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Staying with AOL - changed my mind - Very Sorry 🙁

Posted by: AcesThumpBass <AcesThumpBass@...>

Okay, I tried to get with the Earthlink thing. I have been trying all day long. AOL just works better for me - I can get my mail at anytime from anywhere and AOL automatically compresses any files that I receive - I don't have to worry about waiting for them to download upon arrival. I was also having a problem being in sync with my lap top. Using my lap top, I could not retrieve my Earthlink address book, mail etc..

All of that being said. I am sticking with my old AOL Account, please disregard my message about switching to earthlink. America Wrongline just works better for my needs. Please forgive me those of you that have switched to the Earthlink address.


Alan Ace Cooper