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Steps to the Decay of a Nation

Posted by: al <al@...>

10 STEPS TO THE DECAY OF A NATION (This is also true of a church)

Isaiah 3:1-24

  1. Removal of great leadership (vs. 1-3). 
  2. Elevation of incompetent leaders (v. 4). 
  3. Selfishness (v. 5a). 
  4. Disrespect of elders (v. 5b). 
  5. Affluent people neglect their civil duties (vs. 6-7). 
  6. Opposition to God (v. 8). 
  7. Flagrant immorality (vs. 9-11).
  8. Loss of strong masculine leadership (vs. 12, 25; 4:1). 
  9. Social injustice (vs. 14-15). 
  10. Emphasis on a woman's physical beauty and outward adornments over inner beauty (vs. 16-24). 

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