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spring cleaning

Posted by: patricia <patricia@...>

I always feel like cleaning when spring comes. I have found if I keep some kind of a cleaning schedule I am a bit more successful at maintaining a clean organized household.
I am a clutter-bug by nature so it is easy to let things accumulate! I hate throwing away anything, but I make myself.
I have already gone through all the rooms downstairs and delcuttered. I will start upstairs next. Ugh.
We have a separate school room - even though we school all over the house. We have tons of book cases & shelves (never enough) to help keep things semi organized.
Ohh, it seems like an endless journey doesn't it?

For cleaning wood floors, use Murphy's oil soap then add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Your home will smell wonderful!


Do not be overcome by evil, but over come evil with good. -Romans 12:21