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Spreading the Word

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There are many good bible reading plans, and I have utilized a number of them through the years.  Those who struggle with establishing a consistent habit of bible reading will find them especially helpful.  Those who have been faithfully mining the Word for years, however, may find the following suggestion valuable.


Before you open your bible, stop and ask God where He would have you read that day.  Then open to where He tells you and read until a portion of scripture "comes alive" to you.  Record what God speaks to you in a journal, along with the date and scripture reference, and read through them regularly.


Please understand; I am not implying that it's wrong to follow a reading plan.  It is most imperative that we hide God's Word in our hearts, and reading plans are highly beneficial tools in that endeavor.  Nor am I suggesting that you let the bible fall open wherever it may and pick a scripture at random to be "a word from God."  God desires to speak to His children, and He does so most often through His written Word.  He knows what is happening in your life, and He knows the place where His Word records the message He desires to give to you.


These devotionals reach a widely diverse group of people, many of whom I don't know personally, so only you can know if this is relevant for you.  But if you know the difference between an epistle and an apostle, are pretty comfortable with recognizing God's voice, and are looking for something more from your devotions, I encourage you to give it a try.  It has made a tremendous difference in my life.

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