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Sunday AM message

Posted by: pastormike <pastormike@...>

This is my message for Sunday AM. I gleaned alot from Jim McCullen's sermon "Seeing Ourselves in the Good Samaritan Story".
The slides in the intro are of
1. Punk Rocker w/ a pink mohawk
2. Yuppie family in front of a BMW
3. Stereotypical redneck (beer belly,  dirty t shirt holding a beer)
4. Gothic teens
The testimony is of a woman who has been free from gambling addiction for 6 months on Sunday.
The last song and slides are "What if there an angel" and pictures of homeless, battered women, poverty around the globe, prostitutes, and children in chemotherapy.

Neighbors…next door?

Text: Luke 10:30-36; Matthew 25: 31-46

FSBC – Cornville  6/2/02 AM


How many people here today have lived in the Verde Valley all their lives? Not many. We have so many new people moving in here. What do you want your new neighbors to look like?


What kind of neighbor would you like to have? What kind of neighbor does your neighbors want to have? And are our neighbors only the folks next door?

 As we look at the parable of the Good Samaritan this morning, and I know most of you know this well, I want you to look and see ourselves in this teaching.

Will you look in your Bibles this morning at Luke 10: 30-36. It is page # in the pew Bibles. Or you can read it in the insert this morning. Read along with me would you.



 I.                    We can be seen as takers (v.30)

A.    Takers think only of their own wants and needs

1.      You can spot them at a restaurant

2.      You can spot them in the grocery store

B.     Takers are almost always negative people

1.      Nothing positive – always thinking of themselves

2.      They never enjoy anyone else getting something nicer then them

a.       “Nobody ever did that for me”

C.    Takers are thieves (or free loaders)

1.      In this parable the thief robbed this man of what he had

2.      Takers will try and rob you of your joy, peace, relationships, etc.

3.      The lottery and gambling people are takers. Your chance of winning is 1 in 55 million or equal to drowning in your own bath water.

D.    Takers put others in bondage

1.      Trying to bring others down with them

E.     We can have freedom from takers

1.      Isaiah 40: 31a – soar over the takers by waiting on the Lord

2.      Cindy’s testimony

 II.                 Some people are keepers (v.31-32)

A.    Keepers think primarily of their wants and needs

1.      I don’t have time to help

2.      I don’t have the resources to help

3.      I don’t have the abilities to help

4.      If those are your excuses then I don’t want to hear it!

B.     Keepers are more interested in Religion then in Christianity

1.      They have rituals to keep and rules to obey

2.      They have chosen to not get their hands dirty with someone in need

a.       “I don’t want to be involved with THOSE kind of people”

C.    If this is you…then follow Jesus to the sinners of this world and sit with them in the dirt

1.      Jesus ministry is to the lost, the ones who don’t know the way, or are stopped along the way

2.      Just a baseball coach urges the players to get around the bases to get home…we are to coach others home to Jesus.

3.      Don’t be a keeper…


III.               Be seen as a Giver (v. 33-35)

A.    A giver sees the needs around them

1.      A giver seeks to show people Jesus by the little things and the big things everyday

2.      A giver doesn’t say, “We can’t”…

3.      A giver says, “How can I?” “What can I do?”

4.      Even if it’s the small things, you’ll never know how much you touched someone’s life

Illustration – boy in school about to commit suicide

B.     A giver fills the needs

Matt. 25: 31-46

C.    A giver shows God’s saving grace


1.      Hebrews 13:2

D.    A giver gives glory to God because he follows Him


We are to be givers but also we are to be…


 IV.              We are to be life savers

A.    Jesus was a life saver

1.      He has given you an opportunity to be saved

a.       Eternal life

b.      Internal change

B.     We can be also

1.      Follow Jesus and you will be eternally His

2.      We do this by an internal change of heart



What will you be? A taker – just taking the lifesaver? A keeper – just keeping it for yourself? Or will you be a giver? Giving the eternal life saving knowledge of Jesus Christ away to someone today? I am giving you the opportunity this morning to come and accept the eternal life saver – accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior – maybe for the first time today? Has He done a change in your heart? We want to know today? I am also giving you an opportunity to break away from being just a taker or a keeper and recommitting your life to Jesus and becoming a giver. Maybe a deeper walk with Him? You can do that this morning. Or maybe you feel the Holy Spirit has led you to make your commitment to Jesus public by following Him in believer’s baptism. I am giving you the opportunity today – it’s all I can do. The rest is up to you and God Himself. Will you make a commitment to Him today? I am going to lead you in a simple prayer to ask Jesus into your heart this morning or to rededicate your life to Him – after I pray we will sing together – if you have made a decision for Jesus today will you tell us on the decision card in your bulletin and put it in the offering plate. Will you pray with me now?