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Posted by: bhfbc <bhfbc@...>

January 19, 2003

Text: Colossians 1:15-23

The entertainment industry, family, friends, and fans of Maurice Gibb are
mourning his death. Maurice Gibb is best known for the disco music sung
by him and his brothers as the Bee Gees. Truthfully, I was no big fan of
the Bee Gees. Nevertheless, this group and their music will always stick
with me. Anytime I hear of them, or hear one of their songs, I go into
reminiscence mode.

The time that they were making it big with their recordings was also the
time that I was beginning my career in the Navy as a “candidate” in
Newport, Rhode Island. It was my summer of basic training as an officer
candidate for the two year Naval ROTC scholarship program. It was my
first real time away from home; it was my first time being exposed to
drill instructors; it was my first time being exposed to the pressures
incumbent upon one made responsible for others. So, naturally, this was a
time in my life that made a considerable impression on me.

The only source of musical entertainment available to me that summer was
my clock radio. So, with that, I got a big dose of Bee Gees music
throughout that summer. That is the reason that my mind links the two
together: their music and my officer candidate training.

One of their hit songs was “Staying Alive.” I really couldn’t tell you
anything about what the lyrics mean. I don’t know if they mean anything.
I could hum the tune for you, but you wouldn’t want that. But I did think
of the title of the song “Staying Alive” while reading some Sanctity of
Human Life information. For some in our society, even for as advanced and
as compassionate and as just as we are supposed to be, staying alive is
quite impossible.

January 22nd, this Wednesday, marks the thirtieth anniversary of the
Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision. Before that time, and after that
time, the issue of abortion has been a highly charged, highly emotional
issue in this nation’s political, cultural, and even spiritual life. In
response to the question, “what is the grassroots pro-life movement,” Dr.
James Dobson writes, “Many of us are evangelicals or Catholics whose
convictions are formed by the biblical truth that each of us is created
in the image of God and that every life - no matter how small or
seemingly insignificant - holds inestimable worth in His sight. Because
this is true, we know that the extermination of a baby in the womb - a
human life at its most helpless and vulnerable - is an act of unspeakable
evil that grieves our Creator. We have faced discouragement and
disillusionment in recent years as this same evil act has come to be
celebrated by the cultural elite as a noble and fundamental right. Our
hearts break at the realization that abortion not only kills an innocent
baby, but also maims his or her mother physically, psychologically and
spiritually. In the face of such inhumanity toward mother and child,
feelings of sadness will inevitably give way to a sense of righteous
indignation. We feel a swell of anger build in our chests when we are
reminded of the lives that have been destroyed by abortion.” (James C.
Dobson, “A Letter to the Troops,” Sanctity of Human Life Handbook,
Colorado Springs: Focus on the Family, 2002, p. 2)

The reason for such a movement, the pro-life movement, to be concerned
about the pre-born staying alive is formed, as Dr. Dobson writes, from
convictions of “the biblical truth that each of us is created in the
image of God and that every life - no matter how small or seemingly
insignificant - holds inestimable worth in His sight.” In his letter to
the Colossian church, Paul explained to them the creative powers of
Christ (v. 16): “For by him all things were created: things in heaven and
on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or
authorities; all things were created by him and for him.” Paul also
informed the Colossians here that belief means action. In the case of the
Christian faith, it means obedience to the will of God as taught and
demonstrated by the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 21: “Once you were alienated
from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.
But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to
present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation -
if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the
hope held out in the gospel.” Those who are saved by faith in Jesus
Christ are moved from their evil behavior to obedience to Christ as Lord.

When we place these Scriptures into the context of the historical period
of their writing, we find a culture that was as mixed up and divided
about the value of life as ours is today. On the one hand, the government
of the Roman Empire was probably as much a democracy as any government
had ever been. Even though they were ruled by an emperor, there was also
a representative senate. Even though territories were conquered by force,
many were allowed to continue their local rule and traditions under the
authority of Rome. There were even provisions for conquered people to
become Roman citizens.

Nevertheless, it was also a brutal time. Leaders of the Roman army did
not take much dissension from any local areas. Even threats of revolt
against Rome were searched out ruthlessly and suspected rebel leaders
were dispatched quickly. Torture was not uncommon, and innocent families
were easily caught between the cruelties of both sides. Throughout the
Empire, people of captured territories were taken into slavery. Even the
practice of dealing with unwanted children existed. The “solution” of
choice was to take and place the unwanted newborn infant in an
uninhabited area so that he or she could die of neglect and exposure.

In opposition to such a callous disregard for the sanctity of human life
stood the new small groups of Christians. Christians extended invitations
to the faith across every social barrier that existed. They made the bold
assertion that God-given life had value. They were especially attentive
to areas of their society of culture that had little recourse to justice.
Throughout the New Testament, instructions were given to care for the
“widows and orphans” because they were an especially vulnerable segment
of society. If no one actively cared for them, they would certainly
endure great suffering. More likely, they would die. It is even noted in
the histories of these early Christian churches, believers responded to
the “abortion” issues of their days by rescuing infants left to die and
taking them as their own children. (From Christ to Constantine: The Trial
and Testimony of the Early Church video series) That was probably quite a
sacrifice for many of those families to incur. But they were driven by
God’s love, their love for God, and their firm commitment to the sanctity
of human life.

All of that is history. How unfortunate it is that we fail to learn from
history. Here we are now once again immersed in a civilization that
crowns itself freer, wiser, and more compassionate than ever before in
the history of the world, yet major portions of this civilization support
an entire industry whose sole purpose is the destruction of life of the
pre-born, the most innocent, most defenseless segment of our “informed”
society. Are cultural elites really so callous that they cannot perceive
the grief God Himself endures over this wanton taking of life? Can we
really place ourselves as more civilized than the Roman world in which
Paul lived and wrote? Sadly, not really, when staying alive is such a
difficult task.

Turn to Galatians 3:1-4. Paul is not addressing here issues of physical
life and death, but I want to show you what Paul had to say in a
situation in which a church moved from the freedom found in Christ back
to the bondage of the law they were once used to: “You foolish Galatians!
Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly
portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you:
Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you
heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now
trying to attain your goal by human effort? Have you suffered so much for
nothing - if it really was for nothing?” If Paul spoke so sharply to the
Galatians for backsliding back into certain legalisms instead relying on
the promises of the Spirit, what would he have to say to a nation that
has derived so much from the blessings of God, yet has turned its back on
the cries of the pre-born slaughtered on the altar of a “woman’s right to
choose?” We should shudder to think what an apostle like Paul would say.

How do we proceed from here, then? First, continue in faithfulness to
God. All the apostles would encourage us in that. We cannot hope to
change the world for Christ if we cannot be changed by Christ. We cannot
expect a world outside of Christ to be faithful to God’s Word if we who
are in Christ fail to be faithful to God’s Word. Regardless of what the
world proclaims, Christians everywhere remain faithful to God.

Second, we must strive to be informed citizens of both God’s Kingdom and
of our world. We must strive to know not only spiritual truths, but also
the philosophies of those who oppose the Kingdom of God. Why would we
commit ourselves to such work? Because to make an impact on another
person or group, we must know what their issues are so that we can make
informed, meaningful responses. Christians have used the phrase “Jesus is
the answer” for a long time now. The problem is, the people to whom we
witness don’t even know what the questions are. Likewise, we have to ask
ourselves, “what are the questions? What are the questions that our
secular family members, friends, and neighbors struggling with?” If none
of us know the question, it does little good to give an answer. This is
why Christians have to work to stay informed about both sides of the
fence, both spiritual and secular.

For instance, one of the arguments for abortion you have surely heard is
that “even if it is illegal, women are going to seek abortions anyway.
Legalized abortions, then, protect women - especially pregnant teens - by
ensuring that the abortion clinics provide sterile rooms staffed with
trained, experienced, equipped, and knowledgeable medical personnel.
Outlawing abortions will only drive these vulnerable women to the
unsanitary, dangerous, back-alley kinds of places that used to exist.
They will be at the mercy of some untrained hack performing abortions for
an expensive, illegal buck.” So, following such a line of thought leaves
the often undiscerning public with the perception that legalized
abortions are safe and healthy for the woman or teen making that choice.
And, therefore, all is right with the world, so why do those “evil”
pro-life people want to submit young women and teens to such horrors?

Well, when we are informed on the issues, we can let others know that all
is not right with the world. Consider this: “Lou Anne Herron, 33, died
April 14, 1998 in Phoenix, AZ. Abortion clinic employees told police
Herron suffered in a recovery room for three hours after an abortion,
bleeding heavily and complaining of numbness. Employees say abortion
provider John Biskind left the clinic while Herron was in distress. An
employee called for emergency assistance; but by the time help arrived,
Herron had bled to death due to a perforated uterus. In May 2001, Biskind
was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to five years in prison in
connection with Herron’s death.” (Sanctity of Human Life Handbook,
Colorado Springs: Focus on the Family, 2002, p. 36) The handbook I have,
published by Focus on the Family, documents other tragic deaths caused by
abortion procedures. Yet those who advocate abortions leave this
unpleasant truth out of their arguments. Additionally, valid studies are
also demonstrating the reality of post-abortion trauma that effects women
both physically and psychologically. Everyone in the abortion debate in
this nation needs to know about these kinds of information and studies.
This handbook contains numerous facts about abortion and abortion-related
issues. I have only one, but it is available to anyone who wants to check
it out. I’m certain we can get more, if needed.

Third, remember to reflect upon the sanctity of human life this week. The
insert in this morning’s bulletin contains a tear away bookmark that you
can keep in a prominent location. Follow the prayer suggestions daily
this week. Monday is simple and straightforward: “Pray for an end to
abortion in America.” Read the recommended Scriptures for each day. Next
week, we will have another bulletin insert published by Indiana Right to
Life. It will include further suggestions that Christians can use to help
make an impact on bringing God’s message of life to a culture marked by

“Staying Alive.” Well, I think there’s more to that than just a song that
was once popular almost three decades ago. For literally hundreds of
thousands of pre-born boys and girls, staying alive is something they
will never have an opportunity to do because someone else took that
decision away from them. They will never have the opportunity to hum a
pop-tune or to experience in this life the thrill of singing to God a
song of praise like “The Mighty One of Israel.” Just as in the days of
the early Christian Church, many times the only ones standing between a
society bent toward its own destruction and the most defenseless,
helpless, vulnerable members of that society are Christians seriously
committed to the sanctity of human life. “For by him all things were
created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether
thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by
him and for him.”

Rev. Charles A. Layne, pastor, First Baptist Church, Bunker Hill, IN

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