ever be
Needing someone to call your very own,
someone who's love and devotion is clearly
Someone to sit and talk to, who will
understand your dreams, your wishes,
and the things you would like to plan.
Someone to laugh and have fun with,
Someone to help you enjoy life just
a little bit.
Life does have it's way of dealing
low blows, Leaving you confused,
unhappy and wandering which way to go.
When all your efforts to find or recapture
happiness have been at their best, Then only
God can do the rest.
+++ If You Were  +++
If you were busy being kind, 
Before you knew it you would find 
You'd soon forget to think `twas true 
That someone was unkind to you. 
If you were busy being glad 
And cheering people who seem sad, 
Although your heart might ache a bit, 
You'd soon forget to notice it. 
If you were busy being good, 
And doing just the best you could, 
You'd not have time to blame some man 
Who's doing just the best he can. 
If you were busy being true 
To what you know you ought to do, 
You'd be so busy you'd forget 
The blunders of the folks you've met. 
If you were busy being right, 
You'd find yourself too busy quite 
To criticize your brother long, 
Because he's busy being wrong.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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