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Posted by: thpines <thpines@...>

Oh help! I think I found a great stove, but I would really appreciate
someone's help in telling me more about it if you know anything about old
I have wanted an old cookstove forever!!! Well, today I found one in the
paper that sounded good. Tell me what you think...
1915 Universal wood/gas stove with bread warmer, thermometer in the middle
of the door, 4 burner, $450.
My question is (so I don't look to dumb tomorrow) does anyone have or know
of how a gas/wood stove works? Is it usually just burners are gas and the
stove is wood, or do you convert it to the heating that you want to cook
with? KWIM? Would it be possible to use it safely as a heat source for my
small home? I don't know values when it comes to old things, especially
antiques, I just know what I like when I see it. Any info would be great.

Heather Mc
< < <
I'd rather be pruned branch (Jn 15:2)
than a dead fig! (Mt