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Special Issue Happy Grandparents Day

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>



Though they sometimes seem forgetful,
Or maybe a bit slow,
You should really try to listen
When they speak of what they know.
For if you pay attention,
Like you know you truly should,
It actually might change some things
And do a world of good!
Knowledge can be forgotten,
And sometimes even lost,
So it's up to you to save it,
No matter what the cost...
One day you'll look back
And see the wisdom that they share
Is a gift presented to you
Because of how much they care.
Take time this Grandparents' Day to spend
time with the ones you love!
(You may not always have the chance...)
"Happy Grandparents Day"
Thanks to the Grandmas
Who make us feel important
Who make us feel so special
Who teach us of generations
That old or young
We aren't so different
Thanks for the cookies
Thanks for the hugs
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the love
Thanks for the Grandmas
Always cherish their love
Thanks for the Grandpas
Who make us feel alive
Who set our minds to wonder
Who remind us of our pasts
That old or young
Our loves and aches are the same
Thanks for the fishing
Thanks for the stories
Thanks for the reminiscing
Thanks for the love
Thanks to the Grandpas
Always cherish their love
Thanks to all the Grandparents
Teaching us our histories
Teaching us to live to the fullest
And to love to the utmost
Thanks to all the Grandparents
Always cherish their love
Have a Happy Grandparents Day
Dave and Barbara

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