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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:
Jo Ann and I just received this note this afternoon from our dear friend, "M" and his wife who lead the Farsi group in the country from which we moved a year ago.  I'm sure you remember the place, and for security purposes I'll not mention it by name.
Anyhow, as you recall, "M" came to Christ in an amazing and miraculous way at age 14 in his home country, and immediately began sharing with family and friends in spite of great danger to his own life.  We met him in 2003 in the city of our ministry when he was 16 years of age, and in God's great purpose and mercy, knit his life with ours.
The end result is that, following a series of most amazing events, he and his wife, "I", became part of the second work we led in that city.  It has been an amazing thing to see how God has used the two of them to lead many to Christ from several countries, most especially from his homeland.
Last Summer his brother, who had been hostile toward "M"'s abandonment of Islam for a personal relationship with Christ, came to visit him last Summer.  "M" was amazed at the change in "H"'s life, and they have had greatly improved communication with each other since then, and after seven years of not seeing each other.
It appears that God is now working deeply in "H"'s life, and "M" is now asking that you join us in praying for "H"'s salvation and also for his success in defending his dissertation.
Please read the following request, edited for security's sake.

Dear friends,
I'm sending you this email to ask you to pray for my brother "Hamid". Some of you have met him when he came for a short visit to [country where "M" now lives]. To give you a little bit of his background: Hamid is a very educated man and that has always tried to receive God through his intellect, and not by faith. He's now in [a western European country] and is getting ready to defend his PhD thesis in Astronomy (History of Science branch) in a [national] university on coming Friday at 3 p.m.
He's been working on his thesis  for more than 4 years. But now he's facing some challenges there. One of the referees has not been very just and has been picking on his thesis. Even though other referees have been well pleased with his work, one of them more likely wants to let Hamid down on Friday. It's too late for him to do major changes in his giant thesis which is in [the western European country's] language and also includes 2 years of Mathematical calculations.
When I talked to him about 2 days ago, he asked me something truly amazing:  "Mohammad, there's something about your friends that is different about any other person I have met in my life, and I'd like to ask you and your friends to pray for me and the coming event.It's very important for me".
And I have to add, that I don't think there will be such a critical moment in Hamid's life any more. If he fails to defend his thesis well, he will be in big trouble, and if he passes this test well, a new chapter is his life starts.
Only God knows how I long for him to get saved. I've been praying for him for the past 7 years.
Now I'd like to request you to pray for him and for his Friday meeting with referees as he's going to defend his thesis.
If you felt like sending him a note and letting him know that you are praying for him, you can do that at the following email address :

Thank you for all your prayers,
Peace in Christ,

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jer 33:3)

I think you can clearly see that this is an extraordinary development and an amazing opportunity to share the love of Christ in a practical way and through great intercession.
Let's pray, and wait to hear a follow-up report after Friday.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
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Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
Note My New E-Mail Address.

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