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Supporting the man of God

Posted by: thepreacherman <thepreacherman@...>

I ordained a minister some years ago and he began to pay his tithes to me.
Man I really felt guilty about receiving them. I told him that he did not
have to pay his tithes to me ,but he could tithe to the church if he choose
to. Of course he said that this is what the Lord was instructing him to do,
so I accepted them but not comfortably.

I had been praying to the Lord with the question, " Why are the people
paying tithes and giving in the offerings and yet they are still struggling
financially?" Well I attended the 21st Century Ministry Conference on last
week and the Lord gave me the answer.The reason I could accept the teaching
that Dr. Dale Allison taught on Biblical Order was because someone else had
already sown that seed in me  and I had been in prayer concerning the
matter, therefore when I heard his teachings, it was just water on a seed
that was already planted.

This may sound strange to some.Yet, some will accept it and apply it, but
there are others who will not believe or accept it. Nevertheless, the truth
is not based on whether we accept it or not.The truth is the truth simply
because it's God's Word. Sometimes we hear certain truths that we are not
accustom to hearing or even understand the principle of that truth, when we
do, we are so quick to right it off as being wrong or not accepting it to
mean what it really means. However, if we enter into the Scripture and
prayer with an opened heart and mind, the Lord can and will speak to us
concering the matter,but if we've already made up our minds that we are not
going to accept that truth, then there isn't much anyone can do.

 The Apostle Paul knew that this day would come because he dealt with it in
his day, i.e. the day when tithes and offerings would become an issue in the
church. It shouldn't be because the Scripture were given as a guideline to
aide us.
Paul said in 1 Tim. 5:17-18 Let the elders who "rule well" be counted worthy
of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine. For the
scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn.
And the laborer is worthy of his reward.

First I believe that the "elder" must be in charge, I believe that he must
be functioning as a pastor and not a preacher who has a position in the
church. He must be also feeding the flock of God what they need and not what
they want. The word "rule"( proistemi) is a general word meaning to oversee,
supervise, and look after.

And secondly, I believe that his walk must match his message. The person who
rules well must be the person who have given himself or herself to the
services of seeking the Lord to get fresh manner from on high as well as
supervising the business affairs  of the church. This elder is worthy of
double honor.

"Honor" (time) means more than just esteem and respect. It means to pay and
bestow what is due. A minister is due an honorarium; he should be paid for
his diligent study and preparation for a sermon or lesson taught, if he
performs his duty well and labor in preparational work. Those who study know
the hours and days it take to prepare for preaching or teaching, not to
mention revival or conference. If you think that he's only worth $.50, then
give him $1.00. Double pay means adequate, amble, sufficient,and generous
financial support.

There's another thing I would like to add to the elder who rules well, "He
has temperance, he's not greedy, he knows when to stop or say no. He will
not strip a church of all its means of survival."

So Paul used the ox as an example. The pastor that rules well should not be
put on a salary.

And at the same token Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:1-14 that those who work
for the ministry should be supported by the ministry. Read the chapter,
because I'm not a typist I'll just type certain verses to make my point.

As you all know there were those in the Corinthian church who did not like
Paul or his message, so they were out to destroy his character. That is what
lies behind the message of this chapter. Some had claimed that Paul was not
truly an apostle, and others had claimed that he was living off of church
funds. In defense Paul says to the Corinthians, no matter what's being said
ye are my proof, many of you were saved through my ministry.

Paul used the word "power" (exoosia), throughout this passage it means
authority or right.

In verse 5, he ask the question although we know he was not married at this
time, " Do we not have the right to have traveling with us a sister?" i.e. a
Christian woman, most likely a female deacon, i.e. a deaconess but not a
male deacon's wife as we have been misled to believe.Can we not have a wife,
that is, to care for and provide for them as Peter and the other Apostles
are doing?

In verse 6, Paul and Barnabas had been working to support themselves and
Paul wanted to know, do we not have the right to be supported by the church
as  the others are?

Paul asked a questions in verse 7, using the  soldier, farmer and shepherd
as examples: what soldier goes to war at his own expense? What farmer plants
his own vineyard and does not eat of the fruit? What shepherd  feeds a flock
and does not eat of the milk of the flock?

The pastor and his family have to eat and be clothe, therefore it is the
churches responsibility to see to it that he is  able to provide for his
family. It's dangerous enough talking about caring for the pastor, but the
church is suppose to care for the wife as well.

In verse 8 Paul says although I am speaking as a man and gave human
illustrations in verse 7, it is not necessary because the Scripture backs up
what I say, verse 9= (Deut.25:4).

Verse 10 is very interesting because the Lord knew that this would be an
issue this very day and time, so He inspires Paul to write it here for those
who labor in the ministry. Yes we do work for and depend on the Lord for our
provision. It is our hope that He provide for us. Although He do use the
church to provide for us, we don't want to fall into the same category as
the priesthood did and stop serving because the people wasn't doing what
they were suppose to be doing.

Verse 11 is a question that shouldn't have to be asked, "If we have sown
unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing that we shall reap your
carnal things?"

 Neither should we have to pomp and prier people to give and support those
who rule well. Selfishness is the reason why people don't give as they
should. Tithing and offerings should be given because we are thankful for
what the Lord has already done. We should give out of a heart of
thankfulness and servanthood  and not give  out of an obligation or
servitude. Another reason people don't give and support the man of God as
they should is because they don't value their souls. If their spiritual man
was as valuable to them as their flesh was they would support the preacher just like
they support their clothing designers and grocery suppliers etc.

Paul's question was if  we have ministered in to your spirit spiritual
things is it so hard for you to support us financially.

Verse 13    Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live
of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers
with the altar?

Verse 14    Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel
should live of the gospel.

If these verses had been taught years ago, we probably wouldn't be having
such a hard time getting people to receive them now. However, the subject is
in the Word of God and the only way the people will be convicted in this
area is that they must be taught.

The pastor has the right to be the first person supported by the church.
There's a difference between supporting someone and paying  someone. The
support of the pastor is not to be abused by the church or the pastor.

Verse 15 lets us know that a minister has aright to receive wages or not,
it's his choice.

The Lord Himself has ordained that the preacher or pastor live of, "or
rather live by the support of them who receive the gospel. "This is the
supreme authority, the Lord Himself demanded it; if  a man preaches the
gospel, he is to live of the gospel, (1 Cor. 9:14).

May the Lord bless you as you continue in the right direction,

thepreacherman, Pastor Richard Magby

Spread the Word Ministries

PS     Why was the tithe brought to the storehouse?
          Why was there a need for meat in the storehouse?