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"Son" Ripened Fruit

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

~~"Son" Ripened Fruit~~

Yesterday I read this scripture and it made me think about "Fruit" - the "Fruit" of often do we think our lips as branches of a tree bearing "Fruit" or our lives as a "Tree"? Yet God is looking for a Harvest.
Praise through Jesus is "Fruit" which blesses our Father in Heaven, as well as living "Fruitful" lives, doing good and sharing with important, as words and actions should follow through, showing we know God's Son.
"Son" ripened fruit is the best!
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~~~The Stone Cutter ~~~
There was once a stone cutter who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in life.
One day he passed a wealthy merchant's house. Through the open gateway, he saw many fine possessions and important visitors. "How powerful that merchant must be!" thought the stone cutter. He became very envious and wished that he could be like the merchant.
To his great surprise, he suddenly became the merchant, enjoying more luxuries and power than he had ever imagined, but envied and detested by those less wealthy than himself. Soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by attendants and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how wealthy, had to bow low before the procession. "How powerful that official is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a high official!"
Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered sedan chair, feared and hated by the people all around. It was a hot summer day, so the official felt very uncomfortable in the sticky sedan chair. He looked up at the sun. It shone proudly in the sky, unaffected by his presence. "How powerful the sun is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the sun!"
Then he became the sun, shining fiercely down on everyone, scorching the fields, cursed by the farmers and laborers. But a huge black cloud moved between him and the earth, so that his light could no longer shine on everything below. "How powerful that storm cloud is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a cloud!"
Then he became the cloud, flooding the fields and villages, shouted at by everyone. But soon he found that he was being pushed away by some great force, and realized that it was the wind. "How powerful it is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the wind!"
Then he became the wind, blowing tiles off the roofs of houses, uprooting trees, feared and hated by all below him. But after a while, he ran up against something that would not move, no matter how forcefully he blew against it - a huge, towering rock. "How powerful that rock is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a rock!"
Then he became the rock, more powerful than anything else on earth. But as he stood there, he heard the sound of a hammer pounding a chisel into the hard surface, and felt himself being changed. "What could be more powerful than I, the rock?" he thought.
He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stone cutter.
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Give God what's right, not what's left!
"Pray" is a four letter word that you can say anywhere.
Man's way leads to a hopeless end! God's way leads to an endless hope!
A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone!
To be almost saved is to be totally lost.
We're too blessed to be depressed.
In the sentence of life the Devil may be a comma, but DO NOT LET him be
Don't put a question mark where God put a period.
God loves everyone, but probably prefers "fruits of the spirit" over
"religious nuts"!
God grades on the cross, not the curve.
Are you wrinkled with burden? Come on into Church for a faith lift!
Prayer: Don't give God instructions, just report for duty!
Wal-Mart isn't the only saving place!
God doesn't want shares of your life; He wants controlling interest!
Don't wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.
A family altar can alter a family.
We don't change the message, the message changes us. This Church is
"Prayer Conditioned"!
When God ordains, He sustains.
WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning!
Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. Most people want
to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.
Having truth decay? Brush up on your Bible!
Exercise daily. Walk with the Lord!
Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous. Wisdom has two
parts: 1) Having a lot to say. 2) Not saying it.
Never give the devil a ride! He will always want to drive!
Watch your step carefully! Everyone else does!
A clean conscience makes a soft pillow.
Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it.
You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.
He who is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
Kindness is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.
He who angers you controls you!
Worry is the darkroom in which "negatives" are developed.
Give Satan an inch and he'll be a ruler.
For all you do, His blood's for you!
Forbidden fruits create many jams.
Be ye fishers of men. You catch them and He will clean them.
Deciding not to choose is still making a choice.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
"Read The Bible ... It Will Scare The Hell Out Of You!" If God is your
Copilot, Swap seats!
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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