Quote from Forum Archives on April 8, 2020, 12:54 pmPosted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>
Hello, everyone!I'm writing to all four groups to be sure as many people as possible can know about this. So, if you happen to get more than one copy, you'll know why.
Feel free to pass this on to others.
1. Many of you have attended Sight And Sound productions at one of their live theaters -- Noah, Joseph, Samson, Jonah, Queen Esther, etc.
Well, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic that has temporarily shut down all their theaters, this coming Saturday they are broadcasting their latest production, "JESUS", Saturday at 1:00 PM Eastern (10:00 AM PT) on TBN television channel. You might want to include this in your Resurrection celebration.
2. Also, some time back I recommended a brand new made-for-TV series, "The Chosen" which takes the story of Jesus as impacted by a tapestry of biblical characters. Their pilot tape was called "The Shepherd" and came out a little over a year ago. I cannot say enough about the series. All this week they have been showing, free of charge, each of the eight episodes of Season One. Here is a link that will let you access the means to watch it via streaming on your iPhone, iPad, or Laptop. We would encourage you to actually purchase the DVD. It's a series you'll want to watch over and over, and share it with others. Go to https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen/posts/660163164776906 or https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen/posts/660163164776906.
It may possibly available on PureFlix or Netflix as well.
If you go to https://www.vidangel.com/show/the-chosen-a7284/season/1?category=most-popular-tv-and-movies I think you can access all episodes free, and also get apps.
3. I hope to share some Easter thoughts via video either Saturday evening or Sunday morning on Facebook. God has been putting some deep thoughts in my heart as we face an Easter like we've not faced in a very long time. Hopefully you will be able to access them.
4. We're leaving momentarily to take Jo Ann to another DCM to see if he can help her with her ongoing numbness and tingling in her arms and hands. We're almost positive the issue is a pinched nerve in the C6-C7 area of her neck. It is very similar to a situation I experienced 35 years ago. The previous treatment she got from another DCM did nothing, and the Prednosone my surgeon gave her provided temporary relief for about five or six days.
In His Bond,
Bob and Jo Ann
Pastor Bob and Jo Ann
--Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>
I'm writing to all four groups to be sure as many people as possible can know about this. So, if you happen to get more than one copy, you'll know why.
Feel free to pass this on to others.
1. Many of you have attended Sight And Sound productions at one of their live theaters -- Noah, Joseph, Samson, Jonah, Queen Esther, etc.
Well, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic that has temporarily shut down all their theaters, this coming Saturday they are broadcasting their latest production, "JESUS", Saturday at 1:00 PM Eastern (10:00 AM PT) on TBN television channel. You might want to include this in your Resurrection celebration.
2. Also, some time back I recommended a brand new made-for-TV series, "The Chosen" which takes the story of Jesus as impacted by a tapestry of biblical characters. Their pilot tape was called "The Shepherd" and came out a little over a year ago. I cannot say enough about the series. All this week they have been showing, free of charge, each of the eight episodes of Season One. Here is a link that will let you access the means to watch it via streaming on your iPhone, iPad, or Laptop. We would encourage you to actually purchase the DVD. It's a series you'll want to watch over and over, and share it with others. Go to https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen/posts/660163164776906 or https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen/posts/660163164776906.
It may possibly available on PureFlix or Netflix as well.
If you go to https://www.vidangel.com/show/the-chosen-a7284/season/1?category=most-popular-tv-and-movies I think you can access all episodes free, and also get apps.
3. I hope to share some Easter thoughts via video either Saturday evening or Sunday morning on Facebook. God has been putting some deep thoughts in my heart as we face an Easter like we've not faced in a very long time. Hopefully you will be able to access them.
4. We're leaving momentarily to take Jo Ann to another DCM to see if he can help her with her ongoing numbness and tingling in her arms and hands. We're almost positive the issue is a pinched nerve in the C6-C7 area of her neck. It is very similar to a situation I experienced 35 years ago. The previous treatment she got from another DCM did nothing, and the Prednosone my surgeon gave her provided temporary relief for about five or six days.
In His Bond,
Bob and Jo Ann
Pastor Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
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