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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by Karen Burgin.

{The below happenings have all occurred in the space of about one
month. There is a link to a MAP of it all at the end. The below list
is compiled by Karen Burgin}-

"Ponder all this for a moment..."

Several hundred dead birds fell from the sky in TX

Thousands of birds fell from the sky in central ARK

500 birds fell from the sky in Louisiana

100's more birds fell from the sky in KY

2 MILLION  fish have washed ashore in the Chesapeake Bay Area

100,000 fish lie dead in the Arkansas River...covering 20 linear miles. 
99% of the fish are only one kind called Drum fish.

100 TONS of fish dead in the waters off of Parana`, Argentina

TENS of THOUSANDS of dead birds fell to the ground in Manitoba, Canada.

40,000 crabs are washed ashore in the UK... Jan 6.

10,000 ANTELOPE lie dead in Kazakhstan... these 10,000 represent
1/4 of the total global population of this animal.

The BEES are dying out in unprecedented numbers...

On Fox News it spoke of 8,000 Doves that fell over the skies of
Italy, and all had strange blue markings on their beaks.

In Sweden, a mere 100 birds fell to the ground... Jackdaw Crows.

And earthquakes are a dime a dozen over the period of just a month:
Dec. 2... 6.9 earthquake in New Guinea

Dec. 17... 7.2 earthquake on the CA//Mexico border

Dec. 20... 5.6 earthquake in El Salvador

Dec. 21... 6.2 earthquake in Sumatra

Dec. 21... 7.4 earthquake in Japan

Dec. 25... 7.6 earthquake in Fiji

Jan 5....... 6.6 earthquake in Vanuatu in the South Pacific. 
10 minutes later, there was another quake that registered 5.5

Jan 2......7.1 earthquake in Chile

Causes for these happenings?... -Toxins?.. Colder weather?..
Disease?.. Fireworks?... Hail?.. Thunderstorms?... End Times...?  

...but all I"M  going to say is:  Get right with God!............
"For your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28).. - Karen Burgin.
-For a MAP of the animal deaths, or to make a Comment, please
go to the website below-

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