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Survey form many of you asked for

Posted by: abundant <abundant@...>

Again - I did not author this - I think Barry Davis did.

Church Ministry Needs Survey

Note: The following questions are asked to determine how we might better minister to the needs of the congregation and the community. Please do not write your name on this form.

Below please circle the number or letter that most closely represents your personal opinion & feeling about the following statements:

1.        I feel the potential for the growth of my church is:

Poor 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Unlimited

2.        I find worship services in my church are:

Dull & Uninteresting 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Most Inspiring

3.        I find the Christian Education Program in my church is:

Not helpful 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Superbly meeting needs

4.        I feel that there are specific people in my church who are regularly encouraging me, genuinely concerned & supportively involved in my life:

No one seems to care 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 I feel really loved

5.        I find the program(s) for reaching the unchurched in our community and bringing them into my church to be:

Non-existent 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Very Successful

6.        For me, most church activities are:

Burdensome 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Truly Satisfying

7.        When I realistically evaluate my own Christian life, I’d have to say:

I have major doubts 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 I’m very satisfied

8.        When it comes to sharing my Christian faith with others:

I’m a total failure 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 I love doing it regularly


9.        If given the opportunity to participate in training for some kind of outreach ministry through my church I would:

Avoid it at all cost 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Love to be involved

10.     I feel that the atmosphere at our church is:

a.   Cool b. Lukewarm c. Warm d. Very Warm & Friendly

11.     If I had a serious problem, I believe help would be:

a.      Unavailable b. Difficult to get c. Available d. Immediately available

12.     I think the number of revivals we have per year should be:

a.   One b. Two c. Three

13.     I believe our Sunday morning worship services are:

a.   Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e. Excellent

14.     I believe our Sunday evening services are:

a.   Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e. Excellent

15.     I believe our Wednesday night adult services are:

a.   Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e. Excellent

16.     I believe our youth programs are:

a.   Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e. Excellent

17.     I believe our music for worship services is:

a.   Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e. Excellent

18.     If we had small group home Bible studies in place of the mid-week services I would:

a.   Attend regularly b. Attend occasionally c. Not attend

The following questions are designed for an open-ended response on your part. Please answer as fully as possible so that we might better understand your needs.

1.   What would you like to see offered or done at our church that is not presently a part of the program?

2.   What subjects and/or Bible texts would you like to hear preaching on?

3.   Do you think anything should be eliminated from the present program? If so, what?

4.   The thing(s) I like most about our church is (are):

5.   The thing(s) I like least about our church is (are):

6.   From my observation, I would say that the main reason(s) people have left our church in the past has (have) been:


7.    I think new members would be attracted to our church if:

8.   What do you think the major goals for our church should be this year?

9.   What do you think the major goals for our church should be for the next five  years?

10. What other suggestions do you have for improvement of our church program?

11.  What improvements do you think are needed concerning our church building?

Please circle the letters that correspond to you personally on the following questions. Please do not write your name.

1. I am a:        a. Male           b. Female

2. I have been a member of this church:

a.   Less than a year         b. 1 to 2 years        c. 3 to 4 years      d. 5 or more years e. Not presently a member

3. I am:    a. Married     b. Single     c. Divorced    d. Widowed

4. I have children in the following age brackets:

a.   0-2 years     b. 3-5 years     c. 6-8 years     d. 9-12 years     e. 13-15 years        f. 16-18 years

5. I attend Sunday Morning service:    a. Regularly    b. Occasionally   c. Seldom

5b. If you chose something other than Regularly could you please tell us why?


6. I attend Sunday Evening service:   a: Regularly   b. Occasionally   c. Seldom

6b. If you chose something other than Regularly could you please tell us why?



7. I attend Wednesday Evening service:   a. Regularly   b. Occasionally   c. Seldom

7b. If you chose something other than Regularly could you please tell us why?


8. I attend Sunday School:    a. Regularly    b. Occasionally    c. Seldom

8b. If you chose something other than Regularly could you please tell us why?


Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. This is valuable information that will help us to determine how we might better serve you, our community, and most importantly, our Lord.