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"Soul Food"

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

 "Soul Food"
I love the taste of T-bone steak,
Delicious every bite,
But there's nothing like the Word of God,
For my spiritual appetite.
The Word of God has milk and meat,
And even ice cream and cake.
Take a slice of the Bread of Life,
And coffee to keep us awake.
Open your Bible and turn to Psalms,
For David's famous buffet.
You can drink all the wine of the word you want,
And still feel fine the next day.
There's enough of the Word for everyone,
And no one has to cheat.
The Word of God is a smorgasbord,
So take all you are able to eat.
Let's have a little longsuffering,
Job gives the recipe.
Patience is the main ingredient,
Self denial is the fee.
Wrap that up in temperance,
It may not make much sense,
Cover that with contentment,
Then add some joy for strength.
Let's have love for dessert,
Jesus made this dish,
Cream of joy and peace together,
Sift out all selfishness.
Add some deeds of righteousness,
Enough to make it sweet.
Humility is the frosting,
That makes the dish complete.
Or are you on a diet,
Cause the race seems hard to run.
For a weight losing menu,
try Hebrews 12 and 1.
Are you suffering from malnutrition,
And don't know what to do?
Your spiritual growth seems hindered,
Try 1 Peter 2 and 2.
If when every time you battle,
the enemy always wins,
Try some Holy Ghost Protein,
And spiritual vitamins.
God's Word can feed millions,
And still have plenty left.
Because the Word of God is Soul Food,
Sent from the World's Greatest CHEF.

God's Boxes
I have in my hands two boxes,
Which  God gave me to hold.
He said, “Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all  your joys in the gold."
I heeded  His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my  joys and sorrows I stored,
But  though the gold became heavier each day,
The  black was as light as before.
With  curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted  to find out why,
And I  saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which my  sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed  the hole to God, and mused,
"I  wonder where my sorrows could be!"
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me."
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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